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Ain't no mercy there for me.

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An unprepared world is facing a global pandemic, but the real urgent threat according to God's chosen people is "white supremacy."

Because being the "chosen" definitely doesn't denote any sort of supremacy.

These rats don't stop. They don't reflect. And they never will. All they do its overreach and destroy everything they touch.

Репост из: Full Haus
One example why great American Henry Ford titled his series, “The International Jew.”

Why would the American Jewish Committee care about individuals in Britain’s military otherwise?

Репост из: Banned in the USA
Well, one of this country’s veterans has died from the cornavirus. It truly saddens me that this man defended a country that did nothing to defend him in the end.

Please, spare me your woke take on a 70-year-old vet too. If he was 70, he was very close to my father’s age. My father fought in Vietnam. He didn’t choose to do so. He was drafted and took 5 bullets...spent months in the ICU. And for what? So that he can die from some gook flu that the country he took 5 fucking bullets for (fighting gooks nonetheless) refused to protect him from? This makes me livid.

Show this to a jingoistic MAGAtard. They claim to love our vets, right?


Репост из: Eric Striker
Trump endorsed Jeff Sessions' open borders opponent. He has so far refused to endorse Kris Kobach against his open borders opponent.

That's because Trump is planning a big amnesty/immigration expansion, written personally by Jared Kushner, in the Senate. It's likely coming in his second term, since GOP senators with the exception of H1-B lover Mike Lee are afraid to publicly associate with this new bill before the 2020 elections.

Why would Trump want Sessions or Kobach in the den of whores, they might stop the bill in its tracks.


Репост из: Banned in the USA
The coronavirus has already killed someone here in New Jersey and it was caused by the disgraceful animal welfare and hygiene standards practiced by filthy gooks in China, who shouldn’t be here in the first place...but the state of New Jersey is more worried about “racism” related to this virus than the actual virus.

How does this console the family of the man who died? How does this help the residents of New Jersey find the supplies that we have shortages of? How does this help all of the parents who are pulling their children out of school and demanding that schools be closed, to no avail? How does this prevent the residents of New Jersey from getting sick? It doesn’t. Whoever is running this account should be absolutely ashamed of themselves and every resident of New Jersey should be furious about the state’s flippant attitude regarding a deadly illness that already took someone’s life here. Funny, no one here has ever died from racism as of today.

Ain't no mercy there for me.

Репост из: Banned in the USA
China single-handedly dominates the manufacturing of products sold here in America, which includes 80% of our prescription medications. This has shut down thousands of American factories and has made us completely reliant on a Communist country that engages in child slave labor practices for most of the goods we consume.

Street shitters from India come over on H1B visas and replace Americans in tech jobs because they’ll do the work for half the price. Mexicans and Central Americans sneak over our borders and replace Americans in manual labor jobs because they’ll also do the work for half the price AND they’ll do it off the books. All of these foreigners, whether they come here legally or illegally, drive American wages down and put Americans out of jobs.

Giant global tech corporations lobby the government to make policies that allow all of the above, plus they trample all over our first amendment rights by censoring political dissidents on the internet and continue to produce anti-white commercials, movies, and television series. Yet the government says that they can’t do anything about this because the very giant multinational corporations that are lobbying them to make laws and regulations that hurt white families are “private companies.”

But AT LEAST we aren’t a socialist country, right? Because that would be the real tragedy here. 🙄

Republicans actually believe this too. They say “at least we have freedom.” Really? Do we? When multibillion dollar corporations lobby the government to restrict our speech, slash our wages, and put us out of jobs?

They claim that capitalism is great for America. Really? American middle class families or the billionaires who operate giant corporations in America?

Then finally they resort to “well, AT LEAST we aren’t a socialist country.” It’s all such a dangerous lie.

Репост из: Skull’s Charnel House Mirror
I've reached something of a crossroads in my thinking over the past few months, or rather, yet another fork in the road on a path of neverending experience, learning and spiritual growth. You who have known me for years have probably seen it occurring, and many of you have probably reached some of the same conclusions on your own. The last few years have presented so much truth and absurdity upon such a MASSIVE scale, it’s almost as if it were a cosmic test to separate those with souls to save from those who either willingly rejected Truth or never had a soul to begin with.

“Reality” has turned into an enormous joke.

This is why I felt totally fine about abandoning Twitter and coming here, finally. How many more people are left to actually “redpill” at this point? I'm starting to feel that if you don’t see the enormity of this evil by now it’s because you’re either a part of it or your pineal gland is so thoroughly calcified you never will. I'm out of patience for people who still deny reality at this point and act as if something like "racism" is anything Whites should do anything other than scoff at, while our countrymen are being pushed from their homes, targeted, passed over at their jobs; their children, bullied, brainwashed, molested, and killed; their childhood towns and neighborhoods turned to crime ridden, filthy slums filled with 3rd world aliens who hate them; their history pissed upon and erased; the futures of their families obliterated, sacrificed to an insatiable foreign demon-god.

Why should I continue to want to "redpill" people when all they should have to do is just take a fucking look around? Most of the depravity we see now did not exist even five years ago, so there are fewer and fewer excuses I'm willing to hear out. Everyone can see what's happening is not all right.

