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دربار جمشید
برگی از شاهنامه شاه تهماسب، دوره صفویان، تبریز، در حدود ۳۳-۱۵۳۱ ترسایی
ز خارا به افسون برون آورید
شد آراسته بندها را کلید
دگر بویهای خوش آورد باز
که دارند مردم به بویش نیاز
چو بان و چو کافور و چون مشک ناب
چو عود و چو عنبر چو روشن گلاب
پزشکی و درمان هر دردمند
در تندرستی و راه گزند
Iran, Tabriz, Safavid period, 1520s
Opaque watercolor, ink, and gold on paper
King Jamshid, who ruled for three hundred years, ushers in the first golden age in Iran's history. He introduces to his people the sciences, medicine, and the arts and crafts, and he establishes Now-ruz (New Day) on the first of Farvardin (21 March), when he finally rests from his endeavors. Soon, however, Jamshid becomes increasingly arrogant about his achievements and considers himself better than everyone, even God. His hubris eventually causes him to lose his divine glory (farr), an essential attribute of Persian kingship, and he is killed by the evil Zahhak.
برگی از شاهنامه شاه تهماسب، دوره صفویان، تبریز، در حدود ۳۳-۱۵۳۱ ترسایی
ز خارا به افسون برون آورید
شد آراسته بندها را کلید
دگر بویهای خوش آورد باز
که دارند مردم به بویش نیاز
چو بان و چو کافور و چون مشک ناب
چو عود و چو عنبر چو روشن گلاب
پزشکی و درمان هر دردمند
در تندرستی و راه گزند
Iran, Tabriz, Safavid period, 1520s
Opaque watercolor, ink, and gold on paper
King Jamshid, who ruled for three hundred years, ushers in the first golden age in Iran's history. He introduces to his people the sciences, medicine, and the arts and crafts, and he establishes Now-ruz (New Day) on the first of Farvardin (21 March), when he finally rests from his endeavors. Soon, however, Jamshid becomes increasingly arrogant about his achievements and considers himself better than everyone, even God. His hubris eventually causes him to lose his divine glory (farr), an essential attribute of Persian kingship, and he is killed by the evil Zahhak.