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Pay back

We have always been innocent.

I understand you're tired.

I understand it's hard.

But you are being robbed blind while everything you love is being pissed on.

Why does it matter that you're tired???


When you’ve been through hell and worked your ass off to successfully escape,

Nothing scares you anymore.

And that level of contentment cannot be reached any other way.

If you’re in hell right now, keep working to get out.

You only feel life when you share life.

You don’t even feel rich unless you share being rich.

Everyone I’m close with is G

Everyone I don't know is a bitch till proven gangster.


When courage is lost, all is lost.


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The Fake News Media is soon out of lying tokens.

USAID funded them with YOUR taxes.

You were paying for the machines empire with your body heat.

They stole your money to lie to you.

Lie to you about rigged elections, fake events, imaginary concerns.

The world you believed in didn’t exist.

The left - the agents - are far fewer than you believed.

A mega-amplified minority with a state-sponsored propaganda machine.

Most people are rational.

The elections were never close they were rigged.

Everything they ever said was a lie.

The machines had you living in a false version of reality to exploit you.

I’ve been warning you for years.

The Matrix.

Men are in love.

Women are in business.

As a man you sacrifice your time and money for her, 7 days a week.

She won’t do the same back. Ever.

You think she’d give you money if she was rich and you did selfies all day? lol.

They exist to take.

And when the gravy stops pouring?

She starts whoring.

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One of the requirements for my blackbelt under Master Amir was to snap a baseball bat with my lowkick.

Only then was I qualified to take the grading.

I achieved my blackbelt 7 months later.

I train every day.

365 days a year.

And it's not about getting bigger.

It's about making myself do something I don't want to do because I know it should be done.

If you want the happy tomorrow's.

You need the truths that hurt today.

Every day you have a choice.

You have a choice on which road you will go down,

A choice on which future you want for yourself and everybody around you.

You get to choose what you spend your time on today.

You can continue down the plain old road you're on, spending your time as you normally do.


You can be heroic and go down an epic road.

You can meet heroes and actually have a life story which is interesting.

Every day that you make the wrong choice, more of your potential is wasted.

I am here to help you make the right decision.

I am here to tell you the truth.

I am telling you, there is no honor in poverty.

There are no good feelings when your loved one needs an expensive medical procedure and you cannot afford to pay for it.

There's no happiness when you're walking with your child, get attacked and are unable to defend yourself.

There's no "relaxing" when you're fired from your job and the bills are due as your country begins a recession.

The average man's life is miserable,

There is nothing to be proud of there.

So today, like every day, you get to make your choice again.


Will you force yourself down the hard brutal road to exceptionalism?

Or will you continue down the one you will naturally "feel" like taking? Stay a "normal" person.

Stay a loser.

Which road are you going to take?

Any man who says he just wants a “stress-free life” is born to lose.

Winners have failed more times than losers even tried.

America has freed itself from a deadly mind-virus which was DESTROYING it's populous.

Now it's just clean up duty.


We need to free Europe.

Life is actually very simple.

Become as strong and as rich as possible.

Help your family, friends and community become as strong and rich as possible.

Raise your children to become as strong and rich as possible.

Win and help those around you win.

We are the best financial educational platform on earth.

We change lives for the better.

Do you want to change yours?

Make money TODAY: jointherealworld.com

Trump reminds you that nothing is impossible.

Reminds you that the more they hate you the better youre doing.

That the good guys always win in the end.

Feel happy today friends.

Its a brand new age.

Показано 20 последних публикаций.