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You will get free rewards when you start the airdrop by just clicking the link below in the channel ❣️❣️
Tips and news about airdrops daily

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📅 All TapSwap codes
🎮 Play👉TapSwap

⚡️0P6E (Secure Your Crypto P2)
⚡️marlowe (How Blockchain ACTUALLY Work)
⚡️5WH71 (Secure Your Crypto)
⚡️27MZ (Top 10 Bitcoin Whales: Part 2)
⚡️emission (Ethereum Will Be Worth $20,000!)
⚡️5G36SQ (Top 10 Bitcoin Whales)
⚡️renewable (10 passive income ideas)
⚡️Q7P9N3VD (Delicious crypto news)
⚡️tendermint (EARN ON AIRDROP)
⚡️547JL6AM7R (Bitcoin integration)
⚡️Onchain (How To Make 10X On Crypto)
⚡️3KKLF7JO5 (Top 15 Crypto News)
⚡️unstoppable (The Best Crypto Portfolio for 2024!)
⚡️0TJN63R97A (Crypto Revolution)
⚡️WebSocket (Without this knowledge you WILL NOT MAKE MONEY in crypto!)
⚡️7N008TQ31V (USDT vs. USDC)
⚡️instamine (How to make $1 Million as a TEENAGER 30 Money Tips)
⚡️D772WQ9Z5 (Unlocking the Future)
⚡️parachain (Crypto is not real money!)
⚡️5SP670KR66 (The Dark Side of Crypto)
⚡️infinite (7 AI Tools That WILL Make You RICH)
⚡️D5784VHPC377 (Financial Face-Off)
⚡️unbanked (How Elon Musk impact on Crypto)
⚡️F9L34V5A (TapSwap AMA internal)
⚡️tardigrade (What are NFTs and why they cost millions?)
⚡️4K7U6E10G7 (TapSwap Education)
⚡️RANSOMWARE (The most DANGEROUS crypto scams)
⚡️5J6OL847G7 (Hot Crypto News)
⚡️liveness (What is Bitcoin? The SIMPLEST explanation!)
⚡️F35K90V3 (curious facts. Top 7 most expensive NFT)
⚡️fibonacci (HOW cryptocurrency and money actually works)
⚡️L6SE704V81 (Top 10 Crypto Billionaires 2024)
⚡️collateral (Learn 10 New Crypto Terms)
⚡️delisting (Cryptocurrency Worldwide News Second Part)
⚡️3PM71AK03X (Cryptocurrency Worldwide News First Part)
⚡️G5D73H2O (Fake News And Real News)
⚡️ABENOMICS (8 Warren Buffet Rules)
⚡️TRIBALISM (Get Started in Crypto)
⚡️4D80N74 (Memes and Cryptocurrencies!)
⚡️encryption (5 Ways to Make Money on Crypto)
⚡️27F53K9 (Drops and Rises)
⚡️genesis (How you can make money when crypto falling?)
⚡️D57U94 (TapSwap Education - What The Bitcoin Is?)
⚡️2614907 (Learn 5 Crypto Terms)
⚡️739551 (New In The Crypto World)
⚡️Just Watch the video (TapSwap Education)
⚡️030072 (Watch The First Token)
⚡️548719 (Learn What The TON Is)
⚡️5 (Watch New Video)
⚡️739002 (Watch The First Video)

Brrrrr has announced the token distribution ✅

Let's hope for it not to be scam 🗿

The mining phase of brrrrr airdrop has officially ended earlier today✅

Even though i participated in the airdrop event and collected the what so called "game tokens" (a lot of them) i dont believe it would turn out to not be scam as i dont have any guarantees

✅️ 14 ᴊᴜʟʏ ᴀʟʟ ᴛᴀᴘsᴡᴀᴘ ᴄᴏᴅᴇs :

🪙ᴊᴜsᴛ ᴛᴀᴘ ᴏɴ ᴛʜᴇ ᴄᴏᴅᴇs ᴛᴏ ᴄᴏᴘʏ ᴛʜᴇᴍ

❔What are NFTs and why they cost millions?
🪙Code: tardigrade

❔Tapswap education: can u earn 1 bitcoin per day?how bitcoin mining work.
🪙Code: 4K7U6E10G7

❔The most dangerous cryptoscams you should know about!

