Incorrigible Bigotry

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Die on your feet or live on your knees,
it's your choice.

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Path of Gods
Handbook for the 21st century fascist

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Hail Holy Terror!

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Tom Metzger explaining that not all that is White is Aryan.

This works even better if you place the dime on a cleaning rod inserted in the barrel.

Репост из: Guerrilla Warfare School

Warning! Make sure weapons are unloaded before engaging in dry fire practice!

Some of the most common marksmanship-related errors are related to trigger control. Jerking the trigger, as well as pushing or pulling it to one side, will cause the muzzle to move off of the intended POA. This dry fire drill will help to perfect the shooter’s trigger control without firing a single live round.

Choose a small target and assume a stable firing position. Balance a coin on the exposed barrel or muzzle device of a rifle, or front sight post of a handgun. Acquire a good sight picture and point of aim, then smoothly and consistently depress the trigger directly to the rear. Given good trigger control, the coin will not fall off the weapon once the hammer strikes. If the coin does fall off, the trigger squeeze must be adjusted.

Try this in various positions with both a handgun and rifle.

Репост из: Civil War Two
Civil War Two.pdf
Civil War Two PDF

Репост из: The Wolf's Lair
Our men have marched in hostile lands
And sang a Devil’s song
A steady guard, on Volga stands
And hums this tune along
We lift up our song ever skyward
So all of the world may hear
That brave men will fight for their homeland
Whether they curse us or cheer
For we are the ones who go forward
And the Devil may laugh just like this:
Ha ha ha ha ha ha!
We’re fighting for Deutschland
We’re fighting for Hitler
While we march the reds know no peace
We fight with pride, where e’er we go
In North, South, East, and West
And now we stand prepared in heart
To face the Russian pests
Our soldiers know nothing of anguish
For our homeland we stand on our feet
No matter how often we languish
The SS will never retreat
For we are the ones who go forward
And the Devil may laugh just like this:
Ha ha ha ha ha ha!
We’re fighting for Deutschland
We’re fighting for Hitler
While we march the reds know no peace

- SS marschiert in Feindesland

Репост из: HateLab

“I was raised Catholic. I was confirmed Catholic. Received the sacrament of confirmation. Through my military years, I sort of lost touch with religion. I never really picked it up, however I do maintain its core beliefs”
-Timothy McVeigh-

Never hesitate from following the footsteps of the saints, it may not be easy but it will surely be worth every effort made.

You want to wear 'fashy' clothes to signal to potential allies? Fine but it's just asking for more attention than you might want from the big boys in offices. Not to mention a lot of this shit is cringe as fuck. Holy shit learn what a grey man is and strive for it.

Репост из: Corona Chan News 🦠
"Carry more brass and less everything else"

- Matt Bracken, US Navy Seal

It should go without saying that going forward, do not involve yourself with named groups, online or otherwise.

You want to change things, you want to help your people? Posting stickers and flyers is fucking stupid and only puts a big fat target on your back for the system to zero in on.

So many times I see people talking a big game about how siege they are but rarely do I see them actually employing the tenets laid out by Mason genuinely.

Stop posting pictures of yourself in skull masks, stop talking about your gear and personal experiences it does not help you or anyone else. You want some clout? Go to instagram with the kids who want to play revolutionary and get your dick stroked.

Репост из: HateLab
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SIEGE 2.26 - 2.46

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