Murr's Motivational

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Tomorrow’s the first day of the rest of your life. What are you waiting for?

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Also try intelligent investor, recommended by a guy in the comments

Also, after you get interested in investing and making your money work for you, read this book BEFORE you start investing. This is the core fundamentals, the barebones of investing, the very bedrock of good strategies rather than ending up on WSB losses leaderboards. Seriously, please read it.

The system sucks, I get it, but it still dragging its half dead corpse along. Until it falls apart, we still need to play the game, and before we can break the rules we must master them. For that reason, make your money work for you. Start looking into investments and doing something to make your money work for you rather than work for it. For any novice, check out @TheEdgeLordInvestor . Does free TA and Schizo post. This isn't financial advice, but giving you a hint.
Look into precious metals and precious metal mining companies, notably silver. And for anyone who wants something exciting to watch and get you interested, check out this guys video on covered calls. Its a bit of deep end shit, but it will get you interested

Репост из: The Edgelord Investor
/SIG/ 6 Month Challenge

Need help staying on track? Join The Kings.

Σ king chat

Since you guys like it more when I talk, here's some self improvement advice. You won't get anywhere by being average. You know that already. You, like most other people you compete with, are addicted to certain substances in the form of Alcohol, porn, media, entertainment, etc. You know how powerful that addiction is, why not channel it?

Caffeine is a stimulant with addictive properties (Somewhat, I don't remember exactly what it was), but caffeine does give your brain a nice little hit whenever you drink it, and your brain associates this hit with whatever you do. Same with Nicotine. Whats stopping you from quitting coffee for a while to get your brain to crave it then drink it whenever you do something you should be doing but you aren't? You're partially a messy system of chemical and neurological imbalances, why not use it to your advantage?

Also on nicotine, if you're going to smoke, don't smoke sticks, get a pipe.

Its enough to get the job done, but man wasn't made to just "Get the Job done". We were made for greater things

Breathing tips I found and tried.

Ok bros, try this
>Put on a little smile. With lips and Eyes
>Then take a deep breath, in 3 parts combined together in one go.
>First expand your belly, then chest, then collarbone,
>Fill lungs all the way up
>hold for 15 seconds, or 30 seconds
Then make an "O" with your mouth and exhale slowly through it
>Make exhale significantly longer than inhale
>Repeat as many times as you wanna jerk off
>Enjoy your free 5x boost to willpower

My personal variant is
>Put on a little smile with lips and eyes
e in, as you do so straighten your back, fill your chest, and pull your shoulders and lats back
>Really breathe in, stretching your lungs to capacity
>Tilt your chin up, eyes to the sky
>Exhale slowly through the mouth
>Repeat until you feel better

Theres something about breathing that changes the way you think and feel, it does a really good job helping you shift mindset and refocus your energy, Gets you out of a negative headspace.

Репост из: The Edgelord Investor
/SIG/ 6 Month Challenge Starts Today

We start August 1st.
No Porn.
Cold Showers.
Wake up before 8am
Drink only water
Train 5-6 days a week
No cheat days
Take risks
Eat only healthy food.
Achieve a Personal goal
Try a new hobby

To add onto this, another book recommendation is Violence of Mind by Varg Freeborn. He talks about his story growing up in the rough part of town and time spent in prison. What I like about the book is that it talks you down from being a hero and teaches you how to "work" the system, knowing how to fight back against street thugs, what to actually do, when to engage etc. I would say its greatest merit is talking about REAL self defence and removing the ego in young men like us. Personally speaking, when I think of a self defence scenario, I think I'm gonna be the next bruce lee and brutally beat the guy, but everytime I always think back about this book, and reasses my hot headedness. For that reason, I would encourage everyone to read it. It puts a lot of things into perspective and stops you from acting like a wannabe hero (Hopefully).

SIG Starting Guide.png
Dropping an old infographic on reading list, essentially life can be broken down into 5 aspects (Spiritual, Emotional, Physical, Social, and Financial). This reading list gives you a starting point into each of the aspects, and generally a good guide for those who aren't sure where to start. It'll make you into a more well rounded person by reading AND PRACTICING whats taught in the books

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