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Salam hangat untuk kalian semua dari pemilik kanal, Angel. Jika berkunjung jangan lupa untuk meninggalkan jejak. Untuk laporan atau keperluan bisa menghubungi @BeautyPureBot. Kanal ini juga terhubung dengan kanal @hFelle dan @hPeonyel.

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📝 Drop bot coba

🕸 0 people have voted so far.
📖 Anonymous Board

Eh salah


🗳 14 - 05 - 2023

- Altito. @crulture
- Jaden Hageshon.
- Sabrina @KarinaNerd
- Domicia A. @iKarinaza
- ray [𝐒𝐕𝐇𝟑𝟏]ᴰ⁶ @ey0wbb
- Mave
- nata @natlxxyn
- Fela
- alde @ezntot
- @gemoelai, Najma Syafazea.
- Mahesa
- nooya εϊз @Kaaiasha #OPMEMVK
- Ayy
- ⁸J. Cakra
- Kennedy J. @XNXXJUN
- Howl’s lovetaker, Naella
- Ameéra A. 𖤝 @seevny
- @MisseKarina; Biell
- 🥚’ catto! Sheinara @myeomii 3!33!
- Neng gofood @anakpganteng
- Ltemp. Kaja teatreed.t.me
- pacar chiquita @jisungIokal
- 𝐀marā slibiw drxt⁴ ִֶָ % !🎧 @Amarafp
- Loudy Rezaky, @jaeacmin.
- K. @qlkarinnaa
- marvel gamora. @sanatuais #CALVSHIRMIN
- Narasi si Manis!
- Kavi. @jinhyeongsi
- alden @O97JE0NJK
- Lady Brigitte @hiSullyoona
- milady Adara @hiHongsuzu
- gazza t.me/taeyongssie
- 見⋆ k/ia. kiyaraa, @YlRENl
- hazelilou @Jaehyuns911
- ōst daru @bapaktaeyung
- Najēca @Detrana
- Kei. @partheniia
- Briella E. @ParkRfosie
- tésara saozicar
- Euis @qrecious.

👥 40 people have voted so far.
📖 Personal Participation

Репост из: Angel's Gallery
♡ ❍ ⌲ •• ⎙

liked by @bBeautyPuree , @hiSullyoona and 23 other

❲ Lady Brigitte ❳ Anak nolep, jaya jaya jaya

special tag :

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1 minutes ago • lihat terjemahan...
⌂ ⌕ ⊞ ♡

Репост из: Angel's Gallery
Behind the scenes story, about the nine of them looking for a friend in this virtual world. A place where people have no activities in real life. Establish collaboration and relationships through subscribe for subscribe. Those who were initially unfamiliar became familiar, those who were close became closer.

❲ The story, 여행 이야기 ❳ This is a story about a young lady who meets a prince. Last summer, at a tea party banquet hosted by the royal queen. Despite being young, Lady Brigitte was also invited because she was well-known among the nobility. The only daughter of the Brigitte family, this beautiful and intelligent face has succeeded in attracting young people, including the Prince. Falling in love at first sight may sound silly, but it's the truth. They were transfixed by each other's charms. From there the two of them began to get close and were not absent to spend time talking together. The whole kingdom also knows that the prince will only belong to Lady Brigitte.

In a kingdom in an affluent area, there is a royal princess who is sweet and friendly. One day she will be queen. Her ascension to the throne would be the perfect mix. The wood is very sturdy with its lantern. All the maids in the castle are so kind. In the castle, she reflects on her life, she is very happy to be the princess of the castle, and she is so happy to meet good kings and queens in a prosperous kingdom. On one day or walk according to time, au fil du temps. An evident majestic moiety seraph comprehensive established lavish flair nest, catalyzed as sumptuousness dainty sphere in twelve o’clock chatter amour circumference tinkle sleigh bell a risible lavish magnetize sylph. Affluent and deluxe, viginti quenqe la beaut. Dazzlingly princess in sunset. She is, Lady Brigitte.

