Some believe these images are fake-deepfake or made by AI
"Many social media users have noticed that Pavel Durov, the founder of Telegram, appears quite different in family photos than in his carefully curated public images. This discrepancy often surprises and even confuses fans alike. However, the reason behind this phenomenon lies in the fact that the published images create a specific persona, often crafted by professional photographers.
In today's world, many photographers offer services to create an idealized online image. For instance, as you can see, Pavel Durov's photographer Nikolas Verano provides this service on their website here. This includes not only choosing flattering angles and lighting but also editing photos to produce a visual representation that can significantly differ from reality. As a result, the family man Durov and the media Durov represent two distinct faces, each serving its own purpose.
While Durov may be more relaxed and natural in his personal life, his public image is meticulously planned and edited to meet audience expectations.
TL;DR: Pavel Durov appears different in family photos compared to his public images due to the idealized personas created by professional photographers, highlighting the contrast between his private and public images."