❔Hot crypto news:Ethereum ETFs
🪙Code: 5J6OL847G7

❔Tapswap: curious facts. Top 7 most expensive NFT
🪙Code : F35K90V3

❔What is bitcoin?the simplest explanation
🪙Code: liveness

❔ Learn 10 New Crypto Terms
🪙Code: collateral

❔Top 10 Crypto Billionaires 2024
🪙Code: L6SE704V81

❔How Cryptocurrency works
🪙Code: fibonacci

❔Crypto-currencies worldwide news
🪙 3PM71AK03X
🪙 delisting

❔Fake News And Real News
🪙Code: G5D73H20

❔8 Warren Buffet Rules

❔Get started in Crypto!

❔Memes and Crypto-currencies
🪙Code: 4D80N74

❔5 way to make Money on Crypto
🪙Code: encryption

❔Drops and Rises
🪙Code: 27F53K9

❔How Earn Money on Crypto
🪙Code: genesis

❔Tapswap Education- what the bitcoin is?
🪙Code: D57U94

❔Learn 5 Crypto Terms
🪙Code: 2614907

❔New in the Crypto World
🪙Code: 739551

❔TapSwap Education
🪙Code: 030072

❔Watch the first Token Video
🪙No Code (You only have to watch the video)

❔Learn what the TON is
🪙Code: 548719

❔Watch new video
🪙Code: 5

❔Watch the first Video
🪙Code: 739002





Dogs ✅


🚨 You can still participate in the Solana Case Event organized by HOT.

Each box is locked so no one knows what they contain.

The rewards are HOT, Coffee, NFT, USDC.

It is an invitation to participate; 1 Refer = Earn 1 Gift Box.

Coffee = 0.07$ ✅
1 Hot = 2-6 $ is estimated

To participate 👉


Click the link,join the 5 listed channels and then click check twice and you all set. Q

All the tasks that have been on Tapswap so far and their codes:

1. First Video 👉 739002
2. New Video 👉 5
3. What The TON is 👉 548719
4. Watch The First Token Video 👉 no code
5. Tapswap Education 👉 030072
6. New In The Crypto World 👉 739551
7. Learn 5 Crypto Terms 👉 2614907
8. TapSwap Education - What The Bitcoin is 👉 D57U94
9. How Earn Money ON CRYPTO 👉 genesis
10. Drops And Rises 👉 27F53K9
11. 5 Ways to Make money 👉 encryption
12. Memes and cryptocurrencies 👉 4D80N74
13. Get started in crypto 👉 TRIBALISM
14. 8 Warren Buffet Rules 👉 ABENOMICS
15. Fake news and Real news 👉 G5D73H20

|| When doing the tasks, use a VPN instead of watching the whole video. If you know how many minutes the YouTube video is, spend that minute on something else. Return to the tasks and insert the codes and u'll get em

|| Also, in Special, there is a task that comes with Vpn to do the task by joining the Channel

Tapswap new task


BCOIN 2048




Let's tell you a little about Dotcoin!

- The Dotcoin we are working on now will enter the Mining Phase after a few days

This means that after tapping, you will start collecting Real DTC Tokens by entering the site every day and completing new tasks!

Listing will be done by TON Blockchain, but it is not known when it is.

Asum DTC (Dotcoin) Token is stated that we can earn by performing tasks and we can sell and exchange the Token!

Tapswap and Hamster are getting tremendous amount of money via YouTube so probably DTC will also start yt and bring some tasks

If you haven't started yet 👇👇


1) Watch the First Video - 739002
2) Watch New Video - 5
3) Learn What the Ton is - 548719
4) Tapswap Education - 030072
5) New in the Crypto World - 739551
6) Learn 5 Crypto Terms - 2614907
7) TapSwap Education - what the bitcoin is  - D57U94
8) How to earn money - genesis
9) Drops and Rises - 27F53K9
10) 5 ways to make money on crypto - encryption

Показано 20 последних публикаций.


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