TON Labs

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Cool things, on TON.

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Hello community!
Today we have two news at once, so get ready for a long post. As they like to write to the Medium, reading will take up to 5 minutes (if you skip all technical terms along the way).

✅ The first is the Cloud.
We released our public Cloud providing access to Telegram Testnet (check the playground at and other TON based Networks.

This comprehensive development environment based on Kubernetes clusters includes several full TON Node instances, databases and messaging protocols, monitoring tools and bundled software. Taken together, these components ensure load balancing for stable performance.

TON Labs Cloud allows developing new smart contracts, migrating them from previous projects on other blockchain, testing, running and deploying contracts in a testnet environment that allows getting a full picture of how contracts operate in a blockchain.

✅ Secondly, we open our Solidity compiler in OpenSource.
We are glad to open access to source code of the Solidity Compiler that is already familiar to the community through a series of beta-releases.
The compiler itself takes source code in Solidity and generates TVM assembly that is then processed by the TVM_linker utility (also open-sourced) to generate bytecode. Most part of the standard language features are supported.

With the compiler in open source now, TON Labs welcomes community contributions to it and optimization suggestions.

Despite the fact that the release of TON was delayed for reasons beyond the control of the community, we at TON Labs are confident that those community members and teams who are currently studying TON and actively participate in shaping the face of the future ecosystem by creating the first solutions, will gain a sufficient advantage in expertise and the ability to be the first to launch ready-to-use products. That means a lot.

More info are avialable at our TON.Dev channel and at (as usual).

Hello again!
If (not sure if it’s possible tho) you are not yet aware of our tools for TON developers community - it’s time to take a look at TON.Dev channel 🛠

By the way, we have some really cool news about our LLVM compiler, check them out :)

Hello, World!

Показано 4 последних публикаций.


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