We for Humanity Campaigns

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In this chanel We for Humanity (https://we-for-humanity.org) calls for action. As an initiative of Holocaust survivors and their descendants we know that freedom is not a given; it is something we must fight for again and again.

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❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹 Friend in Need is Friend Indeed! ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹 

Kleine Unterstützung mit großer Wirkung

Eine mutige Ärztin ist ein weiteres Opfer der Gesinnungsdiktatur. Diejenigen, die ihre Existenzgrundlage verlieren, diejenigen, die vorm Gericht stehen, weil sie Widerstand geleistet haben, stehen für uns alle vorm Gericht. Eine von uns darf nicht am Geld scheitern. Lasst uns helfen!


Termin mitteilen  


❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥"I survived for purpose", says Holocaust survivor
Vera Sharav❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥

The purpose is to warn the humanity. Please listen to Vera Sharav's powerful, courageous speech in Hamilton, Canada. And share it!


(script or subtitles in other languages should follow)



"With this Webseite which has just gone online, we want to honor Prof. Burkhardt's life's work and legacy.
Prof. Walter Lang will continue the work with our international team,"

writes the team around Prof. Dr. Arne Burkhard.

On the website you will find the book of condolences and a collection of the outstanding scientific findings that should be made available to the public.



"Mit dieser gerade online gegangenen Webseite wollen wir Lebenswerk und Vermächtnis von Prof. Burkhardt würdigen.
Prof. Walter Lang wird mit unseren internationalen Team die Arbeit fortsetzen,"

schreibt das Team um Prof. Dr. Arne Burkhard.

Auf der Seite finden Sie das Kondolenzbuch sowie eine Sammlung der herausragenden wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnisse, die der Öffentlichkeit zugänglich gemacht werden sollen.


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Wichtige Petition:

Jetzt wird es interessant. Eine Petition auf der Seite des Bundestages könnte zum Quorum von 50000 Unterzeichnungen führen. Dann müsste der Bundestag erneut darüber debattieren, ob die Zustimmung der Änderungen des WHO-Vertrages (Entfernung der Wahrung des Menschenrechte in Artikel 3 des WHO-Vertrages) völkerrechtswidrig wäre. Bitte verteilt diese Petition so viel ihr könnt, falls ihr diese unterstützen möchtet. Ich halte euch auf dem laufenden:



❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥Teilt unseren Aufruf und unterstützt JEDEN von uns!




Am 26. Mai teilte das Amtsgericht Plön den Rechtsanwälten von Prof. Bhakdi mit, dass die Generalstaatsanwaltschaft Schleswig-Holstein ein Rechtsmittel gegen den Freispruch von Sucharit Bhakdi eingelegt hat.

Das war absehbar, da es bei politischen Prozessen darum geht, den Ruf der Kritiker so lange wie möglich zu schädigen. Nach ihrer Rehabilitation könnte man ja selbst ins Fadenkreuz geraten“, schreibt Stefan Homburg.

Auch Prof. Bhakdi war auf diese Entwicklung gefasst. Er ist zuversichtlich. Das sind wir auch. Wir werden vereint für ihn da sein, wenn es heißt Call for Action. ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥


Noch einmal offiziell zum Teilen

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Court is about to resume shortly. Both the defense and prosecution delivered final arguments. The judge then adjourned court for 30 minutes.


Now let’s pray, dear friends. Imagine the light you send amplifying others’ light. Just hope and trust. Pause to unite in the light, hope and trust.

Sven Lausen argued that the prosecution misunderstood that Sucharit was speaking at the campaign event as a candidate and that, of course, politicians should have a broader range in what they speak about. Lausen says the prosecutor is dividing people by bringing forth these charges and that she has a duty to evaluate and investigate the evidence, and she did not do so properly. Lausen argued that the prosecutor has the wrong impression because she only watched a portions of the video. He said her 6 page long indictment lacks knowledge. Lausen also said she was requesting access when also saying her investigation was closed on the same day. Prosecutor never said anything about the letter written by the Holocaust victims to the EMA in the indictment and that the indictment was evil and that the prosecutor wanted it make Sucharit an example.


All three of Prof. Bhakdi's lawyers spoke as part of the final argument to the court. Martin Schwab, Prof. Bhakdi's main lawyer, spoke about Sucharit's conviction in the media before the hearing. He then focused on the two charges. Regarding the charge stemming from Sucharit's interview with Kai Stuht, Schwab stated that Sucharit did not insult Israeli people according to a specific German law. He provided more context to Sucharit's statements in the interview stating that the Israeli people were the first to be injected under the emergency authorization. Schwab reiterated Sucharit was not insulting the Israeli people but expressing concern and worry for them. He said the interpretation of Sucharit's words was completely wrong. Schwab asked for a not guilty verdict. Lawyer Tobias Weissenborn pointed out that Sucharit was not addressing the Israeli people but rather the Israeli government. He mentioned that Sucharit is a Buddhist who advocates for peace and unity. Weissenborn mentioned the prosecutor's shortcomings (not watching the full videos or investigating properly).


Court is resuming. The defense will present final arguments.


Prosecutor Silke Fussinger completed her final argument. For the first charge she asked for 90 Euros paid daily for 150 days and for the second charge, she asked for 90 Euros paid daily for 70 days. She summed it up and came to 90 Euros paid daily for 180 days. We are now on a 10 minute break. The defense will deliver its final arguments when court reconvenes.


Court will reconvene at 3:30pm CET. Both the defense and prosecution will deliver their final plea.

The defense mentioned that Prosecutor Fussinger should have watched both of the videos a long time ago. And that as a result of not watching it, she did not see the important context - namely that he was citing a Holocaust survivor saying the statements in question.

Prosecutor Fussinger then questions Prof. Bhakdi directly to ask him if he knows how the video was shared. Prof. Bhakdi begins to speak a little and then the defense team stops him. The defense instructs Prosecutor Fussinger to address the defense council about addressing Bhakdi directly in the future.


Court is back in session.

Показано 20 последних публикаций.


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