Aziz vatandoshlar, sizlarni Xotira va qadrlash kuni bilan tabriklayman!
Bugun biz mislsiz jasorati va chidamliligi bilan boshqalarga namuna bo‘lgan ajdodlarimiz xotirasi oldida ta’zim qilamiz.
Dear Uzbekistanis, I congratulate you on the Day of Remembrance and Honor!
Today, we bow our heads to those whose feat remains an example of unparalleled courage and perseverance.
Bugun biz mislsiz jasorati va chidamliligi bilan boshqalarga namuna bo‘lgan ajdodlarimiz xotirasi oldida ta’zim qilamiz.
Dear Uzbekistanis, I congratulate you on the Day of Remembrance and Honor!
Today, we bow our heads to those whose feat remains an example of unparalleled courage and perseverance.