National Socialist Front

Гео и язык канала: США, Английский
Категория: Telegram

The goal of the National Socialist Front is to organize NS activist groups and active clubs across the nation.

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США, Английский
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Репост из: The Nationalist News Network
“There are only two serious ways of life: the religious way and the military, and the hour has now come for us to realize that it is by this religious and military interpretation of life that Spain is destined to be restored.” –Jose Antonio Primo de Rivera, Speech, Parliament, 6-11-34.

Репост из: The Nationalist News Network
What Is The STATE?

The State, as conceived and realized by Fascism, is a spiritual and ethical entity for securing the political, juridical, and economic organization of the
, an organization which in its origin and growth is a manifestation of the Spirit.

The State guarantees the internal and external safety of the Nation, but it also safeguards and transmits the Spirit of the people, elaborated down the ages in its language, its customs, its faith.

The State is not only the present; it is also the past and above all the future.

The State stands for the immanent conscience of the Nation. The forms in which it finds expression change, but the need for it remains.

The State educates the Citizens to civism (the virtues and sentiments of a good Citizen), makes them aware of their mission, urges them to unity; its justice harmonizes their divergent interests; it transmits to future generations the conquests of the mind in the fields of science, art, law, human solidarity; it leads men up from primitive tribal life to that highest manifestation of human power, Imperial Rule.

The State hands down to future generations the memory of those who laid down their lives to ensure its safety or to obey its laws; it sets up as examples and records for future ages the names of the captains who enlarged its territory and of the men of genius who have made it famous.

The State declines whenever disrespect for it increases and the disintegrating and centrifugal tendencies of individuals and groups prevail, then Nations are headed for decay.

-Giovanni Gentile and B. Mussolini

We are not a Movement. We are a Nation.
We are Fascists, and it took a world to stop us then. It takes a global conspiracy to hold us back now.

Yet we are inevitable. JOIN US.

Репост из: The Nationalist News Network
"The right to National Independence does not arise from any merely literary and idealistic form of self-consciousness... but from an active, self-conscious, political will expressing itself in action and ready to prove its rights.

It arises, in short, from the
existence, at least virtually, of a State. Indeed, it is the State which, as the
expression of a universal ethical will, creates the right to National Independence.

A Nation, as expressed in the State, is a living, ethical entity only in so far as it is

Therefore the State is not only Authority which governs and confers legal form and spiritual value on individual wills, but it is also Power which makes its will felt and respected beyond its own frontiers...This implies organization and expansion, potential if not

Thus the State equates itself to the will of man..."

-Giovanni Gentile

Репост из: The Nationalist News Network
"Fascism wants man to be active and to engage in action with all his energies; it
wants him to be manfully aware of the difficulties besetting him and be ready to face them. It conceives of life as a struggle in which it behooves a man to win for himself a worthy place, first of all by fitting himself (physically, morally,
) to become the implement required for winning it. As for the
individual, so for the Nation, and so for Mankind."

"Life, as conceived of by the Fascist, is
serious, austere, and religious; all its manifestations are poised in a world sustained by moral forces and subject to spiritual responsibilities."

"The Fascist conception of life is a religious one, in which man is viewed in his immanent relation to a higher law, endowed with an objective will transcending the individual and raising him to conscious membership of a spiritual society."

"In the Fascist conception of history, man is man only by virtue of the spiritual
process to which he contributes
as a member of the family, the social group, the Nation, and in function of history to which all nations bring their contribution...
Outside history, man is a non-entity."
-Giovanni Gentile

Репост из: The Nationalist News Network
From those situated on the political Left, we hear constantly of the duties of the Nation or State towards the individual person. Yet we seldom hear of the duty of the individual of the Citizen towards the Nation... beyond that of a financial duty to "pay one's taxes".

To those on the Left, Fascism proclaims the truth that they have felt in their hearts. Ignoring this truth, that of Citizenship and race, has caused them to grown distant from their duty, and cold in their patriotism.

We proclaim to you that Citizenship is not a financial transaction. Citizenship is not a propositional state or social matter between an atomized individual and a technological apparatus of control. Citizenship does not arise from the need of the individual but from the cohesion of the whole. Humanity was made for so much more!

Our Fascism will stand as the only political bastion and of the true Alternative Patriotism.

