Patriot Alerts

Гео и язык канала: Весь мир, Английский
Категория: Политика

⚠️ Warning: Many users report that this account impersonates a famous person or organisation.

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Гео и язык канала
Весь мир, Английский
Фильтр публикаций

Репост из: Make The Switch!
The globalists are taking over our food supply. is focused on helping people switch to American-made alternatives so we can stop funding globalism and vote with our dollars!

@AmericanSwitch 🇺🇸

@PatriotAlerts 🇺🇸

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Data mining of Trump

@PatriotAlerts 🇺🇸


@PatriotAlerts 🇺🇸

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California truckers sing "Amazing Grace" as the convoy heads to Washington, DC. This is what America is about!

@PatriotAlerts 🇺🇸

@PatriotAlerts 🇺🇸

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FBI whistleblower Ted Gunderson tells it.

Homosexual and infidelity used to be fodder for blackmail and control files used to coerce politicians, bureaucrats and power brokers

They no longer works as degeneracy, deviancy and depravity has been normalized. Indeed, nowadays it's championed in the case of trannies and cross dressers as was J. Edgar Hoover. The Mafia blackmailed him for decades. But, good old pedophilia still draws breath from even contemporary porn addicted communities. Pedophilia is the time honoured filth we all despise. Well not all of us it would seem. It's a currency and glue amongst the elites. Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislane 'Mossad' Maxwell were just one team in this filthy field. Bill Gates, Donald Trump, the Clintons and a bunch of other degenerates were all controlled by Mossad for the benefit of Israel.

@PatriotAlerts 🇺🇸

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He knows a real leader when he sees him...

@PatriotAlerts 🇺🇸

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Artist and Patriot Scott LoBaido at the Truckers Freedom Rally in New Egypt, NJ

@PatriotAlerts 🇺🇸

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Communism is taking over the world... one country at a time!

@PatriotAlerts 🇺🇸

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@PatriotAlerts 🇺🇸

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Meet the truckers - People's Convoy 2022

@PatriotAlerts 🇺🇸

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@PatriotAlerts 🇺🇸

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@PatriotAlerts 🇺🇸

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Those racist Trump supporters...

@PatriotAlerts 🇺🇸

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Double strike!!!

@PatriotAlerts 🇺🇸

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I’ve shown this and demonstrated this for 10 years. Do not use your phone, computer or tablet when it’s plugged in. Of all devices I’ve measured, tablets are the worst when plugged in. (44 seconds)

@PatriotAlerts 🇺🇸

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@PatriotAlerts 🇺🇸

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