Gooken Waffen Radio

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This is where MG42 speaks and provide his media towards.
Occasional audio messages.

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Our enemy is unclear but not hidden.

The black is our true enemy and they wish to decieve our own people to believe that the discrimination is cause by our WHITE allies when in fact the footage is very clear, It is the darkie, slave, jigaboo NIGGERS who are discriminating against our people as they and the kike media blame it on the WHITE man for their own actions.

Do not be mistaken, we do not support the race traitors who abandoned their people to live in white lands, but because we do not support these traitors does not mean that we will support our enemies discriminating our people for their Jewish beliefs.

The enemy of our enemy is not our friend and they shall not deceive us into thinking so. Our fight has only begun, we shall wake up our people to preserve our race, culture and nation.


Репост из: Homework Helpers 88
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Hello gentlemen, so starting from now, I will be occasionally creating audio messages, each audio message will start and end with our anthem. (Anthem pinned in our chat)

In these audio messages I will be talking about some topic to help those who wish to learn about nationalism, we will be talking about events and ideas.

I'm mostly doing this to cater to the members of our new coalition, especially for the new coming local members soon when we start our first outdoor campaign.

These messages are 3-8 minutes long, and can be listened to in off time, you can take the audio message above this one as an example. I hope these messages can help bolster our nationalism upon many of our great men and woman.


Testing out my mic by encouraging us all to help our movement

There is need to be racist, we are all humans. SXNNERS!

To my East Asian brothers, our kind is currently in a dark era gentlemen. As you all know, our own race traitor immigrants have been getting discriminated by blacks recently but due to the (((media))), they are mislead to it being the cause of our whites allies rather than the nigger, darkie, jigaboo FUCKS who aren't supposed to be in the US neither.

As much as we are against the coons, we should also be against our own men and woman who wish to be traitors to their race and abandon their nation to live in a WHITE country to which they don't belong in AT ALL.

This is our land my brothers and allies, this is where they belong. Now is time to send our people back to their kind, back to our land, to our nation. Immigration is not a right, it is privilege, a privilege brought in by the kike to destroy our culture, destroy our race and destroy our nation and we shall not let them succeed, no matter what stands in our way.

We shall fight to preserve our land, people and nation! ASIA FOREVER!

Are you in support or against the Myanmar (Burma) coup?
  •   Yeah
  •   Nah
  •   I don't know, but I think we should
  •   I don't know, I don't care.
  •   Its their problem and shouldn't be anyone else's
32 голосов

"It is nothing more than a sad reality, the people cannot help themselves if they cannot rely on themselves for when people rely on others, in that aspect to which they wish to rely on, they are slaves to that other"


Send our people back home! If all they do is complain in the US about it being a white country then GOOD, it is a white nation and they aren't supposed to be there so put them back to where they belong.

We wuz kaaaaannnnnggzzzzzzzz n sheeeeeeeeeeetttttt

Id rather just stay in the fire.


This is what the person who said "hoW CAn YoU BE a rAYsIsT iF yoU ARe AsiAN" looks like.

My nation has been Christian for 500 years just to get taken over by Islam in less than 20 years!

Don't let them take over, fight for your nation, religion and people! HAIL VICTORY! ASIA FOREVER!

A true example of a leader leading in the current state of warfare, a warfare of optics and illusions. From the outside this leader seems to love his country and his people until you live under him, he only appears strong when being seen internationally but locally he is one of the weakest and laziest leaders ever seen in the whole of South East Asia. Our country still needs to rely on foreign imports and resources to survive, not a single step has been taken by this leader rely on his own people.

The people of foreign nations praise this man for being anti-communist, anti drug and anti trans until they realize the anti freedom of speech and vigilantly this nations has had since his individual was put into power.

Soon, I will make propaganda images and pictures for our movement for you all to print out and spread across your country (if legal of course) and in social media. Remember HAIL VICTORY! ASIA FOREVER!

The Filipino really give no shit whatsoever, I showed them my golden reich eagle, and they all said "Sieg Heil"

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