La Mediosta (Open Promo)

Гео и язык канала: не указан, не указан
Категория: не указана

Catalogue by Karel
Haechan ntar dulu @FavGuardian
send format to : @Hiestoriaa / @glerianstbot

Связанные каналы

Гео и язык канала
не указан, не указан
не указана
Фильтр публикаций

yeay 100 subs makasih memb ke 100 sini dapet ketchup dari aku 😘😍💗😋🥰😘😍🤩

nanggung banget satu lagiii 😭😭😭

Репост из: AMETION
[ Fellow mutuals and friends, help us by forwarding this news to your channels and friends, please? Much obliged! ]


Dearest Chéries, put aside your boredom and loneliness for AMETION is here to rouse your Thursday evening!

Brought to you with love by AMETION Team, we have prepared an event to celebrate AMETION’s comeback with our new Paramours! Does this make you excited? No? Well, what about a chance to win FREE 2-day rental period with our Paramours for 10 people? Interesting, isn’t it?

Tell us more about this event, please!

So, the event will be held this Thursday, 18th of March, at 5.30 PM WIB. There will be fun games and interactions waiting for all Chéries and the 10 lucky winners will get the chance to spend 2 lovely days with our Paramours!

We truly hope all of you will join us since everyone is welcome. Having fun in the middle of the week and spending 2 days with the best talents out here afterwards, why not?!

Let’s walk together toward the better AMETION, shall we? See you guys!

Репост из: 𝐀ndromeda 𝐒tore [ OPEN ]
[ To all my mutual BA and everyone who saw this message , um can u help me for fw this message to ur ch BA? Thanks a lot have a nice day ! ]

Salam hangat semua !  di Hari yang baik ini dikabarkan Andromeda Store resmi debut untuk pertama kalinya dan kami akan memperkenalkan kepada kalian, toko yang menyediakan berbagai macam kebutuhan kamu , mulai dari ;

— upsubs
— upviews
— apk premium
— tutor
— verif nokos
— bisnis Murmer
— gf/bf rent ( soon )
— upfoll ( soon )
— bubble lysn

mampir iyya ke store kita @andromedastoree

yang mau timbal balik fw pesan boleh kok chat ke @Favguardian ya

Видео недоступно для предпросмотра
Смотреть в Telegram
(For all Mutuals BA yang aku cintai dan cayangi boleh tolong fw pesan ini? terimakasih atas partisipasinya 💞💞)

Mediost sekarang udah debut dadakan bareng Glerianst oiya kita juga ada promo menarik loh buat yang tukang jajan masa iya gamau icons buy one get one atau setup ba diskon 50% dan masih banyak lagi yuk cek ch @Mediost / @Glerianst

Send format to @Glerianstbot / @Hiestoriaa (Karel kedua) 😊

List orderan

Testimonials by Karel

Hai yuk aku open set up ba & paguy
(promo diskon 50%) 3 days

- Hanya berlaku untuk paketan 1-3 , paket satuan nggak dulu
- Promo custom & katalog
- Isi format bener-bener ya, jangan sampai salah
- Mohon bersabar

Custom setup ba
(sekalian kasih contoh/
kasih gambaran sketsanya
dan colour palette nya)

Nama + usn buyer :
nama + usn ch ba :
Req mu (lengkap!) :
payment via :

Hanya menyediakan set up
paguy custom

- Ava Channel
- Ava Group
- Border non animated

Mulai dari 15 - 30k

Nama + Usn buyer :
Req Tema paguy :
Yang dibutuhin :
(cth. ava pinned ch dll)
Payment via :

Hanya menyediakan twibbon custom
apapun itu jenis nya
Price mulai dari 10 - 20k

Twibbon animated / Freeze

Nama + Usn buyer :
Req Twibbon :
Payment via :

(cth twb di comment)

Показано 20 последних публикаций.


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