The Nation is the people, the State is political will of the people working together for economic and social justice to benefit the Citizen.
Liberalism cannot accomplish this because it can only continue to alienate the genders, the generations, the worker from their product, the Citizen from their Nation ..... AS IT ALWAYS HAS. It's time for REAL change.

After all, Fascism itself is the most modern political theory. Fascism, by definition, is palingenetic ultranationalism.

In a phrase: The Nation, reborn!

Join together with those committed to the Future. Take your place in the FRONT!

Репост из: The Nationalist News Network
Within Fascism, a teleological “Third Way” is charted between progressivism and traditionalism. Teleology is a doctrine of design and purpose.

In the current American political culture, it is most often those from the political right which find us… due in large part to the illiberal foundations of Fascism.

An active rejection of liberal progressivism leads many to our doorstep.

Rejection of liberalism is a shared ideal of right-reactionary thinking and with Fascist thinking, although the two are not the same.

Both the "traditional right" and the Third Way find the destructive and degenerative elements of contemporary social progressivism to be utterly repulsive. This is true.

But Fascism is a movement in the spirit of alternative modernism rather than a reaction to and a rejection of modernism.

Fascism doesn’t seek to “conserve” but to overcome. And today, we speak mainly to those with the energy and vision to overcome what we must.

The impetus in Fascism is not a mere reaction to “change” as it is on the Right. We call on those in the political Right to rethink harmful individualistic thinking and to think of their Nation again.

We call you to embrace again a bright future of Social Order and Personal Liberty. Today's Right has lost it's soul, and it's soul is it's Folk.

Репост из: Nationalist Training & Lifestyle
The man who acts for his people is the romantic. The banks, the government, the leftist mob can by various schemes deprive him of his worldly goods. He knows this, so he holds them with an open hand, not clutching greedily. He is free from undue attachment.

The worldly man, not living for a cause, loves his things. He clenches and grips them with one hand and with the other reaches for more things to fill him up, to make him feel. Acquisition and possession serving as his only true purpose.

The nationalist, not bound to the love of material goods, has his arms unencumbered, free to wrap them around his wife, his children, his brothers, his people.

The worldly man will be deprived of his goods one day, by calamity, or by the relentless progress of time. But the nationalist cannot be deprived of the love which is his purpose. It is only multiplied infinitely upon death, united to perfect love. God loves the righteous nationalist because the nationalist sacrifices for his people and in so doing he is an imperfect reflection of One who loved perfectly and died as a sacrifice for those he loved.

Man is at his highest when he faces terror, oppression, and hate in sacrifice for those he loves. There is no higher purpose than to face that terror with equanimity and faith.

Репост из: National Socialist Front
Once the bonds of brotherhood are forged on the basis of an eternal idea there is very little that the enemy can do to stop you. Every blow dealt lands as blacksmith’s hammer on steel, shaping and hardening but not breaking.

From coast to coast we are united against the parasites who seek to destroy us. Our voice will rise above their lies, truth and justice will reign after nearly a century of jewish lies and injustice.

It’s okay to be White
It’s okay to notice antiWhiteness
It’s okay to fight back
It’s okay to speak the truth

National Socialist Front California is here to stay

Репост из: The Nationalist News Network
How can you be considered "National"?

We are National in scope because we believe that everything (including patriotism) begins small and grows from there.

Starting with the individual, the family, the block, the section, the county, etc., as NATIONALISTS our aim is toward reforming the entire ideal of the Nation and with it, the adoption of a new, scientific, modern apparatus of Government.

We stand out on the crowded political stage with the few, who like us, fully grasp and express a core understanding of The Central Tenants of Nationalism:
1. Population
2. Territory
3. Symbolic-cultural content (the National Mythos)

In that way, there are few real Nationalists today on this continent. But we certainly are Nationalists.

How can you be considered "Socialist"?

"The common good comes before self-interest."

The first thought of a true Socialist is toward their fellow Citizen, their own Nation, and their own Culture.

"Economic interest and activity must be of auxiliary importance to the nurturement of the People and therefore exists only to serve the needs and advance the well-being of the People".

The economy serves the People, the People do not serve the economy.

We advocate for the equal dignity of all honest, hard-working Citizens and social harmony between the classes.

No matter if we work primarily with our hands, our minds, our creativity, our spirit, our will.. all Citizens must work together and share full justice.

