The Liberty Observer

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This channel posts news and memes and my blogs during my browse of the internet.

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>Street vendor, Edith Barrales was harassed and threatened by a family in her own neighborhood in Sacramento. Edith says she is still scared to this day to go out and sell in her neighborhood because they might try to intimidate her again.

Репост из: American Republic
Imagine if everyone united under these 3 priorities?

Also known as the Techxodus.

It's time to stop letting companies like Google and Twitter control what you see. It's time to flip to different platforms.


Getting Started?:

Ron Braxman on the dangers of big tech:!-(Worse-Things-Coming):0

Anon's Movie Site:

The Cuck List (companies and people to boycott):

Website for finding alternatives (always favor free & open source) (read comments and reviews):

Choosing a browser?:

>They are concerned more and more people are picking up encrypted technology:
>Cardano developers working on a potential decentralized twitter alternative using blockchain:
Angry at Big Tech? Wait! The Other Shoe has not Dropped! (Worse Things Coming)
Last week Big Tech made a show of power by showing they can censor even the President of the United States. But this is just the beginning of what they're capable of. Are you ready to take the Red Pil...

The new "Right-Wing" platform:

-Amnesty to everyone illegally here

-Let violent criminals out of prison

-Give more money to Minorities

-National service aka The Draft

Other than those 4, this "New Right" platform seems pretty decent if you ask me. Wish that it was more Anti-immigration, stricter prison reform and have no draft.

Are you ready for a apocalyptic migrant crisis euro bros?

>Ethiopia is constructing a large hydro electric dam
>Called the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam or GERD
>Might drastically decrease water supply downstream into the Nile
>Most of the water supply comes from Ethiopia

Egypt is entirely reliant on the Nile river

>This might potentially spark a water war between Egypt and Ethiopia
>If Egypt loses it could collapse the entire country causing mass migration into Europe far larger than the one in 2015
>Add this to the massive population growth in the rest of Africa, combined with limited resources causing more instability in the region, causing more to flee to Europe

The only hope for Europe at this point is complete isolation and shutting down of its borders

Репост из: Blackpilled
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Trump proves to be exactly what I've been saying about him for years by NOT pardoning Julian Assange.

Репост из: White Awakening ᛉ
Why is our government broken?
Muslims and Jewish dual citizens with foreign Allegiances. They don't care about you.
Your both or either infidel or goyim.
Both meaning non - & sheep and cattle...
I'll find your 17 post that told you, if you caught it.

Репост из: Global Resistance News
— This has the potential to be absolutely devastating to Israel.

It would be similar to NATO.

Up until now, there’s always been an unofficial alliance between resistance axis countries, but never an official one.

An official alliance would ensure that if any country is attacked (For example Iran) all states & parties would immediately join the fight against Israel.

Israel already can’t handle Hezbollah & Hamas at its borders, let alone an alliance of Iran, Hezbollah, Syria, Yemen and others.

🔴 @Cultures_of_Resistance

Репост из: Global Resistance News
— BREAKING: Iran announces initiative for an official military pact between resistance countries & groups

🔸The Iranian Parliament has prepared a motion called "Security-Defense Treaty of the Resistance Front", based on which a treaty will be signed between resistance front countries & groups, such as Iran, Syria, Hezbollah, PMU, Ansarullah, Hamas and Islamic Jihad.

🔸Based on the pact, all member states and parties must support the one attacked by Israel (or any other hostile regime) with financial, military and political assistance until the enemy is repelled.

🔴 @Cultures_of_Resistance

Репост из: Blackpilled
“The White supremacist cause is futile, it’s nihilist,” AOC, a Democrat who represents parts of The Bronx and Queens, said during a virtual town hall meeting Friday night.

“Their world will never exist. That’s why we’re seeing violence right now.,”

Репост из:
JUST IN - "Right-wing extremists are using channels on the encrypted communication app #Telegram to call for violence against government officials on January 20," claims Anna Schecter from NBC News.

American media outlets are now taking aim at Telegram. @disclosetv

Репост из: Vincent James
ATTENTION: Do not go to any upcoming scheduled demonstrations in DC. We're hearing there are potential demonstrations scheduled for the 17th and the 20th. Do not go. Around 15,000 National Guard are being deployed to guard the Inauguration on January 20th, and 10,000 will arrive by Saturday.

-Lay Low-Stock up on food, water, energy, survival gear, self defense, etc

-Get together with family, neighbors, friends

-Purchase land if you can

-Build community and contacts

The next few years are going to be a wild ride. It will get worse before it gets better, but it will get better.

The American spirit can never be vanquished, and always comes back with a vengeance under threat of oppression.

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