🇸🇪 Sweden, similar 💩 like Norway 🇳🇴! Part E
Part 1 https://t.me/BreivikDeathSentence/45
Part A https://t.me/RapeTelegram/2036
Av polisanmälda våldtäkter är det bara omkring 5 procent som leder till fällande dom https://perma.cc/AE5V-8L5C
Of rapes reported to the police, only about 5 percent lead to a conviction.
År 2022 personuppklarades 1 970 brott gällande våldtäkt.
In 2022, 1,970 crimes related to rape were solved.
Det var en ökning med 232 brott (+13 %) jämfört med 2021.
There was an increase of 232 crimes (+13%) compared to 2021.
Even considering 2k * 8 = 16K compared to what is happening in Germany
and what about not solved cases?
År 2022 misstänktes 4 230 personer för våldtäkt (exklusive oaktsam våldtäkt), vilket var en minskning med 9 procent jämfört med 2021. Minskningen kan noteras för både antal misstänkta kvinnor och antal misstänkta män.
In 2022, 4,230 people were suspected of rape (excluding negligent rape), which was a decrease of 9 percent compared to 2021. The decrease can be noted for both the number of female suspects and the number of male suspects.
One thing is sure ... is huge complex to understand how many got really raped ...
I 17 av länderna ingick endast samlag i definitionen av våldtäkt. Överlag har de länder som har en snävare våldtäktsdefinition också färre anmälningar om våldtäkt https://perma.cc/KFW9-FQ8J
In 17 of the countries, only sexual intercourse was included in the definition of rape. Overall, the countries that have a narrower definition of rape also have fewer reports of rape.
Of the reported rapes in Sweden in 2016, for example, around 40 percent did not involve violence but involved incidents where the suspect was said to have taken advantage.
In 2022, around 24,600 sexual crimes were reported. The most common sexual crimes that were reported were sexual harassment (about 10,100) and rape, including the new crime of negligent rape (about 9,600) https://perma.cc/G7P5-Y658
Part 1 https://t.me/BreivikDeathSentence/45
Part A https://t.me/RapeTelegram/2036
Av polisanmälda våldtäkter är det bara omkring 5 procent som leder till fällande dom https://perma.cc/AE5V-8L5C
Of rapes reported to the police, only about 5 percent lead to a conviction.
År 2022 personuppklarades 1 970 brott gällande våldtäkt.
In 2022, 1,970 crimes related to rape were solved.
Det var en ökning med 232 brott (+13 %) jämfört med 2021.
There was an increase of 232 crimes (+13%) compared to 2021.
Even considering 2k * 8 = 16K compared to what is happening in Germany
and what about not solved cases?
År 2022 misstänktes 4 230 personer för våldtäkt (exklusive oaktsam våldtäkt), vilket var en minskning med 9 procent jämfört med 2021. Minskningen kan noteras för både antal misstänkta kvinnor och antal misstänkta män.
In 2022, 4,230 people were suspected of rape (excluding negligent rape), which was a decrease of 9 percent compared to 2021. The decrease can be noted for both the number of female suspects and the number of male suspects.
One thing is sure ... is huge complex to understand how many got really raped ...
I 17 av länderna ingick endast samlag i definitionen av våldtäkt. Överlag har de länder som har en snävare våldtäktsdefinition också färre anmälningar om våldtäkt https://perma.cc/KFW9-FQ8J
In 17 of the countries, only sexual intercourse was included in the definition of rape. Overall, the countries that have a narrower definition of rape also have fewer reports of rape.
Of the reported rapes in Sweden in 2016, for example, around 40 percent did not involve violence but involved incidents where the suspect was said to have taken advantage.
In 2022, around 24,600 sexual crimes were reported. The most common sexual crimes that were reported were sexual harassment (about 10,100) and rape, including the new crime of negligent rape (about 9,600) https://perma.cc/G7P5-Y658