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5 sisanya besok pagi

aycee buatin nanti pas sahur

🗳 5 dulu okee

- aley. @hotwishes
- areeq @crocodilepngi
- ansel @melbouner
- Bintang G. @kDoyovngx
- Mabel M.

👥 5 people of 5 have voted so far.
📖 Personal Participation

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Okee pada setuju hihi

sksk ayo main board


Finally, we are looking for new players to join us, to be Cardists. To play Poker and Blackjack together, we need players who are shrewd and have tactics that can beat opponents. No need to rush, just relax and enjoy the game. Are you interested in joining? If yes, read and obey the 𝗥𝗨𝗟𝗘𝗦 of play first, then use the full 𝗔𝗧𝗧𝗥𝗜𝗕𝗨𝗧𝗘𝗦. After that, you can fill in the form below:

Eyyo! I, (name + username), am ready to play poker/blackjack together.

And send it to @ofccardistrobot. We are waiting for you to join and play cards together with us. Let's be a part of Cardists and see you at the poker or blackjack room, dude!

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< 🍀🎋⛰📗 > 수천 일 수십억 초가 지나면 내 수명이 줄어들어 더 빨리 죽음에 이를 때가 왔다. 이 나이에 다음 나이까지 계속 볼 수 있기를 바랍니다.

⠀⠀⠀️⠀after thousands of days and billions of seconds, this time has come, the time when my lifespan will decrease to more quickly lead to death. I hope at this age I can still see you until the next age.

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tapi untuk khail syudah kok!

Selamat menunaikan ibadah puasa! Maaf yya kalau ayce banyak salah, yang punya salah ke ayce udah ayce maafin kecuali yang ngatain ayce halu gak ayce maafin

⠀⠀⠀️⠀𒀭 ࣪ ˖ . 𓂃 That smile diverts everything, those shady eyes describe everything - sadness, the past or even trauma. Is it possible that he has gone through many things in the world to be able to stand tall in front of me with a tired glow in his eyes? His past and attitude are like an unpredictable Pandora's box, so mysterious but always makes me want to open it. The long and complicated laby—rinth that is always on his mind makes me wonder how much experience he has.

⠀⠀⠀️⠀Was he a traveler who had crossed the seas and even the oceans? or a soul trying to find its heaven? he looks different, as if there is a secret that he keeps alone. but it is undeniable that he is so charming and perfect like the light of heaven that has been waiting for humans. He always looks mysterious and charming at the same time, but sometimes I often forget that because of his mischievous nature. He is like a child who needs affection, and I love him so much.

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📝 Cerita yyuk!
cerita dong tentang kejadian lucu atau horor yang pernah kalian alami !

👤 Ruth. pernah mimpi ketemu dia secaraa rl, gilaaa, lgsg gajadi move on aku

👤 #𝐇aeja. bosennnnnn

👤 #njak. Kemaren salah di panggil orang

👤 #kaje kejadian kmrn, aku manggil ade aku udah kenceng banget pas dia nengok bukan ade akk malu bnget😭😭

👤 Kemaren gw kencing dicelana karena di deketin bencong ( gapake bc soalnya malu bgt )

👤 #aksaj dirumah serem banget jir. apalagi srndirian

👤 #ano serem bgt knpa ya tiap sore ke malemin hujan petir trs

👤 #NZA hari ini badan gue rasanya mau remuk anjj

👤 🎧 Rubby. pernah ketindihan ituu serem btt

👤 #𝐋akon pernah salah manggil mana udah nepuk bahunya, kirain teman sekelas, ternyata adek kelas

👤 ✿ ׅ 𝑓leur : eum . . ngga pernah ngalamin keduanya,aku juga heran. hidupku terlalu flat untuk hal kaya gitu ://

👤 𓂃🖤ꜝꜞ ᳝ gua lgi nyapu halman pas Maghrib, kek ada yg ngintip dri smping rmh sumpah, gua ngibrit msuk ajg takt

👤 #keju. pernah aku sm adek aku ngetawain yg naek motor bawa payung, ngakak

👤 dilhan. kalo horor panjang sampe geleng" kalo dengernya wkwk

👤 Pernah kaget sama emak gue yang lagi maskeran udah gue katain "jancok setan" ternyata emak gue jing, kena pukul gue

👤 #Mikalsa tv di rumah pernah ganti channel sendiri, giliran ada orang yg datang langsung stop ganti channelnya 😭

👤 #DMN. pernah mimpi di kejar pocong, pas coba kabur malah pelan banget kaburnya

👤 #Daniel hari ini abis foto yearbook panas panas mana pake baju item, gila panas banget

👤 #MRKGF gw pernah mimpi ke Australia naik bajaj 80k

👤 @dNarkobaa malu, sepedahan tapi tiba-tiba patah jadi 2, waktu kecil

👤 ✧ Lacs, bangun tidur dikelas pas mau keluar izin ke kamar mandi malah nabrak pintu kelas, malu banget 😔😔

👤 luvaley 💌. masa ya tmn gue lgi cerita lucuu trus ketawa eh tbtb kentut gede bangettt 😭😭😭😭😭

👤 #asya pernahh jatuh depan krush angjai

👤 ҉ ִֶָsetan zaman skrg gada harga diri, ank kecil aja udh berani nyari nyari 😭😭

👥 40 people have voted so far.
📖 Anonymous Board

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< 🍂⌛️🧺📜 > ⠀️⠀⠀a soul that has freedom, whether in heaven or the ocean like the most loyal soul in the world. Your mind is not a cage but they are a garden, it can always grow and develop.

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