Let's talk English

Гео и язык канала: Весь мир, Английский
Категория: Лингвистика

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Гео и язык канала
Весь мир, Английский
Фильтр публикаций


آشنایی با #پیشوندها و #پسوندها در انگلیسی

🍁 پیشوند "co و ex"

🅰  کلمه ی "co" به معنای "با_هم ، مشترکا ، مختلط " میباشد و قبل از اسم بکار میرود و اگر اسم صفت داشت قبل از صفت می آید.

⏬ مثال:

🔻 co educational class
✅  کلاس درس
مختلط"دختر و پسر باهم "

🔻 co-worker
✅ همکار

🔻 co-pilot
✅ کمک خلبان

🅱 کلمه بعدی" ex" میباشد که به معنای "قبل، پیش" میباشد و هم معنای "previous" نیز است. قبل از اسم بکار میرود و اگر اسم صفت داشت قبل از صفت می آید.

⏬ مثال:

🔻 ex-semester
✅ ترم قبل
🔻 ex-class
✅ کلاس قبل
🔻 ex-wife
✅ همسر پیشین
🔻 ex-president
✅ رییس جمهور قبلی

✳️ این پیشوندها ممکن است که معنای دیگری نیز بدهند و فقط منحصر به یک معنا نمیباشند.

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English idiom - “leaps and bounds” 📈

Leaps and bounds is used to describe something that has improved or progressed quickly. It is normally preceded by the prepositions “by”, “in”, “on” or by the phrase “come on in”.



🔔کلماتی که به -self و -selves ختم می‌شوند ضماير انعکاسی ناميده می‌شوند و عبارتند از:

✅مفرد (-self)



📌himselfخودش (مذکر)

📌herselfخودش (مؤنث)

📌itselfخودش (اشياء)

جمع (-selves)✅




✅ توجه داشته باشيد که در ضماير انعکاسی عمل به فاعل جمله برمی‌گردد و در واقع مفعول همان فاعل است:

✅He cut himself.
(خودش را زخمی کرد.)

✅You should be ashamed of yourself.
(بايد از خودت خجالت بکشی.)

✅Help yourselves.
(از خودتان پذيرايی کنيد. )

✅ We blame ourselves.
(ما خودمان را مقصر می دانیم.)

How many phrasal verbs do you know that start with 'come'? We've listed 5 in this post. Can you think of any more? 🤔


✨Stick to your job
بچسب به کارت🎊

✨Shame on you
خجالت بکش🎊

✨What a mess!
چه افتضاحی🎊

✨Knock on wood
بزنم به تخته🎊

✨I'm single handed
دست تنهام🎊

✨Never say die
به دلت بد نیار🎊

✨Stop nagging
نق نزن🎊

✨Eat your word
حرفتو پس بگیر🎊


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English idiom - “clean up (one’s) act” 🧹

If someone cleans up their act, it means that they start behaving in a more responsible and acceptable way.

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Have you ever confused any of them? 🤭🇬🇧🇺🇸 #English ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬


🔴Have another look at...🔴


Questions can be formed in three ways:

1. By putting the verb before the subject. Only use this method with the following twenty-one verbs: am, is, are, was, were; have, has, had; shall, should; will, would; can, could; may, might; must; need; dare; ought; used.
Examples: Are you ready? Can you write well? Will he come tomorrow? May I go now?

2. By using do, does, did, followed by the subject and then the infinitive (without to). Use this form with all verbs except the twenty-one given above. The word order is: Do (does, did) + SUBJECT + INFINITIVE
Examples: Do you come here every day? Does the child learn English? Did they go to the theatre?

3. By using question words. The question word always begins the question, but the verb must be put before the subject as in questions of types 1 and 2.
Examples: Why are you late? When did you come? Where is it? Whom did you see? Which book do you want? If the question word is the subject of the sentence, put the verb after the subject: Who wrote the letter? Whose dog bit the man?

📢 @Lt_English_channel


➖Wrong position of adverbs➖

. "Not" misplaced with a compound verb.

✖️Don't say: I should have not gone ... .

✔️Say: I should not have gone ... .

Position "not" in a compound verb after the first auxiliary.

Note: With the present or perfect participle, place "not" at the beginning: Not having set the alarm, he was late for work.
Not being rich, he couldn't afford it. 

