
Гео и язык канала: не указан, Английский
Категория: Политика

Гео и язык канала
не указан, Английский
Фильтр публикаций

Репост из: Pure Hate
Garlic Festivals, Walmarts, no where is safe it seems for the invading Mestizo scourge 😂

The psychological effect of Terror anytime and anywhere is powerful as hell. Those who complain about soft targets don't understand the value in this. Also don't whine about a free lunch.

Read Brenton Tarrant's Manifesto again where he explains his plan to end the second amendment and kick off a civil war in America. Saint Crusius fulfilled Saint Tarrant's wishes for Accelerationism.

Репост из: Hans's Right Wing Terror Center

I feel ya Eddie. Really I do.

But please keep your finger off the trigger until you are ready to fire.

I don't believe there were multiple shooter. 20 casualties is very low for multiple shooters.

If it takes you 1 month to plan a shooting at Wal-Mart, you are dumber than the most retarded Somalian in Somalia.

Wal-Mart is the fruit that already fell off the tree and is now rotting on the ground.

Crusius didn't pick "low hanging fruit".

Trannies are low-hanging fruit.
Drug-dealers are low-hanging fruit.

Smut peddlers are low-hanging fruit.

This dude went to fucking Wal-Mart.

Tell that to Saint Breivik.

Репост из: Pure Hate
"Remember: it is not cowardly to pick low hanging fruit. AKA Don’t attack heavily guarded areas to fulfill your super soldier COD fantasy. Attack low security targets. Even though you might out gun a security guard or police man, they likely beat you in armor, training and numbers. Do not throw away your life on an unnecessarily dangerous target. If a target seems too hot, live to fight another day."
- Saint Crusius 08/03/19

I strongly disagree.

Репост из: Pure Hate
This is the true power of TERROR

The true weakness of urbanites.

Репост из: Pure Hate
"Dying for the right cause is the human thing we can do" - great quote from Blade Runner 2049

"The object of war is not to die for your country but to make the other bastard die for his."

Taliban are just Pashtun wignats.

If you think the Taliban are subhuman monsters, you don't know yourself.

Репост из: Spliff Tolkien

Can confirm without prejudice

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