spaceship ♡ promo

Гео и язык канала: не указан, не указан
Категория: не указана

hello, there! i'm here with spaceship to provide all of premium applications you need, i received payment via all e-wallet & qris, check my proof & pricelist on @spceship ʚɞ
contact bot: @spceshipbot
twitter: @.camoyyed

Связанные каналы

Гео и язык канала
не указан, не указан
не указана
Фильтр публикаций

ke bot aja biar fast resp yah


✧ Family Plan
• 1 bulan: 10k
• 2 bulan: 20k
✧ Individual Plan
• 4 bulan: 30k

✓ hanya perlu email utk family plan.
✓ harus sertakan email + pw buat 4 bulan inplan.
✓ email 4 bulan hrs fresh (blm pernah premium sm sekali).

note: proses 1x24 jam, klo lg fast resp & ga ada kendala bakal kurang dari 2 jam. format aku kasih klo kmu udh fix order, boleh tanya² dl guisss.

💳 all e-wallet & qris
contact bot: @spceshipbot
contacts person: @jiigumina
(semua kontak bisa dihubungi)

aku kasih diskon 10% buat yt 4 bulan inplan nih

aku mau bikin list promo selain netflix & spotify

masih berlaku yaa

Репост из: Pottery Tales ⋆ HIRTAL
[For my beloved Mutual Business accounts or anyone who saw this message, can you help to fw this message?]

Welcome to Pottery Tales. Here the fairies and witches need your help. In order to save the forest, they need a partner. Are you ready to help them? I think you guys are ready to be their partner.

In an easy way, because here we will hold a free rental for one day for talent needs. Free rent will be held on Wednesday from 18.30 to 19.30 in western Indonesia time. If you want to ask, you can ask the board that is available later. And we will answer it.

Don't forget to read the existing regulations in order to qualify for free rent and the available formats before joining free rent. Thank you for being willing to help talent and follow this free rent. Have a great day!

Репост из: 𝘾𝙤𝙨𝙢𝙞𝙨𝙘𝙝 : OPEN YEAYYY
[To all of our BA mutuals or anyone who sees and read this announcement, can you please help us to spread and forward this announcement to your Business Channel? Thanks a heap, moots!]

The moonlight gives a precious little announcement and so much awaited, with this announcement, we announce that @Cosmisch will be open on the 2th of November 2021 at 17:00 wib, or rather it will be open today yeayy! You were looking forward to this, right? Therefore, immediately prepare your form to purchase the wonderful thing that we provide, but make sure you have read our Regulations and Catalogue, okay? If you've read the rules, you can directly submit your form through @Cosmischbot!

Репост из: Cherubly! 🌵· OPEN!!
Warm greetings to all fellas among the crowds and bushed, the butterflies are finally filling the blue bright sky, symboling that @Cherubly is finally OPEN for any wording services! We're finally here to announce that Cherubly is now open for the first time in forever! *cheers* For our dearing Cherubies, kindly reach out upon @CherublyBot or @chyeonsa for ordering.

Don't forget to check the Terms and Conditions & Our Catalogs on @Cherubtalog before sending your formats, make sure you fill the forms in detail and if you do have any question, do ask us anything so that our service satisfy each of you. Bonjour, Cherubies & may you all have the most fantastic Tuesday! Go-go-go grab your '' rel='nofollow'>forms quickly! 😶‍🌫️💌

Репост из: namanya apa
Видео недоступно для предпросмотра
Смотреть в Telegram
( to all my moots can you help me to spread this message to your channel? thanks in advance! )

Finally, we will be opened for the first time also we already have a first batch to ordered!


Gotta check @adorableew fastly, please take your time to seem our profneeds catalogue.

tlg fw pinned jg ya

open guissssss

open bsk pagi lg, klo ada yg order skrg bakal diproses bsk ya

tutup 🙆‍♀

awal bulan penuh promo, buat apps lain bisa chat aja yah

• Rp20.000

✓ akun wajib dari kamu
✓ diproses 1x24 jam

testimonials: @spaceshipc
💳 all e-wallet & qris
☎️ contact person: @jiigumina
☎️ contact bot: @spceshipbot

open yaa.

Показано 20 последних публикаций.


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