📢 @Lt_English_channel

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When we use :👇
6️⃣Out of order




Meaning: having a right to do something

Synonyms: Licence, Grant, Allocation, Right

Example: The government gives individual entitlement to the backward class for the right to education.

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English phrasal verb - “spruce up” 🤵🏻‍♂️

Spruce up means to make (someone or something) look cleaner, neater, or more attractive.



What does nomophobia mean?

◻️Fear of not being near your mobile device

Nomophobia is a term that refers to the fear of being away from your mobile device. This phobia has become more common as people spend more time on their phones and tablets.

Nomphobia is another way of saying phone addiction. Since phones provide a wide array of uses, such as communication, navigation, Internet access, and games, they have permeated into many areas in our lives. It has become increasingly difficult to go anywhere without a phone, which is the reason to why the nomophobia term came to be.


"Katie has nomophobia.
Yeah, she can't be away from her phone for more than 5 minutes."


🔘 Catfish

What does catfish mean?

◻️To assume a false identity

🔹کسی که در شبکه های اجتماعی خودش رو جای کس دیگه میزنه تا بقیه مردم رو گول بزنه یا جذبشون کنه
گول خوردن
catfish or not : گول خوردی یا نه، گولت زدم یا نه

🔸Catfish is a term that refers to a person who pretends to be someone that he is not online. The term was made popular by a 2010 documentary and subsequent TV show of the same name.

The term commonly refers to users who deceive other users on social sites, particularly with online romances. A popular example of fake online romances is when football player Manti Te’o was duped into believing he was dating a woman with cancer. It was revealed that the girl didn't exist and a man had been pretending to be Te'o's girlfriend. Catfish is typically used as a verb but can also be used as a noun to label a person as a catfish.


"You still haven't met her after dating for three months?
Yeah, she keeps making excuses.
That's sketchy man, you might be dating a catfish."



⛔️⛔️⛔️ چند توضیح مهم ⛔️⛔️⛔️

🔴 فعل marry ( ازدواج کردن با ... ) حرف اضافه ندارد.

👈 می خواهم با دخترعمویم ازدواج کنم.
👉 I want to marry my cousin.

🔴 فعل married to نیز به معنای ( ازدواج کردن با ... ) می باشد.

👈 جان با آلیس ازدواج کرد.
👉 John got married to Alice.

📝 تفاوت دو فعل بالا در آن است که فعل marry معمولاً همراه با مفعول به کار می رود در حالی که get married to به تنهایی نیز به کار می رود.

👈 قصد دارم سال آینده ازدواج کنم. ( معمولاً این جمله با فعل marry گفته نمی شود. )
👉 I’m going to get married next year.

🔴 فعل be married to به معنای ( زن و شوهر بودن ) است.

👉 Pat is married to David.

🔴 هیچکدام از افعال بالا با حرف اضافه with به کار نمی رود.

🆔 |@Lt_English_channel|

🦋چند نکته درباره

در حالت کلی یعنی تا حالا ولی می تونه با کلمات دیگه معنی هر بده

مثل :

هر چی


هر وقت


هر کدام


📔 Barking up the wrong tree
زهی خیال باطل، تلاش بیهوده کردن، اشتباه گرفتن، سوراخ دعا را گم کردن

  Doing something that won’t give you the results you want.

🤔For example ⬇️

🗣 “If you think she’s going to lend you money, you’re barking up the wrong tree. She never lends anyone anything.”
اگه فکر میکنی اون قراره بهت پول قرض بده، داری اشتباه میکنی(زهی خیال باطل)، اون هیچ وقت به کسی پول قرض نمیده!

🔸جمع چنتا از اسم های انگلیسی🔸

Person : شخص |People :مردم

Mouse: موش | Mice: موش ها

Leaf: برگ| Leaves: برگ ها

Knife: چاقو | Knives: چاقوها

Wife: همسر | Wives: همسرها

Foot: پا | Feet: پاها

Tooth: دندان | Teeth : دندان ها

Goose: غاز | Geese: غازها

Sheep: گوسفند | Sheep: گوسفند ها

Fish: ماهی | Fish: ماهی ها

Child :بچه | Children: بچه ها

Man: مَرد | Men: مَردها

Woman: زَن | Women : زَن ها

🙏 اگه برات مفید بود،بفرست به تمام دوستات،همه یاد بگیرن🙏


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Phil's just in time to explain the difference between 'on time' and 'in time' in only 60 seconds!
Watch this video and learn!

Показано 20 последних публикаций.


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