Free unsubs

Гео и язык канала: Весь мир, Английский
Категория: Картинки и фото

⚠ WARN ⚠
with the matter of Lokananta becoming the world's fashion diction, bringing the truth to start a conversation about new things again.
об этом в проходящей вселенной

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Гео и язык канала
Весь мир, Английский
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Halo? @r201u

Free unsubs aja cuy, gue bakal unsubs Ch lo semua thank you, makasih loh ya, gue gak leaving cuman kaga keurus aja nih Ch 😁 see u soon

Baru di bilang..

HELP FW, gue yakin banyak yang curang sama moots gue

Репост из: はぉ
Buat yang suka curang

gue ingetin ya, yang untuk sfs kalau emang ada niatan deak / lrp / hapus ch apa lagi PEMBERSIHAN, gue tau dah kalau ch lo banyak yang unsubs atau segala macem ya, tapi kalau yang lain gak curang kenapa harus lo unsubs? apa gak bisa gitu bilang baik baik, gue udah gedeg banget dah, alasan pembersihan tapi chat gue gak pernah di bales bales, terus id ch nya ganti, lo niat sfs apa niat curang? wajar aja kalau udah 1 bulan lebih gue subs lo lrp atau leaving it's ok, ini baru beberapa hari atau beberapa minggu udah curang aja, alasannya hapus ch lah, lrp lah, ganti own lah, acc di jadikan nokos lah, kalau udah tau kayak begitu kenapa lo gak beli nokos aja? gak sampe 1 juta kan, dari awal udah di bilang jangan curang bla bla bla, lah dia sendiri curang. Lain kali kalau mau jujur tuh harusnya dari diri lo sendiri, nanti gue unsubs ch lo, lo bilang gue curang padahal lo sendiri yang curang deluan.


Ayo isi lagi terserah mau isi apa, nanti bakal gue bales kok satu satu, jika ada kesempatan*

Halo, berhubungan gue bisa buat secreto bisa kali ya isi apa aja di secreto gue, biar ngga gagal amat, matur suwun.


Make your cry a cry of longing but a
cry for the sadness and bitterness of the
world. That's when I woke up to the
knocking of the world, woke up with a
full mind and didn't know how to do all of


ㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ ⚠ ⚠

Hey boys, with me here to introduce myself, in terms of the trajectory, LOOKING 👀 AWESOME????!!! yeaa i also think like that bro interested or interested to be friends with me? Don't worry too much about the emotional nature that I have, maybe there will be a time when I'm bored I'll STORY WHAT I HAVE EXPERIENCED As much as you are a special friend to me! NIGHT NIGHT YES. (?) AHHH I DON'T KNOW THE RIGHT HOW TO INTRODUCE MYSELF, PLEASE!!! SOMEONE teach something, a fake face to tell friends, a teddy BEAR 🐻 with all the memories he has *shOOked* 😱
open the first book 📓 to introduce yourself in a long and detailed way to be known by many people, I hope you can be good friends with me, and vice versa, feel free without that word to start a friendship or tell your day, XOXO.

يعمل بشكل مثالي ....

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أول First introduce, just call me sapta or tata for short and here I use LEE HAECHAN from NCT to cover my real privacy interacting with my virtual friends, for the nature of the possibility you can correct it yourself without having to admit it and it will be much more 🧑🏼 If you ask my full name, of course I will answer no, yes my name is only one word and unique according to myself. For everyday what I do to my friends, can be lowered down ⬇️ to see it HAHAHAA.ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ

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