Cydia Updates

Гео и язык канала: Весь мир, Английский
Категория: Технологии

Notifications of updates to packages on popular Cydia repos.

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Гео и язык канала
Весь мир, Английский
Фильтр публикаций

酸果 - SG WX美化增强工具 🛠
has been updated to v5.5.2-4 on BigBoss

o2 Pro 🛠
has been updated to v5.1-1 on BigBoss
致敬·锤子OS·One Step,一步打通应用间的边界,全新美观便捷的分屏新方式。
•Once again, let the interaction keep up with your thinking, with a brand new split screen
•rootless ios15 (无根)

App Hider(应用隐藏助手)-Make Apps disappeared from SpringBoard 🛠
has been updated to v2.1.8 on BigBoss
Hide your Apps from SpringBoard
•- Fixed some bugs.

Volume Amplifier 🛠
has been updated to v2.08-1 on hAcx
Amplify Volume by 200%

Super Recorder X+ 🛠
has been updated to v3.32-3 on hAcx
Native Call Recorder & Voice Amplifier for iOS 12,13,14

Call Recorder X+ 🛠
has been updated to v3.32-2 on hAcx
Native Call Recorder

vbox官方一键新机全系备份 🛠
has been released on BigBoss

SpotiPlayPauseConfirm 🛠
has been released on BigBoss
Confirm Alert on Spotify Play/Pause Button!

Nyx for Instagram 🛠
has been updated to v1.0.5 on BigBoss
Supercharge your experience on Instagram!
•- Optimized cache storage usage
•- Fixed story video may not load properly
•- Fixed nyx's button may not appear in some condition
•- Minor bug fix and improvements

Volume Amplifier 🛠
has been updated to v2.08 on hAcx
Amplify Volume by 200%

Super Recorder X+ 🛠
has been updated to v3.32-1 on hAcx
Native Call Recorder & Voice Amplifier for iOS 12,13,14

Call Recorder X+ 🛠
has been updated to v3.32-1 on hAcx
Native Call Recorder

Super Recorder X+ (rootless) (rootless) 🛠
has been updated to v3.32 on hAcx
Native Call Recorder & Voice Amplifier for iOS 12,13,14

Call Recorder X+ 🛠
has been updated to v3.32 on hAcx
Native Call Recorder

酸果 - SG WX美化增强工具 🛠
has been updated to v5.5.1-1 on BigBoss

Choicy 🛠
has been updated to v1.4.10-2 on BigBoss
Advanced Tweak Configuration!
•• Fix a bug where the Crane integration would not work as expected under certain conditions

Nyx for Instagram 🛠
has been released on BigBoss
Supercharge your experience on Instagram!

IGImageSave 🛠
has been released on BigBoss
Save Instagram Feed/Stories Pictures!

Filza File Manager 🎛
has been updated to v4.0.1-3 on BigBoss
File Manager for iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch. Supports iOS 7+
•- Fixed dependency issue: removed xz-utils

Whatsapp Revael 🛠
has been updated to v10.18-1 on BigBoss
Many features of the WhatsApp application
•- Updated all features to support the latest WhatsApp update

•To report any problem you can email me

•You can follow the latest news, updates and upcoming features through my Twitter account>

•BETA Repo Updates and trials are released here

Показано 20 последних публикаций.

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