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Vinland Rebels Anti-Communist Action
These 4 bolts are what holds our movement and our race together.
Hail Victory!

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Репост из: Activism, Athletics, Identity
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American dream version 23085- The bugman working the counter watches his store get robbed taking the equivalent of what makes in a month only to meekly say "get a job" to them but in his head he wanted to use the hard R .

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Репост из: Active Club: Crew 562
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Muscle up and rise up white man

Репост из: Prof. Kai Murros

Репост из: 🐢 Dr. Leo Oberführer🐢
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Репост из: 🚨Twitter Mass Report Thread🚨
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Special thanks to our friends at Vinland Rebels.
Follow: @VRcrew

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Vinland Rebels celebrated a day of wholesome Anti-Communist fun. As we should everyday. We will always push back against these parasites in our communities. Our brotherhood is above all else. The future is OURS. As Nationalist clubs continue to form and expand across the country, we will continue to keep applying pressure. May Day was our celebration for all the hard work countless men in the movement have done this year.

Hail Victory! Hail Vinland!

Репост из: Pacific Northwest Imperative

Репост из: /fit/ SL 5X5 Edition
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Репост из: Vaderlandv2 uncensored!!
I learned by bitter experience that the human material of the right wing consists 90% of cowards, dopes, nuts, one-track minds, blabber mouths, boobs, incurable tight-wads and worst of all hobbyists (people who have come to enjoy a perverted, masochistic pleasure in telling each other forever how we are being raped by the "shhh you know who's",) but who under no conditions would think of risking their two cars, land scaped homes or juicy jobs to DO SOMETHING about it


Репост из: Vaderlandv2 uncensored!!
Our right wing"fighters" keep assuring each other" ye shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free".
But the truth is that any SLAVE knows the truth,but what good does it to him, unless he can somehow get the POWER to FORCE his way to freedom.
IT is not the truth which will make us free in America, because millions already knows the truth and hates bitterly what is going on, but are afraid even to admit they know the truth.


Репост из: Vaderlandv2 uncensored!!
They can stay in power only because people are afraid to oppose them, afraid they will be socially ostracized, afraid they will be smeared in the press, afraid they will lose their jobs, afraid they will not be able to run their business, afraid they will lose political offices.
It is FEAR and FEAR alone which keeps these filthy left-wing sneaks in power NOT ignorance by the American people as the conservatives keep telling each other.


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Репост из: ☀️𝗔𝗿𝘆𝗮𝗻 𝗘𝘁𝗵𝗼𝘀☀️
“Nature knows no political boundaries. She simply deposits life on this globe and watches what happens. The boldest and most industrious of her children becomes her favorite and is made the Lord over Creation...

There is no doubt that the world will someday be the scene of huge battles for the existence of mankind. In the end, the craving for self-preservation alone will triumph. That stupid and cowardly group of humanity that thinks they know more than everyone else will find their humanitarianism melts like snow in the March sun when they face destruction. In eternal battle, mankind can find greatness; in eternal peace, it will find destruction.”

-Adolf Hitler: Mein Kampf

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Afrikaner Weerstandsbeweging

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