We work to eliminate the foundations and causes of class conflict from our Nation entirely.

A true Nationalist is a Socialist, a true Socialist is a Nationalist.

If you are a true National Socialist, take your place with us at the FRONT.

Репост из: The Nationalist News Network
We envision our Nation as young, full of vitality, evocative, healthy, made unique by Providence among all other nations.

As with all others, our Nation has roots, but is it is the flower of our civilization that is the most beautiful gift to be admired…and not the only the root. The youth of a nation are her flower.
“Our youth, as if by a miracle, has discovered a vein of heroism and worth which lay as if hidden, buried deep down; and it comes out with a temper surpassing the best temper of old.” –Jose Antonio Primo de Rivera, Speech, Málaga, 21-7-35

The youth of today lead and inspire by their example of duty, sacrifice, and action.

A young man who will not act is actually old and decrepit before his time.

We should mourn those young who are both alive and dead at the same time.

One might say that Fascism is founded on a “cult of youth”. The word “cult” is from Latin cultus (“reverence, adoration, veneration”). We see the proper meaning again in the word “cultivate”.

Fascism means to cultivate and venerate not only the youth of the Nation but also the youthfulness of Nation, that our fatherland and mother-race has children again reborn full of life and vigor.

, Fascism and the Youth of Today,

Репост из: The Nationalist News Network
"I am desperately Italian. [However] the American people ... have touched, and touch, my sensibility. ... The American nation is a creative nation, sane, with straight-lined ideas. ... I admire the discipline of the American people and their sense of organization."

Репост из: The Nationalist News Network
“There are moments when masses establish contact with their Nation's spirit. These are the moments of Providence.

Masses then see their Nation in its entire history, and feel its moments of glory, as well as those of defeat.

Then they can clearly feel turbulent events in the future. That contact with the immortal and collective Nation's spirit is feverish and trembling. When that happens, people cry.

It is probably some kind of national mystery, which some criticize, because they don't know what it represents, and others struggle to define it, because they have never felt it.

If the Christian mystery, which tends to ecstasy, is contact between Man and God, through, "ascent from human to divine nature", then the national mystery is nothing more than man's contact, or contact of mass, with the spirit of its Nation.

Not intellectually, for it could be the case with any historian, but live, in their hearts.”
-For My Legionaries

Репост из: Central Ca Active Club
The difference between a fat loser sitting on his couch,wearing another man’s name on his Jersey, throwing back beers, and watching sportsball on TV and an internet Nazi is that at least the sportsball loser is consciously aware that he is a spectator, a fan and not a player in the game.

The internet Nazi proudly boasts of his “beliefs”. But the true nationalist is a man of action. He does not need to tell people he is a nationalist. His discipline and his work speak for themselves.

There is no better feeling than training with your brothers in the struggle. Don’t be a fan of nationalism, get in the game.


Репост из: The Nationalist News Network
Patriotism is a love for the Nation, there is no valid patriotic feeling for the administration of a government over a Nation. How foolish to imagine any man willingly goes to war to advance the interests of a bureaucracy, and equally how foolish to accuse one of doing so!

Patriotism is real only if it is shared by all social classes of the Nation together; those that fight are drawn together from those that work with their hands, and those that work with their heads.

Therefore, no Nation can survive a class war; those advancing the interests of the wealthy alone are as detrimental to the health of a Nation as those advancing a dictatorship of the proletariat. Such people are against the Nation!

But it is Patriotism that (for as a deep of a love of our Nation that we have) we together have also shared in the bitter draught of grief and humiliation of our Nation brought on by failed policies, misguided loyalties, loss of international prestige, aggressive anti-White policies, rampant invasion from abroad, declining economic situation of the majority of our Citizens, the barrage of anti-American propaganda from internal 5th columnists, wars without benefit, and constantly befuddled leadership.

Those who toil and labor, those who raise our children and teach, all must feel this sadness and shame just as much as those who bled and fought for our Fatherland!

It is only by our collective action can our collective shame be turned again to National Patriotism. We must teach our Folk to believe in herself again, to exhibit and desire inner discipline from each person, and together to stretch out our arms as one toward the great social, economic, and political aims of Fascism; the salvation and rebirth of our Nation.

American Patriot, will you take your place with us at the FRONT?

