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Syrian Civil War [17/12/2024]: 🇸🇾🇮🇱
Situation south of Syria: IDF continue the occupation of the country & were deployed in the localities of Trinjeh (& the northeastern hill), Ayn al-Baida, Ufaniya, al-Hurriyya & Ayn al-Nuriyah. In addition, Israeli forces were deployed in the localities of Al-Mu'allaqah, Al Bassah, Al Lubid, Abu Mandara & Sayda Al-Golan in Quneitra Governorate. Moreover, Israeli troops were deployed in more areas of Yarmouk Basin in Daraa Governorate such as the localities of Abidin & Al Kuwayyah up the Yarmouk river to the Al-Wehda dam.
Map: [ https://www.google.com/maps/d/viewer?mid=1liqnO9iSvshTLwgPB3q9sJTgfUI&ll=32.990208269827924%2C35.84912810842263&z=10 ]
Situation south of Syria: IDF continue the occupation of the country & were deployed in the localities of Trinjeh (& the northeastern hill), Ayn al-Baida, Ufaniya, al-Hurriyya & Ayn al-Nuriyah. In addition, Israeli forces were deployed in the localities of Al-Mu'allaqah, Al Bassah, Al Lubid, Abu Mandara & Sayda Al-Golan in Quneitra Governorate. Moreover, Israeli troops were deployed in more areas of Yarmouk Basin in Daraa Governorate such as the localities of Abidin & Al Kuwayyah up the Yarmouk river to the Al-Wehda dam.
Map: [ https://www.google.com/maps/d/viewer?mid=1liqnO9iSvshTLwgPB3q9sJTgfUI&ll=32.990208269827924%2C35.84912810842263&z=10 ]