🦄 @channelbercakap
🦋 Kisah cinta kita kekal selamanya sayang
🦄 @diarymujahadah
🦋 Our Heart Belongs To Allah
🦄 @yehaakudaterbang
🦋 hey you, bukan cakap sekadar
bercakap k
🦄 @psychobabe
🦋 A badass with a big heart
🦄 @SantaiBossku
🦋 Ada masa kita serious, ada masa kita santai
🦄 @myselfandyou
🦋 blog full of quotes between us
🦄 @iloveyouuuuu
🦋 crush , i'm waiting for you
🦄 @kaurasadahberubah
🦋 semua manusia akan berubah
🦄 @notasigadis
🦋 Let me talk , world . He need to know something
🦄 @Dxadrose
🦋 A rose for a broken heart
🦄 @httpchenta
🦋 beautiful wallpaper and random quotes
🦄 @heartsless
🦋 all this things are true
🦄 @quotesqt
🦋 all things about my feelings
🦄 @ayatbrokenn
🦋 luahan hati ketika sedih
🦄 @terasakeweh
🦋 kau panas ke ?
🦄 @luahanrasa05
🦋 Luahan suka duka seorang remaja. Dengarkan.
🦄 @scarletwhisper
🦋 strongest hearts have the most scars
🦄 @brokenwordd
🦋 Luahan Hati Seorang Remaja
🦄 @batuhati
🦋 quotes by qoutes
🦄 @hadamdalamdalamz
🦋 hadam kasi dalam auch
🦄 @intanedyquotes
🦋 Believe in yourself , ignore the toxic people
🦄 @sibudakkampung
🦋 luahan hati dari budak kampung
🦄 @PenaDakwahSiKecil
🦋 Sebarkan kebaikan, sebarkan senyuman, mendidik kebahagiaan🥰
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📬 wanna join? Contact @haiwanterbangbot
💬 Let's Stalker
🦄 @channelbercakap
🦋 Kisah cinta kita kekal selamanya sayang
🦄 @diarymujahadah
🦋 Our Heart Belongs To Allah
🦄 @yehaakudaterbang
🦋 hey you, bukan cakap sekadar
bercakap k
🦄 @psychobabe
🦋 A badass with a big heart
🦄 @SantaiBossku
🦋 Ada masa kita serious, ada masa kita santai
🦄 @myselfandyou
🦋 blog full of quotes between us
🦄 @iloveyouuuuu
🦋 crush , i'm waiting for you
🦄 @kaurasadahberubah
🦋 semua manusia akan berubah
🦄 @notasigadis
🦋 Let me talk , world . He need to know something
🦄 @Dxadrose
🦋 A rose for a broken heart
🦄 @httpchenta
🦋 beautiful wallpaper and random quotes
🦄 @heartsless
🦋 all this things are true
🦄 @quotesqt
🦋 all things about my feelings
🦄 @ayatbrokenn
🦋 luahan hati ketika sedih
🦄 @terasakeweh
🦋 kau panas ke ?
🦄 @luahanrasa05
🦋 Luahan suka duka seorang remaja. Dengarkan.
🦄 @scarletwhisper
🦋 strongest hearts have the most scars
🦄 @brokenwordd
🦋 Luahan Hati Seorang Remaja
🦄 @batuhati
🦋 quotes by qoutes
🦄 @hadamdalamdalamz
🦋 hadam kasi dalam auch
🦄 @intanedyquotes
🦋 Believe in yourself , ignore the toxic people
🦄 @sibudakkampung
🦋 luahan hati dari budak kampung
🦄 @PenaDakwahSiKecil
🦋 Sebarkan kebaikan, sebarkan senyuman, mendidik kebahagiaan🥰
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📬 wanna join? Contact @haiwanterbangbot
💬 Let's Stalker