⠀If you need a sore throat in a hurry and don't have time, save this ancient recipe:
If you need a sore throat in a hurry and don't have time,
save this ancient recipe: 🌿 RECIPE✔️ For a cup of water, take half a cup of cumin seeds. Put on the stove and boil on low heat for 15 minutes, stirring occasionally. You should get a viscous, resembling coffee grounds, mass.
✔️ It should be strained, broken with a quarter cup of water and again bring to a boil. The medicine is ready. Drink every 30 minutes a tablespoon.
✔️ Already after 2 hours it becomes easier to swallow. After four, the pain is completely gone!
This is usually enough to get better. In advanced cases, it can be repeated. But look at the reaction of the body, start with the minimum!
❗️ Do not forget to consult your doctor, there are contraindications and allergic reactions! RECIPE
✔️ For a cup of water, take half a cup of cumin seeds. Put on the stove and boil on low heat for 15 minutes, stirring occasionally. You should get a viscous, resembling coffee grounds, mass.
✔️ It should be strained, broken with a quarter cup of water and again bring to a boil. The medicine is ready. Drink every 30 minutes a tablespoon.
✔️ Already after 2 hours it becomes easier to swallow. After four, the pain is completely gone!
This is usually enough to get better. In advanced cases, it can be repeated. But look at the reaction of the body, start with the minimum!
❗️ Do not forget to consult your doctor, there are contraindications and allergic reactions!
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