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We’re building a mass non-payment strike of energy bills starting on Oct 1st. Join us in building the strike!🔥

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“They are hoping that this decentralised, grassroots approach will urge huge numbers of people to take collective action. They believe that hundreds, if not thousands, of people are beginning to take action in their local communities.

The campaigners say on their website that they are “demanding a reduction of energy bills to an affordable level”. For this to work, they claim they need one million people to pledge to cancel their bills. The strike will not go ahead unless they have this “critical mass of people”. 
“Even if a fraction of those of us who are paying on credit metres withhold our payments,” they claim, “it will be enough to put energy companies in serious trouble, and they know this. We want to bring them to the table and force them to end this crisis.”

🔥🔥🔥 —-> join us

Did you know THAT? It turns out that the last 10 years of government regulation - or shall we say deregulation - and speculation with the energy market have brought us to this situation. And things aren't looking any better in the future. Small energy companies filled with profit-seeking entrepreneurs have been allowed to enter the market with zero cost risk. They rip the benefit of it while it lasts and run away with gross salaries in their pockets when it doesn't work well. But do you know why they can do this? Because we are all made to pay for their failures. They go directly to our energy bills when energy suppliers collapse. Only this year, 2.7bn have been added to our energy bills due to the collapse of 28 energy suppliers, and the amount could increase. Ofgem is solely to blame for locking us into a system where we can only lose. After all, can we afford to live without energy? We need a radical, immediate transformation of the energy market. We need to own our energy, not their failures

The new predictions for October-Dec AND for Jan-Mar are out:

Today's price cap: At typical use = £1,971/yr
Prediction Oct - Dec: UP 51% (£2,980/yr typical use)
Prediction Jan - Mar: UP 1% (£3,000/yr typical use)

This new estimation is 200 higher than the one released a month ago. What security do we have that it won't get even higher by October? And by the way, thanks to a change in the regulation, Ofgem can now make new evaluations every three months (as opposed to every 6 months). That is why we also have a new prediction for Jan-Mar. What does the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy do amidst a cost of living crisis and soaring energy bills? Removing restrictions on City bosses' paid, so they can continue getting richer while we continue getting poorer. Really?

But we won't wait for this to happen. We are building the mass resistance movement that can have the power to stop it. In less than 3 days we have 1300 sign-ups of people ready to start organising in their areas. More than 30k leaflets have been ordered to 50 different locations across the UK. The media is getting interested, they want to know who we are. We told them we are the millions who won't be able to afford their bills soon, coming together with those who can't afford them already, to fight back. Because alone, we face starvation, energy poverty and the individual punishments of this unbearable system, but united we are strong and can change this. Share with your neighbour, with your friends, with your parents, and siblings! DON'T PAY ENERGY BILLS

Something is clearly wrong when full time jobs are not enough to make a living. Few days ago, the funder of the gig-economy platform Just Eat was appointed "tsar of cost of living crisis" by the government. Today we learn that platforms like Deliveroo have experienced a 36% increase in monthly active workers, mostly workers that already have full time jobs for which their wages are just not enough. What is this joke? JUST DON'T PAY!

Yesterday we distributed 20k leaflets at the London TUC march. We encountered lots of people who were already thinking about it like we did. Today we find out that the only solution the government has for this crisis is appointing an ex CEO with no budget or power to "advise" small business on how to reduce their prices. Meanwhile, more and more families across the country are made to choose between heating or eating, and the new energy price cap for October will force the 40.5 % of families in the UK into fuel poverty, while energy companies score higher profits and prices rise. This is a SCAM and we know it. We won't stop pushing, we have the power, this is just the beginning. DON'T PAY ENERGY BILLS!!

The cost of living crisis is upon us. Millions of us are facing a huge increase in bills, the price of food and petrol is rising, mortgages keep going high. We are already choosing between eating or heating. Meanwhile, the biggest companies are seeing record breaking profits. It is as simple as it appears: as usual, we are being made to struggle, to make do, to tighten our belts, while they profit from it without doing anything. Like you, we are tired of their lies, we’ve had enough! We want to fightback against this scam of a system that we’re wasting our lives paying for!We demand the government and big energy companies to lower their prices to an affordable level other wise we will stop paying our bills on oct 1st! We won't pay! DON'T PAY ENERGY BILLS!

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