I've never been one for understatements so I'm not going to say this is love. I'm not going to say your voice moves me in ways the laws of physics fail to define; that when you're tired a huskiness seizer your throat that floods my veins with peafe. I won't say you're perfect; that i turn to love you and every other direction pales in comparison; that somedays i miss you like someone drowning misses the air; that i could spend lifetimes writing poetry about undiscovered libraries nestled soundly in the valleys of your eyes.
Forgive me if I forever fumble over words trying to do justice to the way you make me feel. I guess what I'm trying to say if I had to choose but one thing from the expanses of the never-ending univerese to call my own i'd choose you.
I choose you. Everyday i wake up to love you, i'll continue to choose you everday until forever. I choose to love, cherish, adore, take care of, to be with you. I choose to be loyal, i choose to be honest, i choose to fight for you. They're the most important to me. I've already love you as well, but i havent always to say it. I'll try everyday to do better, because you makes me a better person. I've never knew love, i've never knew understanding, but i believe in you.
Forgive me if I forever fumble over words trying to do justice to the way you make me feel. I guess what I'm trying to say if I had to choose but one thing from the expanses of the never-ending univerese to call my own i'd choose you.
I choose you. Everyday i wake up to love you, i'll continue to choose you everday until forever. I choose to love, cherish, adore, take care of, to be with you. I choose to be loyal, i choose to be honest, i choose to fight for you. They're the most important to me. I've already love you as well, but i havent always to say it. I'll try everyday to do better, because you makes me a better person. I've never knew love, i've never knew understanding, but i believe in you.