Репост из: Above Time Coffee Roasters
We just welcomed our fourth son into the world! Everyone is very happy and excited that he has joined our tribe.
Thank you all very much for your support, and for your patience while we process coffee orders. All orders are currently on a 3 to 4 week lead time and we are currently roasting the coffee for orders placed between April 19th and 20th and moving forward in batches. As always, if you need your order expedited, feel free to email us!
Thank you for your patience!
Thank you all very much for your support, and for your patience while we process coffee orders. All orders are currently on a 3 to 4 week lead time and we are currently roasting the coffee for orders placed between April 19th and 20th and moving forward in batches. As always, if you need your order expedited, feel free to email us!
Thank you for your patience!