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This channel is a presentation of Marcia Ramalho’s, AETHER
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To create a toroidal vortex - generating a strong electromagnetic field, making a perfect connection between ions from the ether, ions from the Earth - our structures, columns, domes, pinnacles and archways would be grounded.

Filled with Iron bars, garnished by iron and Gold, intensified by Copper, with underground water and the mighty Mercury secretly doing a vortex on top of obelisks, masts, spires, antennas, towers, grids, gates, ornamental jars, sculptures, globes on the roof.

Our Ancestors did not need a lyre to play ether waves.

They had super powers, they could fly.

They were almost immortal.

They left us symbols to convey their high tech.

Parasites called it as lyre to hide the symbology left by Hyperboreans to teach us how electromagnetic energy should flow through resonance plus positive/ negative current.

Mercury is not dangerous.

When I was a little child, my grandfather always gave me mercury to play with.

Before playing, I needed take off my gold ring.

In contact with gold, mercury amalgamates.

Mercury will connect the Ae-ther with the Water through a vortex.

Aether is just a different state of the Water.

We need Aether and Water to make a
connection between Aether's ions with Earth's ions.

That's why our Ancestors put canals in every city.

They are not rivers, but artificial canals.

The caduceus and the lyre are the symbols of the electromagnetic energy set by our Previous Civilization.

To distort the truth, Parasites would invent a mytological god Mercury with a caduceus and entwined snakes.

Or lie in the fictional Ancient Greek culture - created in the 20th century - that Mercury invented the lyre.

The caduceus just shows the path followed by positive and negative charged ions in a vortex.

The same behavior can be applied in architecture.

This is why fountains, facades and Power Stations, have so many reliefs, ending in copper roofs with a point like finials (antennas) where the energy will be more concentrated to get in and out.

Показано 7 последних публикаций.


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