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Backup for Official TG feed of Nobel nominee de plume Dr Ah Khan Syed 😂

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Perhaps someone could post my #delta thread to Cory Bernardi?

Репост из: Old - Adams Economics

Репост из: BeachMilk
Facebook BANS top UK doctor for quoting a reputable scientific study about children wearing masks.

Facebook claimed that even mentioning that the study exists could cause “physical harm” to children!

Every country is attempting to silence good doctors who provide warnings to the public, because that is their oath. The regulators escape without liability because the public NEVER raise complaints against them to their own organisations. ONLY the public can do this because doctors are powerless against these organisations. Start calling for criminal investigations into medical regulators who warn doctors against speaking freely.

Guys, it's a pseudonym. OK I'll reveal my identity if I win 😂😂😂😂

I hope y'all are appreciating this feed - officially nominated for a Nobel Prize, coming in at #59 😂😂😂

Репост из: Dr Jen Barham-Floreani

Tiktok epidemic incoming????

THIS IS NOT A DRILL. Practitioners be ware. If you do this to my child you will be reported to the police and your regulator and the civil law suit will hit you before you have even counted how many international ethics laws you have broken.

WHAT ARE @PHE_UK up to? The technical briefings have come out every Friday (GMT) but not this week, one week after the first report to split out age groups for the #delta variant. There is no reason to delay this report UNLESS politicians are involved.

This is a RED ALERT🚩🚩🚩

Queensland Health internal memo. Please share to show what pressure coercion healthcare staff are under

Репост из: Vaccine Choice Australia

If you haven't yet seen the TGA freedom of information request showing that a major drug regulator didn't look at the Pfizer data and also made claims about safety in pregnancy based on one tiny study on rats

Показано 20 последних публикаций.


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