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Regain NZ democracy. Join in!

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More protests are coming!
Safe your day on 21st of August. "No forced vaccines" protests in Wellington and Christchurch
at 12 pm!💪👍✊💯❤👨‍👩‍👦👫
Let's stand up for our rights of medical choice and free speech.
United we stand, divided we fall!
Wellington, Cenotaph memorial
Christchurch, Bridge of Remembrance.

🙋‍♀️🙋For my friends and family who have recently gotten their CV shot or who know they will get one soon, awesome for you. I can see how relieved you are and I’m so glad that this option is available for you!

🙅‍♀️🙅For my friends who aren’t sure they will get one just yet, or already know that they never will, I want to throw some love and respect your way, too. I am happy that you have that choice. Medical freedom is important.

🥰 The wonderful thing about informed consent is that two people with the same information, can make two completely different choices and neither of them is right or wrong. That is what medical freedom is and should be.

✨ There are benefits and risks to every medical procedure. Doing the “right thing” means you’ve weighed the risks and benefits for yourself, and are making an informed decision! The only wrong decision IMO is made purely out of fear, social pressure or emotional reactivity. If you have researched your decision and are comfortable with it....great!

👌What’s right for one person, may be wrong for the other. Both, on an intuitive and biological level. We’re all doing the best we can with the information we hopefully have spent time digging into.

🛑Let this be a gentle reminder *for all* to please respect each other and be mindful of the message we put out there.

⁉️Is everyone “wrong” because they believe differently than you? They very likely have just as strong of a reason for their choice as you do.

💯Reminder this information is also part of ones personal health information act and you have the right to not answer when asked whether you choose to get the shot or not.

So whether you choose;
✅CV shot
✅No shot
✅Tequila shot 🤪
You’re okay in my books and I respect YOUR DECISION

🚫You’re NOT ok in my book when you start being rude to others because they made a decision that was BEST for them.

Репост из: The Freedom Factory

Hipkins forgot that Bill of rights said? We the NZ people have freedom of medical choice, we exercise our human rights, nothing more. Yes, many people don't trust government anymore, as we see lack of transparency from govt, that creating people mistrust, no doubt. Hipkins has had a shift in rhetoric? Now "leaders" are shifting the responsibilities to GP, doctors, (and us if we didn't contacted to GP's)? Morrison said about it, now NZ peeps said🙄 Too many deaths and side effects from mNRA exeperimental injections? And they are straggling to hide them? But still pushing these deadly shots?? Stop vax experiments NOW!!!

Репост из: Voices For Freedom
If you happen to know one of these people, please ask them to get in touch with us - we might be able to help. Email: hello@voicesforfreedom.co.nz subject line PORT WORKERS

And, if you're not already signed up for the 🆓 Voices for Freedom newsletter, what are you waiting for?!! www.voicesforfreedom.co.nz/join-us


Репост из: Voices For Freedom
It's so easy for people like Hipkins to bandy about baseless claims.. and the media are only too happy to print them without any attempt to ascertain the truth or both sides of the story. 🤷‍♀️ All we get is labels, accusations, and derision.🏷️
He asserts that the entire 44% of the jab-free port workers are somehow more susceptible to the uptake of "misinformation". Really?
Surely it is clear that such bold statements are deliberately designed to discredit this community and to encourage public pressure and scorn in their direction.
"They're stupid..They're not safe..They're putting everyone in danger with their misinformed, selfish ideas.." Those are the ideas we are meant to mindlessly accept.
But what if these people have done their reading? What if they've got very good reasons for declining the shots?
Their power comes from being a large, united group with the ability to seriously disrupt trade and the authorities know that.
All power to them, we say! Their right to decline is enshrined in NZ law.

Love this 🤣

Репост из: NZ Free Speech Radio
Local NZ fascist @byroncclark lobbied Lumo to remove the free speech billboards from @voices_nz

Imagine if hundreds called Lumo and said keep the signs or face a boycott of their signs and of any company that advertised on them... 😉😉

Contact Lumo here: https://lumodigital.nz/contact-us/

Репост из: Kirsten
Everyone should email this company commending them on the signs if they have more positive feedback back encourage them to keep them

Показано 20 последних публикаций.


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