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Репост из: Vanguard Legion Updates Channel

"What exhausts itself in a certain period, can rise again in the same time period. Today’s Italy and today’s Germany are living proof of this. Both are nations that have regenerated, indeed, that might be regarded as new nations in this context. However, their roots spring not from the grounds of more recent ages but rather they reach back into ancient history. The Roman Empire breathes once more. The phenomenon of Germany as a state is not new either, although it has made its appearance more recently. I had the insignias of the Old German Reich brought to Nuremberg for a reason. I wish to call to mind, and this not only for the benefit of the German people but also for that of all peoples, that more than half a millennium prior to the discovery of the new world, a gigantic Germanic-German Reich stood on these grounds. Dynasties came into being and dissipated. Outward forms changed. Yet while the Volk has been rejuvenated, its essence has remained the same it has always been. The German Reich has long been dormant. Now the German Volk has awakened and once more bears its crown of 1,000 years high on its head. All of us who bear witness to this historic resurrection feel great pride and happiness. We stand before the Almighty in humble gratitude. For the rest of the world this should be an inspiration as well as a lesson learned, an inspiration to reflect upon history from a more elevated point of view, and a lesson not to succumb to the same mistakes as in the past."

~ Der Führer Adolf Hitler 🇪🇺


Happy Thanksgiving Everyone

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"We have been patient with Ethiopia for forty years. It is enough now. The League of Nations, instead of recognizing the rights of Italy, dares talk of sanctions, but until there is proof of the contrary, I refuse to believe that the authentic people of France will join in supporting sanctions against Italy. Six hundred thousand dead whose devotion was so heroic that the enemy commander justly admired them—those fallen would now turn in their graves. And until there is proof to the contrary, I refuse to believe that the authentic people of Britain will want to spill blood and send Europe into a catastrophe for the sake of a barbarian country, unworthy of ranking among civilized nations. Nevertheless, we cannot afford to overlook the possible developments of tomorrow. To economic sanctions, we shall answer with our discipline, our spirit of sacrifice, our obedience. To military sanctions, we shall answer with military measures. To acts of war, we shall answer with acts of war."

~ Il Duce Benito Mussolini🗡


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"I believe in this light. It will not be extinguished. The images of man which I create are not idealized. They embody ideals and characteristics which are worthy for all men: human dignity, peace, respect, friendship, tolerance, and freedom."

~ Arno Breker


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"I aspire towards the divine, the perfected human being."

~ Arno Breker


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Benito Mussolini — Fascism and National Socialism

Upon his visit to Germany in September of 1937, the Duce of Italy, Benito Mussolini, gave a speech addressing the German people in German about the genuine friendship between himself and their Führer, Adolf Hitler. Mussolini emphasized how the Fascist ethic reflected his own personal morality and that neither he nor the Italian people would ever forget that when 52 states in the world enacted sanctions against Italy, Germany was one of the few countries that refused to do so. Mussolini proves his sincerity by calling Hitler his friend and promising to march with him towards the very end.


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There is a Lord God - Adolf Hitler

"Two thousand years ago a man was also denounced by the same race....The man was dragged before the court and it was also said of him, 'He stirred up the people.' So he too had been a 'rabble-rouser!' And against whom? Against 'God' they cried. Yes indeed, he roused the rabble against the 'God' of the Jews, for this 'God' is only gold.'"

~ Der Führer Adolf Hitler 🇪🇺


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For Reference this would be the new logo if I change it

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“As Aryans, we can view the state only as a living organism made up of people. It does not merely assure the preservation of this nationality, but the state must lead the people to the highest freedom possible by continuing to develop its spiritual and intellectual capacities.”

~ Der Führer Adolf Hitler 🇪🇺


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Adolf Hitler: In Defense of
the Sacred and the Revered

A series of clips from various speeches delivered by Adolf Hitler in which he vows to wage an unyielding struggle against the forces of nihilism, atheism, cultural degradation and moral decay.

Hitler speaks in defense and support of the sacredness of the Christian religion, the reverence of the the German past and the need to cultivate a renewed and healthy high culture.

The clips reveal a blatant opposition to the idolatry of materialism which is seen as a direct attack on the ideals of the spirit.

The Defender of Christianity

"The Jew himself is the best example of the product of this religious training. His life is only of this world, and his mentality is as foreign to the true spirit of Christianity as his character was to the great Founder [Jesus Christ] of this new creed, 2,000 years ago."

~ 𝐀𝐝𝐨𝐥𝐟 𝐇𝐢𝐭𝐥𝐞𝐫 (𝑴𝒆𝒊𝒏 𝑲𝒂𝒎𝒑𝒇) 🇪🇺


Репост из: Total NS
The fundamentals of Mein kampf.


