God Wins! (Original)

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Репост из: Julian Assange
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Former FBI agent, John D'Souza, explains who Barack Obama really is.

Barry Soetoro was an asset for many intelligence agencies at the same time before being installed as the President of the United States.

Julian Assange

Репост из: CaptKyle Patriots Ⓡ 🍊
Lots of people stepping down in the last 24 hours since Diddy's arrest 🧐

Репост из: W.H.Grampa
This whole thing is not a distraction from Sunday’s assassination attempt on President Trump...

Diddy is the reason why they’re trying to assassinate Trump ..

This is a Trump card....


Репост из: W.H.Grampa
No Statute of Limitations on RICO ....

We are going to bring the whole thing down...


Репост из: W.H.Grampa
Both individuals involved in President Trump's assassination attempts were ActBlue donors...

Both of them were also in Blackrock commercials ...


Репост из: Police frequency
In Gaza, we have witnessed the sophistication of Hamas, which concerns the digging of tunnels. Now we are hearing they may be doing so much closer to home, American Thinker reports.

Given the porous situation at our southern border, if Hamas decides to undertake such an operation hear, the death toll could be exponentially higher than what happened last year in Israel.


Репост из: BRICS News
Donald Trump says Russia and China are not enemies, and the United States will get along great with them if he is elected president.


Репост из: BRICS News
JUST IN: 🇾🇪 Elon Musk's Starlink satellite internet is now available in Yemen.


Репост из: John F. Kennedy Jr.
URGENT! MILITARY INTEL: Military GESARA, EBS, Martial Law, Deep State and the White Hats at War

BREAKING: The Deep State’s reign of global control is crumbling! Military GESARA, the Emergency Broadcast System, and Trump’s White Hats are engaged in an all-out assault on the elite cabal that has manipulated governments, media, and economies for generations. The time for freedom is here! The elites’ secrets will be exposed, and humanity will be set free from their grip.

We are on the edge of a global blackout, the Emergency Broadcast System (EBS), where communication will cease for ten days. The Deep State’s control over everything—media, banking, and even your thoughts—will be shattered. It’s not a conspiracy theory, it’s the reality we’ve been waiting for! The White Hats will take over the airwaves, broadcasting three explosive documentaries over every channel. For the first time, the truth about the crimes of the elites will be revealed. This is war, and we won’t back down!

For years, the Deep State has deceived and controlled the world, from your finances to the information you consume. They’ve built their power on lies, manipulating every facet of society. Now, the system they created to enslave us will be destroyed. Their control over global finance, especially through the Federal Reserve, has kept you in chains. This private cabal controls a staggering 98% of central banks worldwide—think about that for a second.

They have rigged elections, created false narratives, and orchestrated events like 9/11 to secure their empire. The very day that the Human Equality Act was supposed to liberate us, the Twin Towers fell, and the evidence vanished in the wreckage. The patterns are too clear to deny—this is a calculated assault on humanity.

But the Deep State never anticipated a man like Trump. He was never supposed to win in 2016. They rigged the system against him, yet he triumphed. Now, he and the White Hats are fighting tooth and nail to tear down the Deep State’s empire. But they knew Trump was a threat, and that’s why they rigged the 2020 election. They couldn’t allow him to finish what he started—erasing the Federal Reserve debt and freeing us from financial enslavement.

The fight isn’t over. The White Hats continue their mission, preparing to restore Trump to his rightful place. Their days are numbered, and we, the patriots, are the ones who will see the dawn of freedom.

Stay vigilant. The storm is coming and we’re closer than ever to victory. Share this with everyone. The truth must spread like wildfire. The world is waking up, and we will WIN!

Join now, while it's not too late:

Felt I would share this came on my signal account
I haven’t received anything from this account in over a year.
Later on the thread it say’s between now and the second.

Репост из: Midnight Rider Channel 🇺🇸
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Damn Diddy in Deep!

Репост из: John F. Kennedy Jr.
Warning! Bill Gates is Engineering a World of Subjugation—Digital IDs, Vaccine Mandates, and Total Surveillance Exposed!

Bill Gates is not just a tech billionaire—he’s the puppet master pulling the strings behind today’s most disturbing global agendas. The truth is far more sinister than you can imagine. Gates is architecting a new world order where he dictates what you think, say, and do.

His push to control free speech is only the beginning. Under the guise of stopping "misinformation" and "violence incitement," he’s silencing anyone who dares to challenge his agenda. Gates doesn’t care about public safety; he’s focused on controlling the narrative and securing his empire.

This isn’t just talk. Gates is deeply invested in forcing vaccines on the global population, pushing digital IDs and eroding individual freedoms. His investments in the pharmaceutical industry ensure he profits from every vaccine mandate and booster shot, and you pay the price with your freedom.

Gates’ agenda extends far beyond health. He’s spearheading the creation of a digital surveillance state with his ID2020 initiative. Imagine a future where every online search, transaction, and social media post is monitored, all controlled by Gates. This isn’t a conspiracy theory—it’s happening right now.

His ties to the World Economic Forum and the Great Reset are well-documented. Gates is part of a global elite pushing for a society where freedom is conditional, and if you step out of line, you lose it.

Gates’ influence doesn’t stop there. He’s poured over $300 million into media outlets like NPR, PBS, and The Guardian, turning them into propaganda machines to downplay vaccine injuries and attack those who question his narrative. This isn’t about journalism—it’s about manipulation on a massive scale.

And Gates’ disturbing track record with vaccines proves his intentions aren’t about saving lives. From the polio vaccine disaster in India to the unethical HPV vaccine trials in Africa, Gates has consistently used vulnerable populations as test subjects for his grand experiments.

He’s also bankrolling geoengineering projects to manipulate the weather, and don’t forget his strategic move to become the largest private owner of farmland in America. Gates is positioning himself to control the food supply, pushing lab-grown meat and genetically modified crops under his control.

Even darker are Gates’ connections to Jeffrey Epstein, who ran a global blackmail operation involving the world’s most powerful. Gates met with Epstein numerous times, long after his conviction. These were not innocent meetings—they were alliances with a man embedded in the elite network Gates is part of.

Gates is not just a threat to free speech—he’s a threat to freedom itself. His plan for a global takeover is unfolding right now, and if we don’t act, we’re handing over our lives to a man who believes he knows what’s best for all of us. This is not a warning—it’s a wake-up call.

Join now, while it's not too late:

Репост из: Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
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Репост из: Red.Pill.Pharmacist
Unfortunate food for thought.


Репост из: [QR] [Crumbs] [8Bakes] [Covfefe]
Hundreds of Hezbollah fighters are wounded when their PAGERS explode, sparking panic across Beirut, with sources blaming Israel
Thousands of Hezbollah fighters are wounded when their PAGERS explode
The shocking incident, which saw scores of Hezbollah members and civilians severely injured throughout southern Lebanon, constitutes the largest intelligence breach in the group's history

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