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Abide as the poise summit, the beneficiary the goddess Aphrodite. The amour-propre of 31-08-04 who was born when God was gratified, her occurrence was very conspicuous as a Seraph O' Arcadia.
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💭 @wonzyoungzbot for my contact

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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ𝗬𝗢𝗨𝗡𝗚 𝗟𝗢𝗩𝗘.

𝒮creeching tires, i near miss. A born blaring sharply into the night. I close my eyes here comes the flashbacks.

𝒲e were losing track of the days and night, counting fireflies and waiting for the sun to come around. i was so addicted to you. i remember the exquisite fatigue as I fought off sleep for another hit - another line of conversations. we drove down freeways and winding roads in a sleepless stupor, the stereo blasting love songs that were a cheap imitation of what we felt. sometimes I wished you would take is over edge, and we would be forever young and crazy in loves. go slow around those curves. i only want you safe now. it doesn't matter if we're together or apart. i love you so much. i'll love you, right until the end.

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Paraahhh, sini kita gebuk²an

Репост из: — 𝔗𝔥𝔢 𝔅𝔢𝔲𝔱𝔶 𝔬𝔣 𝔄 𝔚𝔬𝔪𝔞𝔫
👀 Moshi Ophelie'L. @wouyoungQ (@wouyoungQ) read the message

Kerenn, thank youuu jev

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Good morning mootshi!! if yesterday was still boring and nothing special, i hope hari ini jauuuhhh lebih menyenangkan dari hari kemarin yaa. If yesterday wasn't good enough, I hope hari ini jauh lebih baik lagi. Dan jika hari kemarin masih sulit, aku berharaaapp banyakk semoga hari ini kesulitan itu tidak datang kembali yaa. Semangat menjalankan hari baru mootshi and have a nice day.

What do you think about me sir/madam??
  •   You look very classy, elegant and charming like an angel who came down from heaven
  •   You are a beautiful girl, have a soft heart, friendly & you are a lovely person
  •   Ughhh Moshi is so perfect, it's all on you. I can't predict it.
  •   You are really really cute but cool in the same time, i like your personality.
33 голосов

With the world's global beauty Aphrodite, Wonyoung, a ballet dancer the famous ballet theater in Paris was binding on her beauty yellow ballet shoes. 'One, two, three, four sweet attitudes, five' that she always said when warming up. She stretched her legs, did split and several elegant rounds as early before practicing. Today, she wears her white ballet clothes that are as white as goose and she wears her 24 carat gold clip, really elegant right? Her very beautiful face, her ideal posture and elegance in the ballet dance, was no wonder why she’s became Paris's number one ballet dancer. With her elegance, she performed a sweet attitude posture in ballet, runner's lunge, Hamstring press and First Position along with Second Position ; She did it repeatedly to perfecting her dance. She also did 32 rounds of Fouettés and She did it emotionally and gracefully. Really, she is very beautiful.

Depicts a classic representation of a heart. Moshi, the most beauteous. More classy than your ex. Epitome of Beauty.

𝒯here lived a woman with her charming beauty, she's 𝐖onyoung. her beauty can captivate everyone's heart, she also has many abilities, namely singing and even dancing. therefore she got the nickname as the goddess of beauty. of course it's so startling. the goddess of beauty, 𝐖onyoung. she is known as the goddess of beauty because she once shocked the korean-pop world because of her beauty. she also has a small and cute face. with a beauty that almost meets beauty standards in south korea, she has big eyes, a small nose, a heart shape, a small face, and her height is up to standard. she also has a face that is similar to a bunny, which is very adorable and very cute. sometimes his face can also resemble a kitten, very unstable. with her beautiful voice she can amaze everyone around her. beautiful voice combined with captivating music and dance, of course everyone can be captivated by it. she is 𝐖onyoung, a girl who was dubbed the goddess of beauty.

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