Репост из: Facts behind Terrorism and Telegram by GRT ( ISIS / Hamas / Gaza - Palestine / Al-Qa'ida )
Israel, do you know that the "terroristic attack done by humans in Berlin", keeping innocent animals inside a fucking cylinder against their will, still GENERATED MORE DEATHS, compared to what happened at the festivals ... and this is just one of many "terroristic actions done by humans to animals no one is giving a shit.
Even all K deaths animals due to 🛢 disaster, that happened exactly IN ISRAEL TOO!
https://t.me/IsraelPollution/188 or similar things...
Meanwhile, your 1400 is still 1400 since weeks, even yesterday
Just think about that ... since most people simply give a shit to what happens to animals ...
Would be time that ANIMALS GET MORE RESPECT! and not treat like shit and just perfect if you want to eat them ... or useful, once people understand that animals ARE CRUCIAL FOR OUR LIFE!
Even all K deaths animals due to 🛢 disaster, that happened exactly IN ISRAEL TOO!
https://t.me/IsraelPollution/188 or similar things...
Meanwhile, your 1400 is still 1400 since weeks, even yesterday
Just think about that ... since most people simply give a shit to what happens to animals ...
Would be time that ANIMALS GET MORE RESPECT! and not treat like shit and just perfect if you want to eat them ... or useful, once people understand that animals ARE CRUCIAL FOR OUR LIFE!