Zoltanous HN

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I’m a Dissident Right content creator who uploads archived videos that agree with the Third Position from economics, philosophy to just generally normal politics. Enjoy the channel, Hail Victory!

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Here an original fashwave edit by me. Song is by Xurious - Camp of The Saints

Репост из: Vincent James
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Anyone who still says George Floyd was killed by police is either a liar or a fool

Репост из: Vincent James

My new YouTube channel be sure to subscribe, like, and share around!


“The world revolution, however, will not be that which Marx envisaged; it will rather be that which Nietzsche foresaw.” Arthur Moeller van den Bruck, Das Dritte Reich (1923)

“Currently, owing to a 19th century habit of overestimating the economic factor, we characterize the conflict by the superficial terms “socialism” and “capitalism.” What is actually taking place behind this verbal façade is the last great struggle of the Faustian soul.” Oswald Spengler, Preußentum und Sozialismus (1919)

“The revolutionary use of force by the masses is an expression of immediate life, often wild and barbaric, but never systematically horrible and inhuman.” Carl Schmitt, Die geistesgeschichtliche Lage des heutigen Parlamentarismus (1923)

“Russian Bolshevism and Italian fascism are kindred phenomena, they are signs of an epoch. They hate each other like brothers. They are both messengers of ‘Caesarism’, which sounds somewhere in the distance in the nebulous ‘music of the future’.” Nikolai Ustrialov, Pod znakom revolutsii (1927)

“Here, in architecture, the peculiarity of our time is strikingly evident: hitherto the artistic structures had been the tombs of kings or the places in which they held their courts or the community hall, or they served sacred purposes… today the artistic building serves as a business office or it has no meaning at all…” Werner Sombart, Deutscher Sozialismus (1934)

Репост из: Corona Chan News 🦠
/BMW/ now confirmed glow nigger channel. Federal Informant Zoltanous HN just signed the new post. He's an admin and can see all of the subscribers. This is why they're promoting constantly for angry whites to message them in order to "network" with groups. It's a honey pot 🍯

Zoltanous HN was doxed in June as Shandon Simpson, a face fagging fashy YouTuber with shit opsec who got in huge trouble with the feds. He's an active duty National Guardsmen who bragged on Telegram about getting deployed with live ammo to "shoot and kill Rahowa" when they were deployed during the BLM riots in June. He was interrogated by the FBI, sent home from duty, and is now gathering intelligence for them as a CI. The system owns his ass now. I suggest banning all his socks from your channels and chat rooms.

Glow channel post: https://t.me/EconomicHitList/2902

More about him in the dox after his arrest:

I think I hit a touchy spot when I posted this quote from “The Racial Bolshevik”. On the glownigger claim, let’s ignore I could get 30 years for breaking a NDA for talking to Striker, Cultured Thug and the NRM about my situation. When this did happen to me nobody reached out to me for support but guys who fall under the movementarian slang did. Everyone else ignored me and these are the misanthropic people with a reactionary mindset. It’s either violence as a saint with you people or go away once this happens. You have nothing to counter this, all of your revolutionary cells are the honey pots not legal organizations.

Репост из: The Right Stuff
Hyperpodcastism – Moldbug

Borzoi and Nike have a raucous four hour discussion with Curtis "Moldbug" Yarvin about Carlyle, what it means to have the high ground, the Bayesian sexuality of Hitler, the GayQ vs. the JQ, World War II spergery, whether to affirm or deny the socially constructed Holocaust, WASPs and Puritans, and debate how to be a...


Репост из: Eric Striker
"China is making Iran a superpower-- Washingtons Problem "China threatened to punish George Soros" -- Washingtons problem "China thinks America is a gay mongrel failed state and tells other countries not to follow us" -- Washingtons problem https://t.co/B3VSrEVidS

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