Truth is, when I was kicked off Facebook and they deleted my account, they did me a favor, because I had moved beyond the idea of mere politics by that point anyway.

When I was kicked off Twitter for the last time they did me a favor, because I had moved beyond the idea that "waking more people up" was going to make any difference in the end.

And one day, the time for Telegram will be past as well. Even if they don't kick me off. This is the natural progression of things to one awake.

The center cannot hold. We are watching the End Days of a dying Civilization that needs to go in order for a new way of life to be born. America will fall. I'm done trying to show this to people who do not have eyes to see. What will be left? A new, God fearing, pastoral, self-reliant society that again rejects the material and puts the family at the center of its existential value structure. Not only one of these new nations, but many will remain and form anew; as those who rejected the Word of God, screaming with their hair on fire, their eyes melting in their skulls, run and thrash and crumple, moaning for a mercy that will never come, in the cataclysm of the urban hellholes they chose to expire in.

Collapse can't come soon enough.

Репост из: A Nice Man’s Neighborhood
So my sister called me a Nazi this morning. I said I just want to be left alone. I want my country left alone. I want my multi billion dollar military to protect us and our borders. I want American workers to have prosperous jobs and not have to compete with slave labor. I want soldiers who have been duped into fighting for the greater Israel project to be taken care of when they get home. I want people to have access to healthcare. I want drugs out of our homes. And stable families. Tax incentives for married families so mothers can raise their children. And to stop catering to the lowest common denominators of society. If that makes me a Nazi, Heil Hitler.

Репост из: WAP1488

Репост из: The White Space

Репост из: Banned in the USA
“Let’s quit fetishizing the single-family home,” said the headline to an op-ed by columnist Farhad Manjoo. “The reign of the single-family home is over. Whatever its habitable charms and nostalgic appeal, the single-family home is out of step with the future,” Manjoo writes.

The cities you built aren’t enough, white man. Your suburbs aren’t either. These third world invaders want you to give up your home now. You work 60 hours per week to pay for that home. And why do you have to work all of those hours? Because a good chunk of your paycheck is going to fund gibs for the very same invaders who are demanding access to your neighborhoods, while claiming you’re only able to live in such a nice home as the result of your “white privilege.”

These third world shitskins destroy their countries with pollution, disease, overpopulation, civil war, and poverty, then they demand access to ours. White privilege = brown people having the privilege of benefiting off of everything the white man built and paid for.

Репост из: Banned in the USA
The government is making it illegal to support and defend your own people. So, if there was ever a time to support and defend your own people, that time is now.

Look at the wording here:
“White nationalists view illegal immigration as a direct assault on the white race.” Even normies oppose illegal immigration. They are going to make it illegal to oppose illegal immigration.

“White nationalists believe the white race is under attack from ZOG.”
Hmm, well if we weren’t under attack from ZOG, a bill like this wouldn’t exist.

Репост из: Banned in the USA
Trump’s white voters have been declared terrorists by the FBI.
They are being censored across all social media platforms.
They are having their 2nd amendment rights infringed on without due process in states like Virginia, which used to be a reliably red state. It’s now blue due to the third world invasion that Trump is doing nothing to stop.
They are getting doxed and beat up in the streets by state sponsored Bolsheviks.
Their wages are being driven down by cheap foreign labor at the behest of giant global corporations.
The opioid epidemic continues to claim the lives of thousands of white Trump supporters every year.
Our troops are still in the Middle East and many of our soldiers who did actually get to come home, are living in the streets.
400,000 anchor babies were born in this country just last year.
Recent college graduates are drowning in usurious debt, yet they can’t find jobs due to wage suppression and global corporatism’s demand for cheap foreign workers.
Our education system is still failing and the queen of common core has done exactly nothing about that, making it even more difficult for our children to get ahead in this country.

So, guess what pressing issues the Trump administration is choosing to tackle? Decriminalizing homosexuality in other countries, letting felons out of prison, more scholarships for basketball shoe Americans, letting felons out of prison, and minority unemployment.

In case you have a double digit IQ and haven’t realized it yet, Trump is not on our side. There is no 4D chess and there is no plan. The only plan Trump has is to advance the anti-white agenda of his Jewish donors.

Репост из: Banned in the USA
Can you imagine constantly reminding your majority white voting base of how great minority unemployment is? First off, if the economy was working, women wouldn’t be. All of the above mentioned groups drive down wages for white men. You know, the same white men who voted Trump into office, hoping he’d actually give a shit about them. If you haven’t accepted that Trump simply used white people to get elected, then it’s time to accept it. The same white people who were beaten up, fired, ostracized, and slandered for supporting him. Trump has actually polarized his own base with his bold rhetoric, but he’s made us walking targets by putting no action behind that rhetoric. What could be worse? Why would you still insist on voting for this lying conman? Once you come to terms with the fact that both parties don’t care about you, they don’t care about your children, and they exist solely to serve their pay masters, you’ll see that there is no political solution and that’s when we can start discussing REAL solutions.

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