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Rare footage inside WTC Building 7 on 9/11 after the destruction of the Twin Towers

This 47-story steel framed skyscraper completely collapsed due to “office fires” a few hours later.

Notice anything interesting?

1 question....
Why in the blue hell was the secret service there

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FLASHBACK - it was four years ago tonight that President Trump was asked about “QAnon” during NBC’s town hall.

He refused to denounce it and even made a point to defend anons 😏

“What I do hear about it is they are very strongly against p*dophilia, and I agree with that.” 💥

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I keep thinking of Q saying it had to be done this way

Had Q told us 7 years ago all we’d have to endure, I think many would’ve said “hell no I’m outta here”

As it turns out yes it did have to be this way. Because only through the pain & suffering would we find the will to change

And change we are creating!
Right frens?!?

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Ron Paul warns that the US military was just “authorized to kill Americans on US soil … I think it’s very, very dangerous.”

Daniel McAdams: “It’s not a law, it’s a DoD Directive. So, this is the administrative state, where they take over, they don’t pass laws.

It’s a DoD Directive that was re-issued September 27, 2024. It governs the Department of Defense intelligence activities, and now includes provisions authorizing lethal force in certain circumstances, and it supplants the 2016 version which did not mention that.”

The DoD Directive is 5240.01, for those who want to read it themselves.

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Please Repost, Get the word out!

20 Days

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Trump says that Biden hates Kamala more than he hates him. Is Biden attempting to sabotage Kamala?

"They kept him in a basement but they were able to do that because of COVID.. You know they could say oh he wanted to protect.. And then when I debated him we had a debate..Did you watch the debate with Biden? Yeah, Do you think he did well? I would I would say the most of the world would agree he did not do well. So anyway so they forced him out. It was like a coup. And then this is like Dana would have a fighter and the fighter's getting, you know doing badly. And they say let's take them out and put a new one in. This never happened before. So they got them out and they put this one in.
And she was number thirteen online because she failed already. She tried to get the nomination and she failed. There were twenty two people. And she came in last. She never made it to Iowa. And now all of a sudden, this can only happen to me fellas. I have one. I spent a hundred and fifty million dollars to beat them.
And I was leading by a lot. And then they take him out and they give me another one. That's never happened before It was like a palace coup and he doesn't like her. He hates her. I think he hates her as much as he hates me... I think Biden hates me...he hates me a lot but I think he hates her maybe as much or more than he hates me... Is that possible? I don't know Hard to believe right..."

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Trump is giving long-form unscripted interviews and talks while Kamala has 60 minutes editing her stupid answers out in what Trump describes as criminal, the biggest scandal in broadcast history, and election interference. It's not called the fake news for nothing.

"How about the thing with CBS? Okay, You heard about CBS where they changed her answer... It's the biggest scandal in broadcast...She did a very bad interview.. It was taped and going live but it was essentially taped. She gave some really stupid answers…
And what they did is they cut those answers out and they put other answers in. And I think it's really I think it's a very bad act, probably a criminal act, but it's certainly election interference and license threatening. You know they have licenses... And I just think it's one of the worst things I've heard... Think of it...
And they do an interview and she gives a bad answer and they give her they take it out entirely It's not like they did a little I mean they took the whole thing out. And they put another answer from another question in there which didn't make sense either I mean it was that was a lousy answer also, but nobody's ever heard of something like that..That's why I think there's like the positives of you doing more long-form stuff People get to see you in a different life compared to how everybody clips up tries to get the click bait tries to get the headlining stuff in the mainstream media...
I like doing stuff like this You know I like it I like conversation…
I don't seem to get myself in much trouble... When she does it every time she does it they say she's stupid. She's stupid I mean...they try to get away with her not doing it which is always a bad sign frankly.".

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Look how dishonest these headlines are.

Last night at Trump’s town hall, there were TWO medical emergencies that derailed the event, so Trump played music while they were tended to.

But the Fake News is spinning it into “odd behavior” from Trump.

Just another example of why the lying legacy media is dying.

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Trump is doing an unedited question and answer session in front of a live audience and a registered Democrat for most of her life tells him that she saw the light and no longer identifies as a Democrat thanks to her former party having an open border and putting criminals above Americans. There are many stories such as hers that will move the needle in this election. People have awakened to the sham that is the D party thanks to four years of Joe and Kamala. Trump tells her that he will use the criminal aliens act of 1798 to secure our border once and for all.

"My name is Heather and I was a registered Democrat for most of my life but not anymore. Isaw the light…
I no longer identify with the Democratic Party…
They've put criminals and foreign enemies ahead of American citizens…
The border is the issue of this election because if we can't secure the border we won't have a country. We know that you're gonna finish the wall. But how are you going to handle the deportation of criminals?"

