Geography optional by CSE TopperbeTopper

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Репост из: UPSC CSE Topper by Vikas Dhayal
Ethics-MIG-25 Schedule and Brochure.pdf
🚨Ethics MIG-25-Brochure and Schedule

A program helping a total of 51 students get a rank(47 selections in the initial list and 4 selections in the reserve list) in the CSE-2023, including AIR 13,17,29 and 39.

Evaluations done by a team of select few toppers of the subject.

Check for all details in the pdf and text at
@csetopper_helpline for enrolment at early bird discount now.

For a limited number of students starting on 7th November 2024.

Geography Optional Paper-1 CSM-24

Репост из: ABCD of UPSC by Vikas Dhayal
Marks Acclerator Compilation for Ethics (Sample).pdf
Case Studies Sample Marks Accelerator Compilation.pdf
Sample GS1 MAC.pdf
MAC GS2_Sample.pdf

🎯To the Point & MOST EXAM RELEVANT CONTENT to help you accelerate your GS Mains Score in Quick time

📕Available resources👇👇

Marks Accelerator Compilation for GS-1,2,Ethics Part A, Ethics Case Studies.

The Only value addition PDF that you need for GS-2 that we created after 2.5 months of rigorous analysis of topper copies of last 4 years

Respective Prices Mentioned in the PDFs

Neither Printable, Nor Downloadable

Created by two of our Team members in All India Service after going through more than 600 curated copies of highest marks getters.

Tap Here for Ethics Theory MAC

Tap Here for Ethice Case Studies MAC

Tap here for MAC of Entire GS-1

Tap Here for MAC of Entire GS-2

Useful for UPSC CSE Mains 2024 and Mains 2025

Репост из: UPSC CSE Topper by Vikas Dhayal
Marks Acclerator Compilation for Ethics (Sample).pdf
✍🏼Best Usable points from 150+ topper copies of the last 3 Years.

Revisable in 4 hours and has the potential to increase your score by 20+ marks in Ethics.

Marks Accelerator Compilation for Ethics is available now.

Check sample above☝🏻

To avail the compilation use the following link(₹129/- for the full copy, it won’t be downloadable)

Geography Optional Notes of Deepti(AIR 39). Was part of our Answer writing program last year.

🔥Super Pro Tip for Prelims

💉There is an ADRENALINE RUSH that you feel every time you sit in the GS Prelims paper.

This happens generally throughout the first 10-20 minutes(and for the first 20 Questions)

😰The RUSH makes you either leave a lot of questions in the beginning or pushes you to mark options which you would regret later.

⛓️Both the above scenarios make you very tensed in the questions to come, resulting into chaos in the mind.

🔨How to tackle this ADRENALINE RUSH ?

Here’s How!
1. Firstly out of the first 20 questions in the GS paper 1 don’t attempt(fill bubbles) more than 5-7 questions.
2. In each of these questions eliminate as many options as possible and keep them for 2nd reading and move on to the next ones.
3. After Question 20, you generally feel way more calm. This is the time that you attempt every question on its merit. Out of the next 80 questions in the first go you can attempt 50 to 55 questions. If the clock shows anything less than 10:45 AM on the day after the first reading you’ve pretty much overpowered the RUSH and you’re giving your best shot.

🧠Just remember that it will be felt by everyone and you are not the only one going through it. So, prepare yourself mentally for it.

Репост из: UPSC CSE Topper by Vikas Dhayal
Surbhi Pathak(AIR 201, CSE 2023) enrolled in our mapping test module and The Hindu based Current Affairs Test Module.

She is appearing again for Rank improvement.

☝🏻gave this review for
this and this module

You can Enrol by texting at
@csetopper_helpline now

Репост из: UPSC CSE Topper by Vikas Dhayal
The Hindu Based Current Affairs Test Module for Prelims.pdf
📰Newspaper based Current Affairs Module for Prelims.

The Approach:

1. 100 Questions from every Month from June 2023 till June 2024(till 10th June 2024) to cover most important Prelims themes from the Newspaper.

2. The idea is that the question
s will have you recall and solutions will help you revise those current affairs topics of last 1 year.

☝🏻Check Brochure for more details

🗞️Since the Yearly Current Magazines(365s) haven't been useful in Predicting Questions for Prelims in past years, we have created this module to cover the most essential part of current affairs(The Newspaper) in a unique way.

🪜Enroll by texting at @csetopper_helpline

Репост из: UPSC CSE Topper by Vikas Dhayal
The Paid High Yield Test Modules on Mapping available now.

It covers the entire mapping theme from which 15+ questions will be asked in the exam for sure.

This is one theme which is not covered by any institute or book comprehensively. It is the real low hanging fruit which has helped me cross 120+ several times.

Geography Mapping
Historical Geography Mapping
IR and Current Affairs Mapping
Environment Mapping

Based on Sources that UPSC has used and themes that UPSC has repeated.

Last year all the questions in the exam were from our free and paid mapping initiatives.

This year we have added Environment Mapping as well to cover even more questions in the module.

🪜Text at @csetopper_helpline for more details and Enrolment

Click Here to Check Brochure

✌🏼Early Bird discounts available for first few takers.

Interviewing Deepti Rohilla(323 in Geography Optional) soon

Do post your questions that were not answered by Vijay Raghav in this one regarding the optional.

Optional starts at 58:00

Interviewing our student Vijay Raghav(312 in Geography) today, share your questions in the comments

Репост из: UPSC CSE Topper by Vikas Dhayal
Updated(Marks master file CSE 2023) .pdf
Updated list of Marks of toppers of 2023.

How to use it?

For every paper, higher marks are color coded. The darker the green, the higher the marks.

It will help you get an idea about which topper copies to look for to get a proper idea about:

What kind of presentation and content are rewarded marks.

You can brainstorm the same questions in their copies and then see their answers to know where you stand.

Marks of candidates scoring 300+ are highlighted along with exceptional marks in paper 1 and 2.

You'll find curated copies From every source updated on this channel- Click Here

Geographers and their contribution.pdf
By AIR 24, 284 in Geo

I have made this summary of Geographers and their contribution for last minute revision before real exam. These can be used as introduction or value addition points in answers to make answers look more academic and geographical. It is necessary to have such summaries in order to reflect the same in answers in real exam. Unless you internalise such facts, it will be difficult to reproduce the same in stressful environment of real exam.

Adobe Scan 15-Aug-2023 (1).pdf
Adobe Scan 12-Aug-2023 (1).pdf
Adobe Scan 12-Aug-2023.pdf
Deepti Rohilla(AIR 39) Copies of Geography Optional.

🔥Paper 1 : 177(Highest)
Paper 2: 146

Check her Marksheet

Репост из: UPSC CSE Topper by Vikas Dhayal
Medha Anand , AIR 13, One of the GS toppers this year with 464 in GS Mains, wrote regularly in the GS Mains writing Program.

You can check one of her evaluated Copies in the pinned message and other copies will be shared in the next posts.

No billboards, no mock interviews to get results in our name, no offline center, small team of 8 people and the aim of decentralised affordable mentorship realised through this small community backed initiative on telegram.


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