Shaykh Abu Abdillah Wahb bin Abdillah Adh-Dhayfani, may Allah preserve him:
If Shaykh Muqbil may Allah have mercy upon him turned to the speech of the layfolk:He would not have spoken on Al-Qardhaawi and called him a barking dog, whilst the people saw him to be a Allaamah and a Mufti!
He would not have spoken on Az-Zindaani, whilst the Yemeni people that time thought him to be a big scholar and an unrivaled Mujaahid!
If he, may Allah have mercy upon him, turned to them:
He would not have spoken about Sufiyyah, he would not have spoken about the Zaidi Madhab; and he would not have considered it to be a Madhab stolen from the worst Madhabs.
If he turned to them, he would not have reanimated the Sunnah of praying in shoes.
If he turned to them, he wouldn't have spoken about Innovation; like the innovation of the Mawlid, and the Innovation of celebrating the Israa and Mi'raaj, and Sha'baaniyyah, celebrating the new Hijri Year, and other affairs which they made celebrations!
If he turned to the layfolk, he would not have warred the bad customs which were spread amongst them: like free-mixing, women leaving the house indecently dressed, looking bad upon other people's lineages, and other affairs which are too many to mention!
The Salafi doesn't fear the blame of the blamers when it comes to Allah, Allah will aid them, and spread their Da'wah, and bless them.
So turn to Allah O Ahlussunnah, and leave this tone:
The people the people the layfolk the layfolk!
The people won't be pleased about us until we permit for them the impermissible affairs and Innovations, and refuge is sought with Allah from doing so!
They want from us to permit for them: television, music, free-mixing, benefits from usury, imitation of the disbelievers, celebrating innovated occasions, demonstrations.
They want someone to permit for them: wearing clothes past the ankles, shaving the beard, women traveling without Mahram, her leaving her house to be in the midst of men in hospital jobs, offices, ministries, and in the street!
The layfolk want you to be like Mahmuud Hasanaat and Amr Khalid and Tariq Suwaydan, and other fools and ignorant individuals, so don't turn to them, and turn to Allah.
After this remember how the Ikhwanul Muflisoon (the muslim brotherhood) and the people of the charity organisations ended up, whilst they strove with great striving to please the people, and the put forth a lot for this, rather they stepped down from affairs from their religion.
And they didn't find except hatred and being forsaken!
Whoever seeks the pleasure of the people by angering Allah, Allah will be angry of them and Allah will make the people angry of them.❞
📂"لو التفت الشيخ مقبل رحمه الله لكلام عامة الناس"____
Translated by:
Abu Ibraheem 'Abdullaah bin Ahmed Ba Alawi