Репост из: epistolize.
(...) solace, tranquility, and twilight’s radiance of april. |
summer’s embrace envelopes every sense, urging my pen to stroke archaic words of endearments and little invitation. the season’s beyond splendour, as delight’s embers softly glow. my words are inscribed upon the parchment where the words ignite brightly after, as a way of conveying my secrets in its gentle cues. basking beneath the light, with pen in hand, would your generous demeanor join me for a flight? there’s nirvana to explore with its whispers of zephyrs caressing you soft and thin. henceforth, let your knuckles gently knock the door of my abode take a note it’s only for those whose channel business provide profile needs and wording commission, let the mystical voyage transcended us.