So if you've watched any of our last rallies, we have a criminal aliens act of seventeen ninety eight That's a long time ago. And it gives the president tremendous power to do what has to be done to secure our border."

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This dude’s take is weak and lazy, and I’m kinda tired of hearing it.

- Epstein
- Maxwell
- Weinstein
- Mack
- Reneire
- Wexner
- Nygaard
- Brunel
- Diddy

Are you too dense to realize that the client list is not gonna be released if it is being used in ongoing investigations?

All those people named above were all high profile and previously untouchable.

All of those people mentioned are all also either dead or in jail.

I know black pills can be tempting - but utilizing a little logic instead of bitching usually provides a little relief from said black pills.

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Radio Broadcaster Bill Cooper was murdered after releasing information about 9/11 before it happened

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Wow. Listen to the man in charge of Pennsylvania's Elections. He says that EVERYTHING is on the line in this election. The very foundation of our country. They are in a state of sheer panic.
If everything is on the line if Trump wins, won't they attempt to cheat somehow?

"You had to move your family out of your house for safety? Yes, They had to to relocate for a period and we had security around the clock for many months. Given all the threats that you faced personally, I've gotta ask why you would agree to take this job. Well, everything is on the line. Our entire system of government our country as it was founded, is on the line."

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WOW 🚨 Hurricane Victim Reporting FEMA Using Locations Barely Affected By Hurricane Damage As Photo Ops

Also says FEMA still shutting down donation sites and denying aid

“FEMA came in, handed out MREs and bottles of water to this one specific, very large trailer park out in Canler. Here is the issues behind it. They used that as a photo op. That was not one of the harder hit areas that needed those supplies right when they decided to come and hand them out. There are still places over in the immediate disaster zone that I have friends living in apartment buildings and trailers that are in areas that were completely decimated, they're still without power, they don't have water, they have no way to cook fresh foods, they can't wash their clothes, they can't take baths, FEMA has not responded to those people.

What FEMA has done is gone out into areas like Candler that were not that hard hit, that are easily accessible and never lost access to the main roads”

“FEMA is causing a huge issue within our community”

“A lot of my friends and my family and my local community have to go to these donation sites that FEMA is shutting down and not replacing.”

“I filed for the FEMA disaster. I've gotten nothing.”

“My bills are due. God forbid they start shutting down donation sites and we can't get the food that we need. Because there are thousands of us here. Thousands of us. And all FEMA has done is come in and made it worse for us. It's a problem.”

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This is Hot Springs, North Carolina

This tiny town has a population of 535 people. It was completely devastated by Hurricane Helene and completely ignored by Kamala Harris’ FEMA

They’ve only been surviving with the help of private donations. The media pretends they don’t exist.

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President Trump reveals that he spoke with Bibi Netanyahu just 2 days ago and that Netanyahu is not listening to Biden 👀

Who is really running things?

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From the Directors of Died Suddenly: 'Final Days' exposes the scientific technological elite and their desire to become gods. The Covid pandemic was the test run for an even more sinister plot to come.

Died Suddenly


Trump's demeanor in the midst of an accelerating Crisis Cascade Anons have been projecting for years is just about the most baseline proof you're going to get of control over the Game Theory Game Board.

Observe his demeanor yesterday, when he taunts the Deep State in a bicameral manner about both Kamala Harris and Hillary Clinton.

By "joking" about the establishment's desire to replace Kamala and offering up the original villain in the War of Stories, he's demonstrating the utter futility of the machine being able to paper over another election steal with the illusion of public mandate, which is why he's using that word lately.

This puts the enemy in a series of sociopolitical pincers, where they either ride the Kamala train straight into the ground, or make good on all our 'change of batter' and 'Old Guard' theories, reverting to the Obama-Clinton-Bush paradigm Trump originally made his name usurping on a mass psychological and cultural scale.

Whatever they do, "PLAYBOOK KNOWN."

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Would you look at this. Jennifer Garner's daughter came out as a trans with a shaved haircut at their grandfather's funeral. Why are most of Hollywood star children coming out as trans?
Hollywood couldn't be more sick. We had Epstein Island. We have Diddy freak offs and blackmail. We have MK Ultra. And that's just the tip of the iceberg. There has to be a reason why their children continue to become like this?

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Hollywood actress Jennifer Garner:
"Is there anything sexier than a man who is like, men for Kamala. Woo! You are the front line of this battle."
Lmao. The establishment is panicking.
Based and red-pilled men refuse to vote for Kamala Harris. Any body language experts here? Does she seem weirdly nervous and unhinged to you?

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