Tongkrongan Haruto

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The racer had gone mad with their way of being champions. The speed of their car could not hold back anymore. They are the most prosperous and astonishing racers of all as they have applauded a plea for their success forevermore. @TorutoRobot

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Репост из: TREVER
greetings, everybody! here i am to introduce this coolest mixed paguy call "TREVER". this paguy includes Treasure and IVE roleplayers as well. they opened their gate for the very first time, the rules we used is the basic rules and yup we use eng in our daily conversation so make sure you are not misunderstanding this paguy. please do text us on our robot helper
☎️ @TreverRobot.
see ya fellas!

Репост из: O'Masculine Hologram.
Hologrammatic rounded like bright space. Opening gates made of iron to sparkle, telling all the happiness that lies between the darkness and the warmth of the light; We are here to call out to all those who consider themselves to be men who have a responsible and masculine spirit.

We opened the gates for the registration of new men who had become an association, opening the gates wide for all. Here we write down some rules that you must pay close attention to before you decide to register with our boys association; first, you accept all types of roleplayers and all kinds of good personalities here, but unfortunately we only accept male-roleplayer's. is not part of a spy nor part of anyone who has bad intentions towards us, so please understand this, we only accept someone who has good intentions. make sure you are not a clone account with bad intentions. not two-faced, not spy and can keep a secret.

We accept twins for muse, but are limited. You can check taken list. Contact this bot ( 💿 ) if you are sure

Репост из: 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐌𝐎𝐍𝐎 – 𝐓𝐎𝐍𝐄𝐒
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Gentlemen, we’re back! We’re the rising star, the future of music, and the soulful harmony; THE MONO-TONES, and we’re looking for new faces to be added to the family, and it might be you if you are the following criterias!

💿 We accept ONLY BOYS! 🙇🏻‍♂️
📀 We accept all liners but unfortunately ONLY 2 twins, make sure to check out if your muse is still available!
💿 Any kind of fraud and espionage will be acted fair and square, spies are STRICTLY PROHIBITED.
📀 We TARGET those who are fans of music, we vastly accept any cool guys who has huge music interest with any genres to join in the hope of you resonating and getting along with us the best!

No more waiting, you also can be a part of the thrilling journey of ours by betting on your luck at our bot @TheMonotonesBot RIGHT NOW! We’ll be waiting, see you! 🎸✨

Репост из: Wayang Purwa, Triwikrama
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Tabik khidmat terlaksana memberi jeda perihal maklumat penuh ketertarikan. Datangnya beri rasa takjub, singgahnya beri rasa rindu pada relung hati yang sendu. Moga-moga para insan direngkuh 'kan kebahagiaan tiada henti tanpa diberi ruang nestapa. Biarlah naluri menuntun pada sela-sela ruang dan waktu yang kian berdenting memberi isyarat kebajikan, mencari-cari pelakon demi terciptanya Wayang Purwa, Triwikrama!

Kami telah mewadahi beberapa kriteria diantaranya:
I). Kami terbuka untuk s'luruh jenjang usia hingga jenis kelamin yang ada. II). Memiliki kiat sastra berkarisma elok dan berbudi pekerti apik. III). Sedang tidak berencana melakukan istirahat panjang hingga pergi tanpa pamit. IV). Dapat berinteraksi terhadap sesama pewayang dan memahami makna setia.

Dalih dipenuhi rasa suntuk, lantas mengapa tidak mencoba bergabung dalam gubuk antik milik kami? Sila tinggalkan jejak rupa berserta nama pengguna pada bilik temu @TriwikramaBot. Semoga singgahnya yang singkat dapat menuai sebulir asa pada naluri.

Репост из: The Wolf Valor.
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The night called and an opportunity knocked on your door. Calling all the vehement-blooded mortals to come and be a part of the deathless night; to spark the indescribable outlook together, and to be vicious with no crusade. There are a few regulations that you need to follow:

1. Make sure you use Song Mingi as your main muse, we don't accept multi-character or temp-swap.
2. Make sure you will be active, and involved yourself in the group chat.
3. Silent-reader, clones in a bad way, spy, sorry buds you are not allowed here.

Well, if you are one of Mingi's portrayers, do not be afraid to sign yourself in. The door is very much open anytime for each one of you. You can contact us through @WolfValorBot.

The Wolf Valor.

Репост из: OM4H #CariPcar
Bequeath our pulchritudinous greetings, to all magnificent folks allover civilization. Tis we, OM4H are precisely inviting lad and lassie to enliven our warm house together. Kindly read our house rules before you deciding to live with us;

★ We accept all genders but only for 1995-2004 liners.

★ All rp-ers are warmly welcome but keep in mind that we don't open our door for multi-players.

★ No twins allowed, So ask or check your muse's slot first.

★ We're strictly prohibit spy, clone account in a bad way, silence readers, and problematic person.

★ Funny person, talkative, and can mingle very well get point plus. And make sure you don't have any intention to do hiatus or deactivate in the nearest future.

If you feel that you're the suitable person to be a part of us please text our housekeeper for more details. We'll be waiting for you, so prepare yourself till we meet again in our house. Toddle-oo, mates!

Репост из: LIVELOVE.
We're LIVELOVE! the six women with perfect talent proportion — the symbol of neutralizing destruction, so strong union is needed. For those who are one with the spirit of benevolence and full of love; some practices that you can fulfill here might help.

୨♡୧. Make sure you use IVE members as your fixed muse. We do not accept if you are multi-character or in a temporary swap.

୨♡୧. We are looking for a people who can be sure to be active over a long period of time. In addition, reliable to mingle and good at interacting well.

୨♡୧. All the secrets that are discussed in the group chat are enough for us to know, if you spread it intentionally to the public domain or other alliances, we will act firmly on you.

୨♡୧. We would not accept those who are two-faced, spy, or clone accounts.

The sorceress, shouted! ”let's gather as one that spreads a lot of light in the lamp of life.” Little note: Make sure that you haven't joined another IVE dorm, so we are the only IVE dorm you have, please contact @Iivelovebot.

Welcome to the Arena

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