🇸🇾🇮🇱Un sirio resultó herido en una manifestación en contra de la presencia del ejército israelí en la zona de Daraa, después de que los soldados israelíes abrieran fuego al aire.
Uno de los manifestantes fue herido tras ser disparado directamente dicen medios sirios.
🇬🇧A Syrian man was injured during a demonstration against the presence of the Israeli army in the Daraa area, after Israeli soldiers opened fire in the air.
One of the protesters was wounded after being shot directly, Syrian media said.
Uno de los manifestantes fue herido tras ser disparado directamente dicen medios sirios.
🇬🇧A Syrian man was injured during a demonstration against the presence of the Israeli army in the Daraa area, after Israeli soldiers opened fire in the air.
One of the protesters was wounded after being shot directly, Syrian media said.