Rustic Memoirs; Hiring!

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Amorous posthaste contact your order to @RusticMemoirsBot, and could behold our talent lineup at @RumoirsTalent. Eventually, to provide criticism or suggestions, you can directly contact @RusticMemoirsBot. Savor traverse!

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Gumoning, Moiyssss.

Portentous nightly Rustic Memoirs custodian! Announce to all talents nominee that the slots for FEMALE as SUBMISSIVE and SWITCH have reached the apogee bounds. For every talents who desire to apply your form, please make sure that your position is NOT as a sub or switch (FEMALE). All positions except those mentioned aloft are welcome to send the enlistment form thru @RumoirsHiringBot bot. Thanks a bunch and have a good rest moiys.

Moiysss, semua form yg dikirim udah dibales semuaa kok. Kalau kalian ada yg belum terbalas bisa kirim ulang, yaaaa. Maaf yaaaa, moiyss.

Besok kita ngobrol ngobrol lagi, yaaaa. Good night, Moiyss.

Pertanyaan bisaa drop disini, yaaa. Besok dijawabinn semuanyaaaa

Yuk yuk join, untuk slot female nya sisa nya nggak banyaak lohh

Yuk yukkkkk join, kalau ada yg bingung ditanyain aja di boardnyaaaaa

📝 Questions regarding our talent recruitment.

👤 cara tau form kita udah di baca admin gimana ya? atau bakal di kabarin setelah close hiring?

👤 ini kalo udah kirim format emang ga di rep?

👤 Kalo belum punya testi gimana?

👤 kalau udah join 3 agc boleh ga

👤 Pengen tau adminnya siapa aja di sini

👤 Ngincer muse apa nih min?

👤 kalo available nya contohnya isi gimana ya?

👤 Ini masih gen satu ya?

👤 potongannya berapa % min?

👤 kalo belum ada testi boleh gak?

👥 10 people have voted so far.
📖 Anonymous Board

Premier segment is fenceless. Indite th' groove that would be made of and fillout the fallow pages by severally tale which we live concurrently, an amour prominade which abound O' fortunate and jollity creates impaccable story forboth of them. The best part gardens such a beautiful looked at within sugary obvious scene afore eynes, deuce humane whose love each other withal blithesome smiles. @Rumoirss — Enucleate odds for HIRING TALENT and receive a FE/MALE ALL POSITION to joining Rumoirs.

Requisition and provition which behoove fulfilled.


Rosy day, admins! I'm ready to be allied into Rumoirs and do answers interview.

Your Fullname + Username :
Gender : Fe/Male
Positions : (BxG/BxB/GxG/etc.) as (Dom/Sub/Switch)
Available :
Averment's Testi: (jika ada)
Agency you joined : (Jika ada)

As though let on th' world, nothing would durst to disjoin belong's them. Wonderfully most on velvet the aphrodite concatenate them incommon. Reach @RumoirsHiringBot to consign th' form, good luck!

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