Репост из: Vanguard Legion Updates Channel
"For this I have been and am a socialist. The accusation of inconsistency has no foundation. My conduct has always been straight in the sense of looking at the substance of things and not to the form. I adapted socialisticamente to reality. As the evolution of society belied many of the prophecies of Marx, the true socialism folded from possible to probable. The only feasible socialism socialisticamente is corporatism, confluence, balance and justice interests compared to the collective interest."

~ Il Duce Benito Mussolini🗡


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"I hung their king up in front of the gate of his city on a stake. His land, his wife, his sons, his daughters, his property, his treasure I carried off. All of the people I carried off to Assyria."

~ Tiglathpileser III 🇮🇶


Репост из: Vanguard Legion Updates Channel
"I think it would not only be useful work to prevent the international dropping of poison, incendiary, and explosive bombs but above all to abolish the selling of newspapers which have a worse effect upon population than bombs could ever have."

~ Der Führer Adolf Hitler 🇪🇺


Репост из: Vanguard Legion Updates Channel
In 1938, the 15th annual of the Militia the "Roman Step" was presented and adopted by the Armed Forces, the Militia and the youth groups of the Fascist Party. The preface to the Fascist "Acts of the Grand Council," written on the occasion of the 15 years of Fascism's ascention to power in Italy, Mussolini wrote that among the works of the regime, "The innovation of the Roman pass is of exceptional importance."


"It is ready to try its hand at even more arduous trials. I know that you are only waiting for a cry. Legionaries!"

~ Benito Mussolini🗡 (1938, 15th Annual of the "Roman Step")


Репост из: Vanguard Legion Updates Channel
"One truth must always be kept in mind: the majority can never replace the man. The majority represents not only ignorance but also cowardice. And just as a hundred blockheads don't equal one wise man, so a hundred cowards are incapable of any heroic action."

~ Der Führer Adolf Hitler 🇪🇺


Репост из: Vanguard Legion Updates Channel
Partisan Commander of the group that Captured Mussolini protested to high command thusly: "Il Duce has shown us more than enough proof that the atrocities ascribed to him were not of his volition or approval. For this reason I must insist that a Trial before Italian Court and Jury is convened for this man, and will not obey my orders to execute our Duce."


Репост из: Vanguard Legion Updates Channel
“Parliamentarism has been fatally wounded by two typical phenomena of our times: syndicalism and journalism. Syndicalism, because it concentrates in determinate associations, all the people having special and particular interests of their own to defend; Journalism, because it is the daily parliament, the daily rostrum where men coming from universities, industries, sciences, life itself, discuss all the problems with a knowledge which is rarely found upon the seats of Parliaments.”

~ Benito Mussolini🗡


Репост из: NSDAP Loved Christ
"We’re to believe that we can restore the value of The word of God, the teaching of CHRIST, the truth of a HOLY religion, where generations upon generations, nations upon nations, the entire lifespan of a human cultural epoch, all were unable even to recognize the deep abyss in which they wandered or sojourned!"
-p. 56-57

"Perhaps Christ was one of the first to contrast man’s liberalistic attitude with the socialist stance. But his teachings, which can still be found in PURE and NOBLE form in St. Paul and others, soon became falsified, even turned upside down, and little of Christianity remains in the churches that use its name today.”
-p. 115

"When ever I read the New Testament Gospels and the revelations of various of the prophets (Old testament) and imagine myself back in the era of the Roman and late Hellenistic, as well as the Oriental, world, I am astonished at all that has been made of the teachings of these divinely inspired men, especially jesus Christ, which are so clear and unique, heightened to religiosity. They were the ones who created this new worldview which we now call socialism, they established it, they taught it and they lived it!"
- p. 139-140

“We are the first to exhume these teachings! Through us alone, and not until now, do these teachings celebrate their resurrection! Mary and Magdalene stood at the empty tomb. For they were seeking the dead man! But we intend to raise the treasures of the LIVING CHRIST!"
-p. 140

— Adolf Hitler, in Otto Wagener's Memoirs of a confidant

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"Don't believe in any foreign help! Never believe in help coming from anywhere outside our own nation, our own people.

Within ourselves alone lies the future of the German nation.

I finished off these people as a lonely, unknown man who gathered but a handful of people about him. Throughout 15 years I finished them off!

Today Germany is the greatest world power! Today they admit it would have been possible to arrive at an understanding.

But they did not! They wanted war!

This was precisely what my domestic opponents used to tell me. I held my hand out in friendship to them!

But they refused it! And they also cried:

No! No reconciliation, no understanding, only War! Well they got their war...

German people, give us four years! And I sware to you:

As true as I have accepted this office so shall I leave it then! For I have not taken it for gain or for wages but for your sake alone!"

~ Der Führer Adolf Hitler 🇪🇺


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