US Patriots

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US Patriots

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Гео и язык канала
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Фильтр публикаций

Репост из: Official Anonymous
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The man behind the Great Reset, Klaus Schwab from the World Economic Forum tells: "No matter what comes, there is no way back to normality".

Репост из: Corona Expert
All-causes mortality 1990-2020 proves there is no danger!

Репост из: Sprawn

Репост из: Official Times
UPDATE: Blackout in Texas RED.2

Репост из: Official Anonymous
BREAKING: Space Force has been updated to full intelligence agency status!

Репост из: John F. Kennedy Jr.
BREAKING: Pelosis letter about tomorrows impeachment! 💥💥💥

Репост из: Official Anonymous
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Soldiers in Washington DC. Right now! Something is happening! Stay tuned!

Репост из: Wiki Official
Here we go!

Репост из: Corona Expert
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No comment & No words

Репост из: Sprawn
Five quad three two one... Q

Seems legit

Репост из: Yellowstone Wolf
I guess I'm famous 😎 An #yellowstonewolf emoji would be also nice 🤔😂

Репост из: Wiki Official
BREAKING: A recent Proklamation by President Donald Trump !

Репост из: Shawunawaz
Shawunawaz, the sword of swords.

@shawunawaz is all of our hope

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Organized Antifa takes over the streets of Manhattan!!!

Репост из: Wiki Official

Показано 20 последних публикаций.


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