Фильтр публикаций

9.7k 0 40 38 148

18.6k 1 61 72 241

34.9k 0 69 77 324

Видео недоступно для предпросмотра
Смотреть в Telegram

37.2k 0 41 31 802

Видео недоступно для предпросмотра
Смотреть в Telegram

45.5k 0 43 77 743

48.1k 2 71 12 845

Telegram changed it's privacy policy and terms of services:

Privacy policy changed mainly from
If Telegram receives a court order that confirms you're a terror suspect, we may disclose your IP address and phone number to the relevant authorities.

If Telegram receives a valid order from the relevant judicial authorities that confirms you're a suspect in a case involving criminal activities that violate the Telegram Terms of Service, we will perform a legal analysis of the request and may disclose your IP address and phone number to the relevant authorities.
Telegram ToS added a new line:
Use our service to send spam or scam users.
Promote violence on publicly viewable Telegram channels, bots, etc.
Post illegal pornographic content on publicl
y viewable Telegram channels
, bots, etc.
NEW: Engage in activities that are recognized as
illegal in the majority of countries. This includes child abuse, selling or offering illegal goods and services (drugs, firearms, forged documents), etc.

64.1k 8 410 108 691

Telegram has banned this channel from global search, along with @NekogramAPKs.

44.5k 19 241 101 871

48k 1 55 44 353

Try out the free voice-to-text conversion with Whisper* for non-premium users, provided by Cloudflare Workers AI.
Configure your Cloudflare credentials here first.

*It might provide better results than Telegram one.

57.2k 62 152 91 397

59.3k 1 91 12 352

How decentralize works in Telegram:

1. Replacing the domain, for example:
foundation.ton -> foundation-dton.magic.org
getting-started.ton ->
2. Done

Apparently Telegram doesn’t think their servers are the center.

btw, the browser in Tonkeeper is also a domain replacer, check getting-started.ton.website

54.5k 14 144 52 370

🐈 Nekogram v10.14.5

🛠 Bug fixes and other improvements

😀Check for updates |⬇️Download APKs

57.4k 28 101 56 363

🐈 Nekogram v10.14.3

🛠 Bug fixes and other improvements

😀Check for updates |⬇️Download APKs

61.1k 18 45 40 291

Q: Download/Upload speed is unstable, fluctuating between fast and slow.
A: Telegram is throttling your upload and download requests server-side(speed limiting), this is not a bug. Turning off Download speed boost may give you a constant speed(but slow of course), or pay for Telegram Premium.

62k 5 64 42 354

56.1k 1 37 85 176

🐈 Nekogram v10.13.1.1

🛠Changed API ID (learn more)

😀Check for updates |⬇️Download APKs

49k 0 99 78 297

However, the account associated with the API ID of Nekogram was banned 4 years ago and I do not own the phone number anymore.
So there would be an API ID change for Nekogram, you have to log out and re-login to complete the change to receive push notifications.

53.6k 61 99 24 318

well...great news, they updated it!

48k 1 55 16 289

50k 0 48 46 269
Показано 20 последних публикаций.