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Glitter Beauty o' a Lady who will be prettier when compared to other things, a girl who has a beautiful face and will make those who see her feel like a girl Goddes. Th' journey starts from day to day, with th' beauty that still accompanies her. Good beauty is shown, because the beauty that is like a Goddess is always offered rRregardless of feathers. That beauty that is eternal and very good, makes people shy away from all the beauty that is arranged and captured by several people. Against a>> science, because the beauty and character that is owned by the girl is always different from the others. A kind-hearted Lady, with all the national character in her. Resounding like a fairy, with a beauty that no one can match. Anchored–love, all the love that is in Princess. Relieves the princess's love, which is imprinted. Resembling a network shape.

un peu sur Lady Brigitte– Angel. Une fille douée de beauté et d'intelligence comme Albert Einstein et les déesses. La signification de mon nom est Saint ange qui brille de mille feux. Cheveux blonds, cœur d'or, a de la richesse et quelqu'un qui a de la force et du bonheur et qui est glorieux. Très beau n'est-ce pas la signification de mon nom ? Bien sûr, parce que je l'ai fait moi-même. Le nom est une prière, il n'est donc pas recommandé de donner un nom qui a une assez mauvaise signification. Au fait, aujourd'hui, j'étais au parc. Je ne sais pas pourquoi j'ai toujours été attirée par les fleurs, surtout les roses rouges. Le charme est en effet sans limite. En plus de cela, j'aime aussi les pivoines, les lys, les lotus, les tulipes et bien d'autres. Cet endroit est aussi parfois utilisé comme lieu de thé par moi et les autres dames. Ah mon temps est écoulé, donc je vais y aller. Au revoir !

❲ The heartfelt , 작은 아가씨 . ❳ When duskiness began to take over, the luna incandescently perched above the empyrean to illumine the night-tide. But the empyrean was void because there wasn't a sole star there. The hustle and bustle of her own messes with her silhouette that forevermore tailgate her. Pulchritude, recherché, scintillating, and adorable, making the’ earthbound gather the above-mentioned lady is a revered lady whereas she acquire an astonishingly also ravishing  from Jehovah. The masses who chaperones at her will everlastingly be blasted by the poison o’ amour contained in her beams. D’Eleanora ; a seraphic who came down from azure, came down to cosmos to be a Madonna in the chateau.

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lost Angel in this roleplayer
  •   Adorable, sweet, cute, and makes you want to always be close to her
  •   Humorous, fun, cool, and makes you laugh all the time
  •   Mature, charismatic, elegant, and has an alluring charm
  •   She has all of the above
163 голосов

Disclaimer ; harap untuk literasi

01. Karena kebijakan privasi @telegram, saya menyatakan bahwa saya bukanlah Seol Yoon-a yang sebenarnya dan tidak berafiliasi dengan Sullyoon ataupun JYP Entertainment. Saya membuat saluran ini semata-mata hanya untuk bersenang-senang.

02. Semua media yang berada disini bukan milik saya pribadi. Saya mendapatkannya dari pinterest, instagram, twitter, dan media sosial lainnya.

03. Channel ini akan dipenuhi dengan 2 bahasa inti yang saya ucapkan, yaitu bahasa Indonesia dan bahasa Inggris. Namun tidak menutup kemungkinan akan ada bahasa lain yang digunakan seperti : Perancis, Italia, maupun Korea.

04. Jika anda merupakan orang yang rasis, grammar police, plagiarisme, mohon untuk tinggalkan kanal saya. Dan jangan lupa untuk menghapus @hiSullyoona ( Lady Brigitte ) dari kanal anda, agar lebih Adil.

05. Dalam board anonymous saya menggunakan ( #Fla. ) sebagai bracket.

06. Saya memberlakukan absen partisipan setiap hari. Bagi yang tidak melakukannya selama 1 bulan tanpa ada keterangan apapun maka akan saya berhentikan menjadi pelanggan. Tentunya dengan memberitahukan ke roomchat ataupun bot terlebih dahulu.

Salam hangat, Angel.

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