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They hate you.

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Stand up white man.

Репост из: White Lives Matter Official

As we know, the way of White People is the way of the Creator. Our enemies can deny us rights, can attack, smear, and even imprison us. What they can't do, however, is take away our divine gift to create
. Art, architecture, electricity, internet, running water, the industrial revolution.. you name it, Whites have done it all.

Today, we are asking you to comment the best phrases you want the world to know. Short and effective, these should be in the example of "Watch Europa the Last Battle" or "Stop White Genocide" or "We never elected diversity".

The best phrases will win the honor of helping the White Race as well as we will make those into banners and flyers.Get creative, get productive, White man & woman. @WhiteLivesMatterOfficial

Репост из: Mimir's Brunnr
The value of what you want is measured only by that which you're willing to stake against it.

If you do not commit fully to that which you desire then your fears will conspire with your obstacles and raise the stakes just beyond the limits of your nerve.

Commit, Create, Become.

Репост из: Proud Boys: Uncensored
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They show low impulse control behavior like this, and wonder why cops approach them with caution. We're taught that crossing the street when we see a pack of these parasites is "racist" when it's self-preservation. Every accurate instinct we have that tells us to avoid these people is called racist. Avoid these people like the plague, and don't listen to the Jew media telling you that your self-defense is racist.


Репост из: Kino

Репост из: Mexizzachet

Did you do anything to advance our cause today? Did you verse yourself on our doctrines? Did you talk to your neighbors or friends about white replacement? Did you try and advance your skills in any way to be useful to our people? Did you lift something heavy or hone your skills to defend yourself and our people?

Or did you just sit around and call people slurs on the internet and make memes?

This struggle will not be won by sitting around on Telegram, telling everyone this and that is a psyop or honeypot. Nothing will be gained by preaching one thing on the internet and then being a degenerate in the real world.

We are all in this fight together. If you aren't standing with us then you are in our way, don't be another obstacle the white race has to overcome. Racial consciousness in everything we do must be our guiding light.

Don't fall into societal traps and be another burden on white society; get up, get out and become a hero to your people.

"We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children." - David Lane

Репост из: Every Day
On January 10, 2018, Valaree Megan Schwab left school to have lunch. While she was out, the 16-year-old was attacked by a group of "school bullies" who knocked her to the ground and stole her keys. When she followed Z'inah Brown, Carl Booker, and Dominique Slack to another fast-food restaurant to try to get her keys back, Z'inah stabbed Valaree in the chest, puncturing her heart and lung. Valaree spent her last conscious moments "gasping for air, clutching the hand of a young cashier."

Репост из: Proud Boys: Uncensored
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Blacks - "we should police our own neighborhoods"

Black policing their own neighborhoods -


San Antonio open now. Tomorrow the world.

The last march on April 11th, 2021 in Fort Worth may not have gone exactly as planned, but it created an atmosphere consistent with white unity.

White lives are in serious danger, we are approaching minority status in our own country. A country that we built. White genocide is in our midst and the only thing it takes to stop it is for us to stand up and demand change.

I can’t do it without you, though. All of us have a role to play in this mass awakening. This time will be different— more rigorous vetting and a serious commitment to showing up in solidarity. We need headcount more than anything else. We don’t need false dedication, we need to swear an oath to protect our culture and our people.

I will continues to update this channel as time goes. Nothing will stop us.


Dallas/Fort Worth page just launched! It's bare bones right now but will be running full speed shortly.


Репост из: MassDeportationTM
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Asylum centre throwing food out because non whites don't like pasta. Ungrateful deportables.

Репост из: White Lives Matter Official
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📌Your enemies are calling for your genocide.

What are you doing? Still beating around the bush with politics?

It's time to become racial. No democrats, no republicans - just White People.



Репост из: Proud Boys: Uncensored
LMFAO. HOW BOUT NO!! Not one more white life should be lost policing these animals. Let them take care of themselves. Or not. @TheWesternChauvinist

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