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While IRL activism can hold a great deal of potential and show people our presence, resources like GAB can be valuable as well. Everyday I try to find new groups on GAB and post the image of our movement along with a QR code. I get many reposts and likes each day from people and I highly recommend trying it out.

For today I went more aggressive with snickering as to have more impact. I've noticed some of the stickers previously placed have been taken down. That let's me know someone is seeing them and they don't like it. That's fine. They will just be replaced with more. Looking forward to more participants and some future banner drops. Great work from everyone today...

A handful of stop signs a day helps to keep the anti-Whites at bay.

An effort each day can potentially awaken someone..

Stop signs make great locations. High contrast for the sticker on the red to be noticed, the driver is at a stop, and they have a moment to take notice.. One afternoon/night out of the week go on a walk with the wife or GF in a nice White neighborhood and place stickers on multiple stop signs. Try to find a different neighborhood each week.

So make an effort each day you go out to just place our message in a new space. If you are getting gas, place a sticker on a trash can near the pumps or on street signs. Tomorrow I am going to post a strategy I think will be highly effective at spreading our movement's message regarding sticker detail.

Simple QR code of Devon Stack's Defiant movie detailing White replacement. Download file and make stickers.

Light posts in busy parking lots in predominantly White neighborhoods making good use of spreading our important message. The second sticker is a QR link code to Devon Stack's powerful Defiant movie which details White replacement.

Alabama activists at work. Public areas of high traffic such as drive thru mail boxes can be ideal locations for sticker placement.


🙋🏼‍♂️We are re-starting the efforts for explicit pro-White activism in ALABAMA

Please join the new chat. To become admin, message @wlmcontactbot.

Get involved! This will be the only official chat.


Репост из: S❂NNENRAVE
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Репост из: Proud Boys: Uncensored
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White genocide is an orchestrated campaign by the jews. Let them tell you in their own words.


Репост из: Southern Nationalist

All 3 books great read

Репост из: The West Knows Best

I only Hate that which threatens the one I love (George Lincoln Rockwell) If you dnt know who he is u need to

Репост из: /CIG/ Telegram | Counter Intelligence Global
Posts like this are probably, by far, the most alarming for people in our community. But we can't hide forever, and the goal shouldn't be to hide forever. Our own paranoia and fear of what might happen is the greatest tool of suppression. Alternatively, our most successful groups have been those that are openly confronted by "feds" and they refuse to let that deter them. The only means to be free is to fly free, the actions of a slave enforce servitude more so than oppressors. Refuse opportunities as you see fit, but do not regret your choices if you let every chance of liberation slip by.

Репост из: Nationalists United

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