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Truthseeker77 Reporting on factual news, all things Russian, and the SMO in Ukraine.

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Репост из: Неизвестно
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The wife of a serviceman of the Ukrainian army left her husband because he became disabled , and she went to Poland .

Репост из: Graham Phillips Journalist/ Documentaries
Donetsk airport. I remember too, all those guys were killed, epic DNR victory!! Facts.

Репост из: Graham Phillips Journalist/ Documentaries
When I came to Donbass in 2014, a young slip of a lad (but also in my mid 30s 😄), it was with the pure intention of showing the world the truth about Donbass. That intention remains as strong, and pure, ten years on, here in 2024.

I didn't come here to get involved in a massive court battle against the scoundrel UK Government, but that's how it's turned out, the only other option would have been accepting defeat to them, and that will simply never, ever happen. I will fight on, and appeal the totalitarian decision, dangerous for every British citizen, recently handed down to me by the UK High Court. I'm delighted to say that not only are my lawyers from the first time round staying with me, but more have offered to come on board, not for money, there is none, but to fight for the principle of freedom of speech for every British citizen.

The appeal process will now go forward, and I'll update you on that when there is something meaningful to say. For now, free from having to devote almost all my time and energy to fighting totalitarianism in the UK courts, I turn my attentions and energies back to the reason I came here in 2014, and am still here in 2024, showing you the truth from Donbass via my video reportage!!

Yesterday, Russia tested electronic warfare in Kaliningrad, as a result of which almost half of Poland and the Suwalki corridor remained without GPS, Polish media write.


Репост из: Demographics Now and Then
Despite the German government’s much touted Zeitenwende(plan to turn around & regrow the German Armed Forces) only~23,400 people applied to become soldiers in the first five months of 2023 ~7% less than during the same period of 2022. ⬆️money ⬇️ soldiers.

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Putin says Russia cannot be divided. (December, 2023)


Репост из: The Islander
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😎🇷🇺🔥🇺🇸”There are so many pussies surrounding your presidential campaign on both sides” 🎤

Based Lavrov….

This clip should be played every US election cycle 🏆😂

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Репост из: The Right People Z
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Our special forces successfully saved some AFU fighters from their Commissars.


Репост из: The Right People Z

A Red Army soldier brags about finding the first version of the Revo (a Ukrainian energy drink similar to Monster) in the pocket of a German prisoner.

Репост из: Неизвестно
Солдат красной армии хвастается тем что нашёл первую версию Рево в кармане у пленного немца

Репост из: Bone✙ Face
Givi: There wasn't any difference in any way he handled events and the situation around him, either in control or even when he was confronted with dangerous situations. One might say, if you just had audio of him, and having to guess what he was doing in that audio, one wouldn't guess he was in a literal fight-or-die situation. Ever. He became frustrated often with clumsy people, this is well documented, but he always seemed stress free from everything that was going on in front of him. Especially for someone where winning was the only option for. Capture meant death for Givi. This is fact. He knew this. Every trait of his personality is picked up from chatter and recordings, there was nothing to tell that this guy was in war zone, what I mean by that, is how he handled everything, from talking to his guys, to yelling at someone for not knowing how to drive,if you didn't know the situation you'd guess he was in some sortve paintball tournament vs a real situation. He had a mildly-goofy sense of humor at all times, his personality and can't imagine being any different than someone you'd meet on the street. But what's crazy about Givi was, he was someone who you'd meet at war. He was never any different. He didn't possess any character trait of someone who would be wanted for leading a terrorist organization. "The likable bad guy". If they ever made a movie of him I would think Tom Hardy would do well for him.

Репост из: Bone✙ Face

Репост из: Bone✙ Face
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Investigation conducted by Truthseeker77 and FearLessJohn.

-The first time I learned about Boneface was through the investigation of Vasily Prozorov a former employee of the Ukrainian Security Services now uncovering the hidden truths of Ukraine on his channel UKRLEAKS.

-Then Boneface himself contacted my colleague Truthseeker77 wanting to challenge some of the reports I have made on my channel about him. We decided to ask ask Boneface for an interview, we would laid the questions together, and Truthseeker77 would conduct all the “interrogatory” to the US Neo Nazi.

-The results of this work not only produced the written interview with MacMillan about his time in Ukraine but also (vidoes and information about, his past troubles with the American authorities and a (insight to the mindset of a US White Supremacist and his honest opinions of the DNR fighters like Givi, thanks to the excellent job of my colleague.

◾️What polemic declarations did Boneface gave us about Ukraine?

-Western media white washing of Nazis.

-NATO involvement and meddling in Ukraine.

-Valoration of DNR/LNR and Russian opponents.

-Ukrainian Authorities VS Nationalist rogue Battalions.

-War crimes and prisoners treatment.

◾️If you want to know everything read the full interview here:

Репост из: TrackANaziMerc
Just a day after Ukrainian army entered Kherson city and all Left bank Kherson region, a video was posted on Tik Tok by Ukraine soldier.

In the video we can see two beaten older males and an Ukrainian soldier showing their ID. Those Ukrainian soldiers are most likely from the 126th separate territorial defense brigade of Ukraine.

It is military ID from the Soviet times from this 53-year old civillian (it says he was born in the USSR).

Also it it said that his ethnic group is Russian (they used to have ethnic groups in the Soviet documents). Essentially, they torture him for being ethnic Russian.

Репост из: Cyberspec News
Navalny doing his bit for the war effort 😎😁

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