Akmal Akbarov - Online English Club

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✅ Online Speaking Courses (3 months)
✅ Online IELTS Prep. Course (4 months)
✅ Online Vocab. Boost Course (3 months)
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Here you can watch the battle of words between President Zelensky and President Trump in Uzbek and compare it with the English raw version I shared above.

Trump's English is usually too simple, which can be explained by the fact that he wants to be understood by as many Americans as possible.

I believe he chooses to speak at that level of English.

Zelenskiy's English, however, needs major improvement. Just watch this video in Uzbek and the one in English above and compare.😁


📱 @akmal_akbarow

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Most probably you have watched the battle of words between President Zelensky and President Trump.

I guess Zelenskiy shouldn't have spoken English at all, as his almost poor English didn't serve his interests.

Most of his statements are formulated in a highly straightforward, inappropriate, and at times disrespectful manner.

You don't sit down with the US president and speak English like that when you desperately need their financial, military, and perhaps moral support. This was a Q&A session in front of the journalists and the major media outlets in the US and beyond.

Another thing I must mention is that his body language is also absolutely unacceptable. He is sitting there as if America owes him something. It is clear he is morally and physically tired of war, which seems to have no end at all.

But still, one should take every precaution and act according to the diplomatic protocol at least until the financial and military support is fully provided.

Putin must be sitting in his office and giggling over this stupid show.


📱 @akmal_akbarow

I've become silent lately as I got involved in this amazing and ambitious project.

Репост из: Ibrat Farzandlari
Ibrat farzandlari va Bellissimo Pizzadan til o'rganuvchilar uchun ajoyib yangilik!

Ibrat farzandlari’ning Super Start dasturi bilan ingliz tilini o'rganib, sertifikatni qo'lga kiriting va Bellissimo Pizza’dan 10% chegirmani qo'lga kiriting.

Hoziroq "Ibrat Academy" ilovasini yuklab oling va Super Start bilan tilni mazali o'rganing

Ilovani yuklab oling!


I love reading comments on social media. 😂

Good evening, everyone! Are you enjoying your Sunday evening? Start your productive Monday by learning these abbreviations that are often used at work. ☺️😉



📱 @akmal_akbarow

Good evening, everyone! Are you enjoying your Sunday evening? Start your productive Monday by learning these abbreviations that are often used at work. ☺️😉



📱 @akmal_akbarow

🇺🇿 Har qanday odamning boshqalarni boshqarishning eng kuchli usuli — ularga namuna bo'lish orqali yetakchilik qilishdir.

🇷🇺 Самый
мощный способ, которым кто-либо может вести за собой — это показывать пример.


📱 @akmal_akbarow

My son 😂

Репост из: Акбарова Элёра

Репост из: Акбарова Элёра

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OK, what is this? IELTS speaking band 10 or what? 😂


📱 @akmal_akbarow || Test Your English

Stop using auto translators like Google Translate. 🙈😁

📱 @akmal_akbarow

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Sometimes, you don’t need to overcomplicate English. While I often share infographics to help you learn and use both simple and sophisticated English words, it’s also perfectly fine to stick to very simple language.

Fancy words are mostly necessary when you are tackling international exams like IELTS or TOEFL, attending job or scholarship interviews, giving presentations or speaking to senior colleagues at work.

However, in everyday interactions with friends and close colleagues, it’s perfectly acceptable to use simple language whenever possible.

Remember, simplicity often beats complexity.


📱 @akmal_akbarow || Test Your English

Employees & Management

In medium and large companies, understanding the organizational structure is essential. In today's Business English vocabulary lesson, we explore key terms related to corporate hierarchy and management.

Read the text above, learn the words and complete the quiz.

❗️Quick note: For privacy, use a nickname instead of your real name.


📱 @akmal_akbarow

Good morning, everyone! It's high time to use more positive language when speaking with friends and colleagues, no?☺️😉


📱 @akmal_akbarow

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How do you go to your university or work every day? 😁

Happy Monday! 🥳

📱 @akmal_akbarow

🇺🇿 Agar siz orzu qila olsangiz, uni amalga oshira olasiz.

🇷🇺 Если вы можете мечтать об этом, вы можете это сделать.


📱 @akmal_akbarow

Have any scammers targeted you so far? 👀 Yesterday I received a phone call & almost became a victim when, in the very last minute, I found out that I was speaking to a scammer. I'm safe now, but I want to tell you how it all happened and guard you too.
  •   Yes, they tried to scam me once
  •   No, I've never had such experience
27 голосов

In Pursuit of Change: The Struggle to Transform Traditional Education

This happened at the beginning of a new academic year, 2024-2025. My daughter came home from school and started talking about how one of her subject teachers arranged the classroom layout in a П style where the students could sit facing each other. You know, most of us like such a layout as it creates a nice space for the teacher to walk in, reach out to every student (easily), and put them in pairs when initiating discussions.

This simple tweak in how the same chairs and tables are traditionally arranged can dramatically transform the classroom. It shifts a highly teacher-centered setup, where the teacher is ‘a sage on the stage,’ into a student-centered environment that fosters collaboration between students and their teacher.

Hearing this, I was happy. It was, perhaps, only one teacher in the entire school who did that. I thought, well, one step at a time, Akmal, one step at a time. I hoped if she continued this way, perhaps slowly her other colleagues would follow her practice, and gradually the entire school of teachers would adopt working with their students using student-centered teaching methods.

Just the next day when my daughter came home ...
This is my blog that I run in partnership with my colleagues and teachers at the university. If you want to read the full article, please click here.

📱 @akmal_akbarow

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