Репост из: The Nationalist News Network
Where are all these Fascist and Nationalist groups coming from? It seems like they are in the news every day!

It is from out the crises of our age that we come, on the heels of failures of the old civilization with its moribund economic, social and political order. It is the Epoch itself that has today brought about the rise of Fascism.

We appear "out of time" because we belong to a New Becoming, to save our people from the mistakes and treachery of the past.

And therefore, we are anti-conservative and illiberal, and we move the wheel of history forward toward a new society built on the ruin of a former, forgotten, more heroic age. Fascism is not of this age but of the age to come.

Fascism is instead a doctrine of alternative modernism rather than a rejection of modernism. Our Nation reborn; vital, evocative, healthy, made unique by Providence. A new man, a new world, freed from chaos by a New Order!

Do you embody the New Man or Woman of the rising Epoch? Join TODAY!

Репост из: The Nationalist News Network
What is a "State"?

The State is not the propositional or legalistic entity imagined by Liberalism, but one that arises from the People, bound by blood to the soil:

"The purpose of the State is as the organic, collective, and spiritual will thus organized for the purpose of assuring the preservation of one’s own kind, and to help towards fulfilling those ends assigned by Providence. Therein, and therein alone, lay the purpose and meaning of a State."

"The first duty of the State is providing protection of, and the opportunity for, a livelihood and way of life for the Citizens." -the 25 Points of the NSF

Physical, cultural, racial and economic security of the Citizen are the raison d'être of the State.

Liberalism exists as a philosophy or theory of modern government; a government is the system by which a State is governed, administered, and regulated.

To whom has the modern Liberal form of government provided physical, cultural, racial and economic security?

To whom has it secured the protection of and the opportunity for, who has received a livelihood and way of life from it?

North American White Man, it's time you rise to your feet and shout your answer: "No more! From this day onward: to our people, and our people alone!"

Join, organize, and work together for Nation, Flag, and Race in the NSF!

Репост из: The Nationalist News Network
Freedom? What "freedom"?

The great masses of White working people, entrepreneurs, our veterans, and elderly in this country have never known "freedom"... and their descendants have an even smaller chance.

With Fascism, for the first time they will. Nothing can be accomplished for the people by voting so long as their government lacks the power to act.

By giving the government the power to act, fascism brings not the end of freedom, but the beginning of freedom.

Real freedom is economic freedom. Freedom cannot come until economic chaos is ended, and it cannot end until the looting of American wealth and industry is brought to an end and the wrongdoers punished and their stolen property returned to the people of America.

Real freedom for the people of a Nation means good wages, shorter working hours, security, affordable homes, and time enough left for them to rediscover education, study, political activity, worship, and service to others.

It's time to choose, North American White Man; WHO will have the freedom?

Will you have the freedom to your faith, your wage, your own home in your own land, you and your children's future?

Or will the bankers have the freedom to loot, the politician have the freedom to talk endlessly without producing results, and the parasite to continue to drain us of culture, flag, and race?

If you are a North American White Man who isn't afraid to work with others, join up TODAY and secure YOUR freedom!

Репост из: The Nationalist News Network
"WE BELIEVE that society can function successfully and therefore happily, only as an ORGANISM: that all parts benefit when each part performs the function for which it is best suited to produce a unified, single-purpose WHOLE..."

"WE BELIEVE that man makes genuine progress only when he approaches Nature humbly, and accepts and applies her Eternal Laws..." -GLR

The NSF holds that every man and woman belongs to his and her Racial Nation. To achieve social harmony and justice within the Nation, all work together with dignity for others and respect for ourselves.

We also hold that such a National society is a wholly natural aspect of creation, and thus it is entirely desirable.

Furthermore, we reserve the right claimed by all living things of self-defense and preservation of territory.

Do you have what it takes to work together with others? Are you interested in crafting the society of the future?

Join up and CLOSE THE RANKS!

Репост из: The Nationalist News Network
The Golden Rule of Fascism:

The interests of the Nation and Folk come FIRST.

There can be no greater need than that of our people at home, no greater service offered than to one’s own people, and no enemy greater than the one that wishes to subvert the people against their own Nation.

North American White Man, this is our Land, our Labor, and with your help and service to these goals, our continued Legacy for our children.

Become ACTIVE.

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